

Original price was: Rs.460.00.Current price is: Rs.415.00.

Size (Per Unit) : 120 Tablets
Dosage : 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily.


Haritaki Ghan Vati: A Herbal Remedy For Improving Overall Health Of Digestive System

Haritaki ghan vati by planet ayurveda is specially formulated to improve the overall health of the digestive system. Agni (Digestive fire) plays an important role in maintaining healthy digestion. Agni is present in the whole body along with your gut and promotes overall health. Gut health is most important because if your gut is healthy digestion is good which leads to good absorption and healthy nourishment of the body. When agni gets vitiated our body begins to produce ama (toxins), these toxins start accumulating and cause blockage in the channels of the body which affects the flow of nutrients in the whole body and the whole process of nourishment gets hampered. Through all these processes pathology of disease started. So for keeping our body disease free we must have to take care of our agni. For this purpose Planet Ayurveda provides you with their haritaki ghan vati. Let’s take a look at all the properties and details of haritaki ghan vati.

Ingredients Used in Haritaki Ghan Vati

Each tablet is of 500 MG

Main Ingredient:-

Sr. No. Indian Name Botanical Name Quantity Used
1. Haritaki Terminalia chebula 500mg

Ref. Ayurvedic Text [ Bhavprakash nighantu ]

Description of Used Ingredients in Haritaki Ghan Vati

  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): Haritaki is regarded as the king of medicines and known for being used to prevent and cure a wide variety of health conditions. Haritaki is popularly known by the name of Indian walnut. Haritaki has a lot of benefits, by keeping the digestion healthy it promotes the overall health of your body by preventing the accumulation of ama that is the main cause of dosha vitiation. Haritaki is panchrasa lavana varjita which means it includes all the rasa (tastes) except lavana (salty taste), so the taste of haritaki is katu (pungent), tikta (bitter), kshaya (astringent), madhura (sweet) and amla (sour). Along with that the guna (qualities) of haritaki are laghu (light) and ruksha (dry) with hot potency. With all these properties haritaki promotes the pacification of all the doshas that are vata, pitta and kapha, as the imbalance of these three doshas are the main reason for the cause of any disease. Hence by balancing all doshas, haritaki provides you with great health.

Therapeutic Properties of Haritaki Ghan Vati

Haritaki ghan vati by planet ayurveda provides you a wide variety of benefits, all of them are listed below:

  • Pacify all doshas (vata, pitta, kapha)
  • Promotes healthy gut health
  • Prevents the accumulation of ama (toxins) in the body
  • Also promotes liver health and balance the levels of liver enzymes that plays an important role in providing healthy digestive health
  • By improving digestion it prevents you from various digestion related issues such as- constipation, abdominal pain, gas, flatulence, piles, fissure, fistula, etc.
  • It also helps in preventing autoimmune diseases like ulcerative colitis, IBS, etc.
  • Improving liver health also helps to prevent you from conditions like fatty liver, jaundice, anemia, etc.

Who Can Use this Product?

Haritaki ghan vati is used by people of all age groups whether they are children, adults and old people. But you should consume these tablets with the advice of a physician only.

Specific Diseases That This Product Can relieve

  • Constipation
  • Liver diseases
  • Indigestion
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Detoxification by removing accumulated ama dosha
  • Weight loss by promoting good digestion and removing toxins
  • Provides good metabolism
  • Maintains regular bowel movements
  • Nourish the bodily tissues

Dosage of Haritaki Ghan Vati

  • Dosage for children: 1-2 tablets per day.
  • Dosage for adults and old age: 2-4 tablets per day.

Consume these tablets with plain water and after meals. Dosage can be changed according to the health concern of the person.

Side Effects of Haritaki Ghan Vati

Haritaki ghan vati by planet ayurveda does not cause any side effects but it is to be noted that one must have to consume these tablets as prescribed by the physician.

Product Details

  • Product form: Tablets
  • Package type: Bottle
  • Package quantity: 120 tablets

Advantages of Using Haritaki Ghan Vati

  • The ingredient used in haritaki ghan vati is 100% pure.
  • This formulation is prepared under the proper guidance of M.D ayurveda practitioners.
  • It is free from any kind of additives and preservatives like gums, resins, flavors, fillers, yeast, etc.
  • You can feel free to consume these tablets without even thinking about them as these tablets are properly checked with quality concerns.
  • Haritaki ghan vati is best in curing all types of digestive problems, even it can prevent all types of digestion related issues like Constipation, Liver diseases, Indigestion, Gas, Bloating, for improving regular bowel movements and very much effective in nourishing bodily tissues.

So feel free to consume these tablets to have good digestion health and get rid of all health issues as you all know that all diseases are born from the stomach.


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