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Effective Herbal Remedies for Management of Erectile Dysfunction

S. No. Products Quantity
1 Tribulus Power 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
2 Atirasadi Churna 1 Pack (200gms)
3 Male Support Formula 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)

Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack is very effective for the management of a major sexual problem in males i.e. Impotence and helps to restore physical and mental strength


Erectile dysfunction is an inability to sustain an erection. It is a serious health concern in males and is one of the major causes of male infertility.

It is also called as impotence and may occur due to many causes that may be medical or physiological. It can affect men of all ages and is said to affect each and every male at some point of their lifetime with different reasons.


There are many medical causes for the development of impotence or erectile dysfunction in any person. These include diseases like diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thyroid problems, nerve damage, pelvic trauma etc.

Other common behavioral factors for impotence include, stress at home and at work place, excessive smoking, alcoholism and fatigue.


The major symptom of erectile dysfunction is indisputably, an inability to hold an erection or just not able to achieve one. It is a common problem and is mostly temporary, but when it persists, it starts to play on the mind of the patient with the result that many patients fall into deep depression and guilt of not being able to satisfy their partner.

Patients having impotence as a secondary condition to a major illness like Diabetes have symptoms that are suggestive of the primary disease. For e.g. patients of hypertension with impotence will complain of a raised blood pressure with a possible atherosclerosis.


There are many medicines that claim to improve this condition to a large extent but, nothing beats the effectiveness and long lasting results of the ayurvedic management of these disorders.

Planet Ayurveda has formulated one of the most effective herbal combinations that help in the effective management of erectile dysfunction and related disorders in the of Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack.

ABOUT Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack

Planet Ayurveda’s Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack is a combination of two very effective medicines namely Atirasadi Churna, Tribulus Power and Male Support Formula. This pack is formulated after careful observation of the effect of these medicines on a number of patients suffering from these problems.

The medicines have to be taken for an extended period of time ranging from two to six months to obtain best results. Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack is a natural herbal formulation that has a lasting impact on the patients overall health both physiologically and mentally.

This pack can be combined with other herbal medicines for the management of other disorders like Diabetes, thyroid problems and hypertension etc. for the management of this condition.



Tribulus Power Capsules are very effective herbal capsules that are used in the management. It improves muscular strength and stamina in case of males having extremely weak physique and musculature. The capsules are very effective for the management of other problems like loss of libido, mental stress, feeling of guilt and low self-esteem. The capsules have a stimulating impact on the body’s metabolism so that all endocrine functions take place normally. It is also helpful in preventing age related impotence and can help maintain a healthy sex life in males for a long time.

The capsules also work on the nervous system in males to strengthen the nerve supply to the genitalia and the surrounding perineum. Natural Ayurvedic herbs such as Ashwagandha and Shilajit have been used in preparing these capsules.

Dosage – 2 cap twice daily with plain water, after meals.


Atirasadi churna is a very popular herb from the house of Planet Ayurveda which has been used on a lot of patients for its amazing aphrodisiac benefits, especially in males. It is a powder formulation with a combination of herbs like musli (Curculigo orchioides), Shatavari (Asparagus), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Ashwagandha (Withania somiferum), Akarkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum), Vidarikanda (Puereria tuberosa), Varahikanda (Puereria tuberosa), Nutmeg (myristica fragrans) and Saffron. It is a unique herbal combination with a blend of the best rejuvenating medicines that have been diversely discussed in various texts on Ayurveda. It not only improves erectile disorders but is helpful in the management of seminal problems like oligospermia, azoospermia, blockages in the reproductive system etc.

Regular use of atirasadi churna improves testosterone levels in blood and increases the amount of semen formation as well as its quality.

Dosage – 1 tsp twice daily with plain water, after meals.


This is a polyherbal formulation. It is prepared from the extracts of herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabianum), and Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). This is an effective herbal remedy for sexual well-being. It increases the male stamina and ejaculation time. This is the best remedy for erectile dysfunction as it properly circulates the blood flow in the penis and maintains the erection. This is also an effective remedy for men suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. The herbs in this formulation together make it an herbal Viagra for men to enhance their sexual power and pleasure.

Dosage – 1 cap twice daily with plain water, after meals.

HOW OUR Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack HELPS YOU

Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack is a natural solution to a lot of problems related to the male reproductive system that affect his physical needs and self-confidence.

Regular use of this pack can help improve sexual drive, solve erectile issues and instill confidence in depressed patients. It can be used as a great supportive therapy for patients who have been suffering from other problems with impotence as an associated condition.

Erectile Dysfunction Care Pack is a natural solution to age related senile changes that can adversely affect the sexual health of males. It has a rejuvenating impact on the physical strength and psyche of an individual.