Effective Herbal Remedies for Thalassemia
S.No. | Products | Quantity |
1 | Spirulina Capsules | 1 Bottle (60 capsules) |
2 | Wheat Grass Powder | 1 Pack (100gm) |
3 | Green Essentials | 1 Bottle (60 capsules) |
About Thalassemia
Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder, in which the hemoglobin level in the blood becomes inadequate resulting in decreased oxygen level in the body. Also, the red blood cells gets destroyed and leads to severe anemia.
Symptoms of Thalassemia
- Paleness or jaundice
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Slow or delayed growth
- Mild or severe anemia
- Chest pain and rapid heart beat
- Shortness of breath
- Headache
- Greater chance to get infections
- Facial bone deformities
- Abdominal swelling
- Dark urine
The prognosis of the condition can be even fatal i.e., causing death. It is definitely a hard disease to manage.
Healing Thalassemia through Herbal Remedies of Planet Ayurveda
It is said, ‘Prevention is always better than cure’. As Thalassemia is a hereditary blood condition and may become fatal, so it is better to take preventive measures, especially if you doubt the same in your pedigree analysis. Planet Ayurveda helps you to prevent or treat this blood disorder with the help of some herbs that can control and maintain a healthy blood circulation. The special Thalassemia Care pack formulated by the experts of Planet Ayurveda, is really a blessing for those suffering from or have chances of Thalassemia. Other than this pack, one needs excellent dietary supplements to manage it, and some effective measures to normalize anemia. The Thalassemia care pack includes:-
1. Spirulina Capsules
Spirulina capsules are manufactured out of the standardized extract of the algae, spirulina (spirulina plantesis). Even though it is an algae, its uses are spectacular. Spirulina is considered to be as “nature’s power house”. It is well known for improving the energy and enhancing the immune system. Spirulina is perfectly proven as an anti-oxidant and is abundant with a lot of micronutrients, iron & vitamin B12. Cardiovascular functions are well maintained by spirulina and it also helps to improve your hemoglobin level. It can also be used to prevent the heart damage caused by repeated chemotherapy.
Even in vegan or vegetarian diets, spirulina is used as an excellent dietary supplement as it is bestowed with high protein and vitamin content. In recent studies on spirulina, it can even reverse the liver damage. It is an excellent blood cleanser and body detoxifier. When the blood gets more clarity, it flows well and all those conditions related to blood will go for speedy submission.
The cardio protective effect, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of spirulina, helps in preventing cardiac failure, due to thalassemia in adults and kids. In any type of thalassemia, whether major or minor, the best remedy is always spirulina.
Also, the algae spirulina is considered to be the richest source of plant chlorophyll that helps the body to repair and grow the new body cells and tissues. Regular use of spirulina will definitely prevent the further progression of thalassemia. It also helps to manage anemia found in thalassemia patients.
Dosage: 1 to 2 capsules once or twice a day with lukewarm water, half an hour or 1 hour after meals (as suggested by the physician).
2. Wheat Grass Powder
The young wheat plant (Triticum aestivum), which is harvested within 3 months is carefully dried and powdered without losing its nutritional value, and this powder is used to treat thalassemia. From ancient times, wheat grass powder was being used as a good dietary supplement. Like the chlorophyll functioning in plants, hemoglobin in humans serves almost the same kind of functions, and they also possess structural similarity. It is rich in chlorophyll. Hence the use of wheat grass powder enhances the haemoglobin function, improves blood circulation, which in turn assures the growth and repair of body cells and tissues.
With anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory effects, wheat grass powder aids in thalassemia. Along with these effects, it also helps in weight loss, blood sugar regulation and may reduce blood cholesterol levels and at the same time is highly nutritive. Its great role in treating cancer cells make wheat grass powder, an unavoidable dietary supplement for cancer patients and is considered to be one of the super foods.
Dosage: Mix 1 teaspoonful of wheat grass powder in 1 glass of water and consume it once or thrice a day. The best time to have wheat grass drink is in empty stomach. But if you feel uncomfortable on having the drink in empty stomach, take it half an hour before having food.
3. Green Essentials
These capsules are excellent natural blood purifier and health promoter. It boosts up and the immune system, as these are high with vitamin C. It is enriched with anti-oxidants and can effectively fight against illness. Its anti-microbial activity can remove the infections, especially the fungal infection.
Green essentials capsules contain the potent herbs like Grape seeds, Wheat grass, Spirulina, Green tea and Amalaki.
Grape seeds are excellent blood purifiers and effective remedy for raised blood pressure (hypertension). It aids well in chronic venous insufficiency and are able to handle high cholesterol levels. This enhances the blood flow in the system. Grape seeds are excellent choice for a cluster of abnormalities that can risk with diabetes and heart disease. Its cardio protective effects, and anti-oxidant properties, allows grape seeds to control thalassemia.
Green tea offers a free blood flow by helping in vessel relaxation and gives endothelial protection. It is also good in reducing hypertension and is a great anti-oxidant.
Amalaki (Indian gooseberry, emblica officinalis) is highly relaxing in nature. It is a blood purifier and is nourished with vitamin C. Being a great source of vitamin C, it becomes a great anti-oxidant. As Amalaki is the best anti-ageing medicine, it makes you strong and avoids the further progression of the condition.
The synergistic effect of these potent herbs makes Green essentials, an effective remedy for any type of anemia in the system.
Dosage: 1 to 2 capsules once or twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.
Hence, all the above described remedies can help in preventing and treating Thalassemia to a great extent.