

Original price was: Rs.2,530.00.Current price is: Rs.2,230.00.



Sr. No. Products Quantity
1. Gandhak Rasayan 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
2. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
3. Vran Rakshas Tel 1 Bottle (100 ml)
4. Nirgundi Oil 1 Bottle (100 ml)


Fungal infection can occur in any part of the body, inside and outside along with the bacteria. In this article we are going to discuss fungal infection in the nails of toes and fingers. Nails have their own importance. They are not a waste part of our body, they protect our hands and act as strong shields while performing day to day activities. And fungal infection is a worrying condition as it leads to restricting your hands from performing day to day activities. If someone reading this article is suffering from the fungal infection of nails, you must read this article carefully as here is a solution for you guys. In this study we are going to discuss fungal infection, its causes, symptoms, ayurvedic view and fungal nail care pack by planet ayurveda.


Fungal infection of fingernails and toenails are common types of fungal infections that lead to discolouration of nails, thickened nails and cracking or breaking of nails. Most commonly the infection occurs in toenails rather than fingernails. Commonly the nail fungal infection is known as onychomycosis and as per ayurveda it is correlated to Bahya krimi roga which affects the rakta vaha srotas. The fungi involved in nail fungal infection is tinea unguium and normally develop with long time passage and one may not noticed it immediate after occurrence it can take a long time to come in view and the condition become chronic at that time but don’t worry further in this article we are having a solution for that so let’s read further.

Symptoms Of Fungal Nail Infection

In fungal nail infection there is the involvement of a part of the nail, one single nail or more than one nail. Commonly the following changes come into view when one is affected from fungal nail infection:

  • Brittle nail
  • Thickened nail
  • Distortion of nail
  • Nail lifting from nail bed
  • Some foul smelling nail

Causes Of Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal nail infection can occur with the contact of various fungi but most commonly it is caused by tinea unguium. Most of the dermatophytes are also one of the major causes of this type of infection. Yeats and molds are another cause that come into play. Here are some risk factors due to which the infection can occur. Let’s have a look at the same:

Risk Factors For Fungal Nail Infection

  • Moist environment
  • Heavy sweating
  • Past history of athlete foot
  • Walking barefoot in a public place
  • Nail injury
  • Skin disease such as psoriasis
  • Diabetes
  • Weak immune system
  • Affected blood supply

Diagnosis Of Fungal Nail Infection

Most commonly the condition is not diagnosed by just seeing through naked eye as some conditions mimic the same as nail fungal infection. When you visit your doctor, he or she will get a sample from the nail and do a differential diagnosis from other such conditions. So if you are in doubt of having a nail fungal infection it is a must to visit a doctor for a clear diagnosis.

Ayurvedic View Of Fungal Nail Infection

As per ayurveda nail fungal infection is commonly correlated to rakta vaha sroto dushti janya bahya krimi roga. Imbalance of pitta and kapha dosha at the site of nails causes krimi accumulation and leads to obstruction of raktavaha srotas. The symptoms included thickened nails, foul smelling due to kapha dosha and brittle and distorted nails due to pitta dosha.

Treatment as per Ayurveda for Fungal Nail Infection

As per ayurveda the chikitsa siddhant (line of treatment) for bahya krimi roga is apakarshana, prakriti vighata and nidaan privarjan. In apkarshan chikitsa extraction of krimi is done with hasta yantra (manual extraction) and bheshaja apakarshana (therapeutic extraction) and in case of nail fungal infection bheshaja apkarshan. Prakriti vighata, this step involves the creation of unfavorable conditions for the growth of krimi. The third one is nidaan parivarjan, which includes deprivation of the causes by which nail fungal infection is caused. Nidaan for nail fungal infection is kaphaj and pittaj ahara like hot, sour, spicy food, alcohol, fermented food, pungent food, garlic, onion, chillies, etc. Lifestyle factors that can lead to krimi roga mainly include the warm and moist environment. So the person who is suffering from the condition must avoid these diets and lifestyle to alleviate your condition.

