

Original price was: Rs.4,510.00.Current price is: Rs.3,970.00.



Sr. No. Products Quantity
1. Bone Support 1 Bottles (60 Capsules)
2. Joint Aid Plus 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
3. Coral Calcium Complex 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
4. Lakshadi Guggul 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)


If your joints are healthy then you may freely jump, walk, play and perform daily activities without facing any kind of difficulty. Main role in preventing the restriction of joints to perform daily activities is played by the healthy cartilages. These cartilages help in gliding the bones over one another which prevents the rubbing of bones against each other. To maintain healthy joints there is a need to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. A good physical activity with a balanced diet, healthy sleep and avoiding injuries will help in maintaining healthy joints. In case there is not a balance in all the mentioned things you may suffer from a number of joint diseases. In this article we are going to discuss one of the joint diseases – Osteoarthritis and its Ayurvedic management.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a joint disease that is most common among all the chronic joint diseases. It is also known as wear and tear type of arthritis, degenerative disease and degenerative arthritis. In the condition of OA there is a breakage of cartilage covering the bony ends which leads to rubbing of bones that leads to various symptoms such as stiffness, pain, etc. It can affect any of the joints but commonly affects the joints of knees, hands, spine and hips. Now let’s discuss further all about this degenerative joint condition.


Some facts one should know about Osteoarthritis

  • Osteoarthritis is common in older people
  • It is one of the leading cause of disability
  • This condition affects 32.5 million adults in US
  • OA affects 13.9% in people over 24 years and 33.6% in people over 64 years
  • Under the age of 45 OA is more common in males than females
  • People with age of 45 years or more than 45 years this condition is common in females than males
  • Among all the cases of OA females are more affected that is upto 62%


The major cause of OA is joint damage, the risk of damage increases overtime that’s why it is more common in old age people. As the older the person is the more is the repetitive stress on the joints. Other than increasing age there are some omore factors which may leads to joint damage that we are going to mention below:

  • Past injury
  • Torn cartilage
  • Dislocated joints
  • Ligament injury
  • Joint malformation
  • Obesity
  • Poor posture

Bove are the causes of joint degeneration, beside this some risk factors are also here which is mentioned below:

  • Genetic history
  • Women gender
  • Older than 50 years
  • Post menopause state
  • Occupation with heavy lifting, climbing, kneeling and some other activities like this
  • Medical condition which may affects the joints such as diabetes and other types of arthritis


Following are the common joints that are affected in OA:

  • Fingers
  • Hands
  • Spine
  • Shoulders
  • Knees
  • Hips


Most common symptoms of osteoarthritis are mentioned as below:

  • Stiffness in joints
  • Pain in joints
  • Loss of flexibility of joint movement
  • Reduction in range of motion of joints
  • Tenderness on affected joint area
  • Discomfort
  • Inflammation
  • Crepitus, crackling, popping or clicking sounds while moving the affected joints
  • Formation of bony spurs


This is a condition that develops slowly over time that;s why it is hard to diagnose until the arrival of symptoms. Early diagnosis of QQA is only possible if there is some condition such as any injury or accident for which there is a need of X-Ray examination of that particular part. If there is any abnormality in the X-Ray then a doctor may refer you for the MRI for a clear diagnosis. Some other diagnostic techniques used for diagnosis of OA are blood tests to differentiate whether it is OA or RA. Also synovial fluid analysis is done which helps in differentiating OA from gout. So these are some diagnostic techniques that may help in diagnosing OA. Now we are going to discuss the Ayurvedic view of Osteoarthritis.


As per Ayurveda there is a direct correlation of osteoarthritis with Sandhigata Vata. In the condition of sandhigata vata there is an aggravation of vata dosha first and after that vata dosha gets located in joints which further leads to degeneration in that particular joints. Causes of Sandhigata vata: Ativyama (excessive exercise), apatarpana (excessive fasting), prapatan (injury), bhagna (fracture), ratri jagrana (awakening late night), kshaya (depletion of bodily tissues), intake of ruksha, katu and tikta ahara (dry, pungent and bitter food items), and all other dietary and lifestyle habits that may cause aggravation of vata dosha. Symptoms of OA: Shoola (pain), Atopa (Crepitus sounds from joints), vata purna driti sparsha (when we rub on the affected joint the sound resembles to a sound coming while rubbing an air filled balloon), shotha (swelling) and painful movement of the affected joints. This is a brief Ayurvedic view on OA, now let’s see Ayurvedic management of OA by Planet Ayurveda.