Herbal Remedies By Planet Ayurveda for Fungal Nail Infection

For fungal nail infection planet ayurveda provides you with a fungal nail care pack. All the herbal medications of this pack are prepared under the strict guidance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. The formulations are free from any kind of preservatives and additives such as gums, resins, color, artificial sugars, etc. and all include 100% pure herbs. This pack includes 4 herbal remedies. So let’s have a look:

  1. Gandhak Rasayan
  2. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula
  3. Vran Rakshas Tel
  4. Nirgundi Oil

Products Description

1. Gandhak Rasayan

Gandhak rasayan is a miraculous formulation that is prepared by planet ayurveda which consists of only a single ingredient shuddha gandhak (purified sulfur). Gandhak rasayan possesses various properties such as antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, blood purifying and anti-ageing properties. Due to these properties it helps in preventing and eliminating nail fungal infection

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.

2. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula

Gleaming skin, hair, nails formula is one of the polyherbal capsule formulations by planet ayurveda. This herbal formulation is especially formulated for maintaining the health of skin, hair and nails. That’s why these capsules are added to this pack. Further we are going to discuss the ingredients and benefits of the ingredients and why it is effective in managing nail fungal infection.

Ingredients and Their Benefits

  1. Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia): Manjishtha is one of the ayurvedic blood purifying herbs. Manjishtha is rakta shodhak (blood purifier), varnakrut (improves skin complexion) and shotha hara (anti-inflammatory). It also alleviates pitta dosha; all these properties of manjishtha are very helpful in relieving nail fungal infection.
  2. Pit papda (Fumaria officinalis): Pit papda (Fumaria officinalis) includes various properties such as tikta ras (bitter taste), sheeta veerya (cold potency) and balances kapha and pitta dosha. As it is an effective pitta shamak herb due to its cold potency, that’s why it is beneficial in treating fungal nail infection.
  3. Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus): Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) is a herb with properties like madhura (sweet) and tikta (bitter) ras (taste) along with sheeta veerya (cold potency). Sariva purifies and detoxifies blood and removes accumulated ama dosha (endotoxins) from the body, thus alleviating the symptoms of fungal nail infection.
  4. Ghrit kumari (Aloe barbadensis): Ghrit kumari (Aloe barbadensis) consists of soothing and cooling effects and is a tridosha shamak herb. This herb consists of ropan effects that are very useful in case of wound occurrence by fungal infection in nails.

Dosage: 1 Capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.

3. Vran Rakshas Tel

This one of the effective oil formulations by planet ayurveda under the range of herbal oils that is mainly formulated for any type of external infections. This herbal oil helps in eliminating the nail fungal infection by its effective herbs. We are going to mention the ingredients used in this oil and how it works in nail fungal infection.

Ingredients Of Vran Raksha Tel

  1. Sarson oil (Sinapsis alba): Sarson oil is prepared from sarson that is mustard which includes properties such as katu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) taste with ushna veerya (hot potency). It effectively pacifies kapha and vata dosha which further relieves pain and inflammation in nails affected by fungus.
  2. Shuddha parada (purified mercury): You may wonder to know that purified mercury shows great results in fungal nail infection by acting as a disinfectant as it prevents fungal growth along with restricting the replication of fungus so that’s why it is added to the vran rakshas oil.
  3. Shudha gandhak (purified sulphur): Shudha gandhak (purified sulphur) consists of various properties such as it purifies blood, prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body and has antimicrobial effect due to which the purified sulphur is very beneficial in fungal wounds.
  4. Shuddha hartal (purified arsenic compound): Shuddha hartal (purified arsenic compound) is pungent, astringent, unctuous and hot in nature. Its local application is usually beneficial in various skin diseases and effectively balances kapha and pitta dosha. It prevents the growth of microorganisms thus used in vrana rakshas oil for managing fungal infection.
  5. Nag sindhur (red oxide of lead): Nag sundhur (red oxide of lead) is one of the best remedies that is used for local application in skin diseases. In fungal nail infection it is useful for preventing the growth of fungus and if the wound is formed it assists in promoting granulation tissue growth.
  6. Shudha manahshila (purified realgar): Shudha manashila (purified realger) is one of the important arsenic compounds that is used in the field of ayurveda. The antiinflammatory properties of this ingredient makes the oil beneficial for managing the inflammation in case of nail fungal infection.
  7. Garlic (Allium sativum): Garlic (Allium sativum) consists of various properties such as madhura, lavana, tikta, katu and kshaya rasa (sweet, salt, bitter, pungent and kshaya taste) along with piercing properties. The antioxidant and rejuvenating effects of garlic on local application prevents fungal growth and aids in wound healing due to fungal growth.
  8. huddha vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox): Shuddha vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox) effectively balances tridosha and it is proven to be anti-inflammatory in nature. Thus the local application of shuddha vatsanabha assists in reducing inflammation in case of fungal nail infection.
  9. Tamra bhasma (calyx of copper): It has soothing properties that provide calm to the nail bed on application and relieves any inflammation and itching. It helps in maintaining the normal skin color while improving the complexion of the skin of the nail bed.

    Directions of application: Mix this oil with nirgundi oil and apply 3-4 times a day.

4. Nirgundi Oil

Nirgundi oil is a classical ayurvedic formulation prepared by planet ayurveda as per classical text. It possesses katu (pungent), tikta (bitter) and kshaya (astringent) taste along with ushna (hot) potency due to which it balances vata and kapha dosha. Nirgundi oil mainly provides relief from itching and burning sensation. This oil consists of 6 ingredients. Let’s have a look at its ingredients and their properties that are useful for nail fungal infection.

Ingredients Of Nirgundi Oil

  1. Tila Oil (Sesamum indicum): Tila oil (Sesamum indicum) consists of miraculous vata pacifying and kapha pacifying properties. Vata dosha aggravation is responsible for pain, thus by pacifying vata dosha tila oil assists in relieving pain on local application. It possesses great anti-inflammatory properties due to its ropana action.
  2. Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia): Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) consists of various properties such as rooksha (dry), tikta (bitter), kshaya (astringent), madhur (sweet) with ushna veerya (hot potency). This herb is shotha hara (relieves inflammation) due to the mentioned properties thus plays an important role in relieving inflammation on local application in case of fungal nail infection.
  3. Haridra (Curcuma longa): Haridra (Curcuma longa) has various properties such as tikta (bitter), katu (pungent) ras (taste), rooksha (dry) and laghu (light to digest) quality with hot potency. These properties effectively assist in providing vata and kapha shamaka effects. Thus its application helps in relieving pain, itching and inflammation due to anti-oxidants, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Nirgundi (Vitex negundo): Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) herb is hot in potency and considered as one of the best herbs for alleviating kapha dosha. As we know that kapha is the main cause for kleda (excessive sweating) that is considered as a promotive factor for growth of fungus so by pacifying kapha dosha nirgundi aids in preventing the growth of fungus.
  5. Kalihari (Gloriosa superba): Kalihari Gloriosa superba) is also known as langali which has properties such as katu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) ras (taste), ushna veerya (hot potency) with kapha vata shamaka properties. With shophahara properties, kalahari helps in reducing inflammation and with bitter properties it aids in preventing fungal growth.

Directions of application: Mix this oil with vran rakshas tel and apply it 3-4 times a day.


Fungal Nail Care Pack by Planet Ayurveda is an effective pack for managing nail fungal infection. Fungal infection of fingernails and toenails are common types of fungal infections that lead to discolouration of nails, thickened nails and cracking or breaking of nails. The fungi involved in nail fungal infection is tinea unguium and normally develop with long time passage and one may not noticed it immediate after occurrence it can take a long time to come in view and the condition become chronic at that time but don’t worry in this article we explained the solution for the same. Fungal nail care pack consists of four herbal remedies that mainly helps in the management of nail fungal infection by purifying blood, preventing growth of fungus, alleviating pain and inflammation and healing of wounds formed by fungal infection. These herbal medications are prepared with pure herbs and purified minerals so these are 100% safe and can be consumed without any fear.