Planet Ayurveda is a GMP and ISO certified Company which formulate their own herbal remedies. This clinic works in regardance to Ayurvedic management only. The supplements prepared by Planet Ayurveda are 100% pure and vegetarian so can be consumed by anyone. These supplements are devoid of any kind of added synthetic materials like fiber, resins, starch, gums, etc and any kind of preservatives too. So due to these mentioned qualities of products there is no need to worry about any kind of side effects if consumed under the guidance of Ayurvedic practitioners. Planet Ayurveda provides supplements for promotive health as well as for preventive health. For the purpose of managing Osteoarthritis they provide a pack of remedies named as OA (Osteoarthritis) Care Pack. Let’s see how each remedy of this pack helps in alleviating the symptoms of OA.





Bone Support as the name suggests is a remedy formulated by Planet Ayurveda for supporting healthy bones. This remedy is available in capsule form and consists of standardized extracts of shuddha laksha (Laccifer lacca), sehjan (Moringa oleifera), Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) and various others. Below we will discuss how each ingredient of these capsules helps in supporting the health of bones.


  1. Shuddha laksha (Laccifer lacca): Shuddha laksha (Laccifer lacca) is one of the natural bone supplements in the field of Ayurveda. It provides strength to the bones and assists in regaining the natural bone mineral density.
  2. Sehjan (Moringa oleifera): Sehjan (Moringa oleifera) consists of phosphorus and calcium that assists in keeping bones strong and healthy. Also the best anti-inflammatory effect of sehjan make it beneficial in managing all types of arthritis.
  3. Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis): Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) is rich in vitamin C which increases absorption of calcium that further enhances the bone metabolism. So it helps in building the bones and can be used in healing the bones after injury.
  4. Arjun (Terminalia arjuna): Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) herb stimulates the activity of osteoblasts and inhibits the differentiation of osteoclasts which further promotes bone formation and lowers the bone resorption.
  5. Praval pishti (An Ayurvedic Coral compound): Praval pishti is rich in calcium content. As calcium is the building block of bones, so Praval pishti plays a great role in remodeling of bones and promoting the natural growth of bones.
  6. Mukta (pearl): Mukta (Pearl) is also used practically as a calcium supplement. The calcium content present in mukta is micro fine thus it is easily absorbable through the gut lining. It helps in providing strength to muscles, bones and joints.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Joint Aid Plus is a capsule formulation by Planet Ayurveda which consists of standardized extracts of nirgundi (Vitex negundo), shallaki (Boswellia serrata), guggul (Commiphora mukul) and various others. The ingredients present in Joint Aid Plus as the name suggests assist in promoting joint health. Let us know further how each ingredient of these capsules effectively promotes joint health.


  1. Nirgundi (Vitex negundo): As in case of osteoarthritis there is degeneration of the joints and the main cause behind depletion is aggravated vata dosha. Nirgundi helps in preventing the degeneration of the joints by its vata pacifying effect.
  2. Shallaki (Boswellia serrata): Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) has the best anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. So shallaki with these effects assist in managing the pain and swelling of joints in case of osteoarthritis.
  3. Guggul (Commiphora mukul): Guggul (Commiphora mukul) has vata pacifying effects, as in producing OA symptoms the main cause is vata dosha aggravation. So guggul being vata pacifying assists in managing the symptoms of Osteoarthritis.
  4. Shunthi (Zingiber officinale): Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) consists of hot potency that has a great effect on vata and kapha dosha. By pacifying vata dosha this herb prevents the degeneration of joints and with kapha pacification shunthi reduces the inflammation in the affected joints.
  5. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has balya (strengthening) and rasayana (rejuvenating) properties with vata pacifying action. This herb plays a great role in improving overall strength of the bones.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Coral calcium complex as the name suggests is a remedy full of calcium content. Planet Ayurveda formulates this remedy in capsule form and with the standardized extract of praval pishti, akik pishti, mukta pishti and various others. In the following information we will learn how each of the ingredients of these capsules helps in alleviating the symptoms of osteoarthritis.


  1. Praval pishti (Coral): Praval pishti (Coral) is a wonderful remedy enriched with high calcium content. Its regular intake assists in strengthening the bones, maintains the overall health of bones thus provides a strong skeletal system.
  2. Akik pishti (Agate): The calming effect of akik pishti helps in the pacification of vata dosha and alleviates the degeneration of joints. Akik pishti by relieving stress in the body prevents the degeneration of the bones.
  3. Jawar mohra pishti (An Ayurvedic Compound): As we read in the introduction of these capsules that it is a remedy full of calcium content. So this pishti being a calcium rich remedy makes these capsules more effective in promoting bone health.
  4. Kamdudha Ras (An Ayurvedic Compound): The people with pittaj prakriti do not have dense bones, if vitiation of pitta dosha is there then the inflammation persists. Kamdusha being pitta pacifying helps in reducing inflammation.
  5. Mukta pishti (Pearl): Mukta pishti (Pearl) strengthens the bones on being a calcium rich remedy. The calcium particles present in mukta pishti are very fine and easily absorbable via gut lining thus helps in fast healing of the fractures.
  6. Giloy Satva (Tinospora cordifolia): Giloy Satva (Tinospora cordifolia) is beneficial for making bones stronger and preventing any kind of bone diseases. Being an anti-inflammatory this herb helps in alleviating inflammation in case of OA.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Lakshadi Guggul is one of the best classical ayurvedic formulations that has been used since ancient times for strengthening and healing bones. This formulation is prepared by Planet Ayurveda under the strict observance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. The remedy consists of various ingredients that we will discuss below with the benefits of each ingredient.


  1. Laksha (Laccifer lacca): Laksha (Laccifer lacca) is one of the best remedies that helps in fast recovery of any bone injury. Also it has vata pacifying effects that prevents the further degeneration of the joints thus provides great relief in the symptoms of OA.
  2. Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis): This herb is enriched with vitamin C which is essential for increasing the absorption of calcium. As calcium is the building block of bones so hadjod effectively promotes the formation of healthy bones.
  3. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna): Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is very effective in promoting bone formation and in reducing the resorption of bone. This herb provides the previous effect by inhibiting the differentiation of osteoclasts and stimulating osteoclasts.
  4. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) provides strength to the bones with its strengthening properties. Also it has vata pacifying and rejuvenating properties which helps in preventing the further degeneration of bones in OA.
  5. Nagabala (Grewia populifolia): Due to rasayana (rejuvenating) properties of Nagabala (Grewia populifolia) it is added to the lakshadi guggul preparation. It boosts the bone healing effect.
  6. Guggul (Commiphora mukul): Guggul (Commiphora mukul) being a vata pacifying prevents degeneration of bone cells. It also consists of an anti-inflammatory effect thus relieves the inflammation in the affected joints.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.


In the condition of OA there is a breakage of cartilage covering the bony ends which leads to rubbing of bones that leads to various symptoms such as stiffness, pain, etc. If your joints are healthy then you may freely jump, walk, play and perform daily activities without facing any kind of difficulty. So it’s important to keep joints healthy for performing day to day activities without any hindrance. As per Ayurveda there is a direct correlation of osteoarthritis with Sandhigata Vata. In the condition of sandhigata vata there is an aggravation of vata dosha first and after that vata dosha gets located in joints which further leads to degeneration in that particular joints. For managing Sandhigata vata there is a need to pacify the vata dosha. For this purpose Planet Ayurveda provides you with OA (Osteoarthritis Care Pack) which includes the remedies that strengthens the overall bone health and prevents the degeneration of joints. These remedies are free from any kind of added synthetic materials and preservatives so there are no side effects of these remedies. So feel free to consume this OA Care Pack for alleviating the symptoms of OA.


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