Planet Ayurveda has formulated Wormistop capsules. It is a wonder of a remedy that acts as Krimighna (worm destroyer). These capsules mainly help in the treatment of worms. 20 different types of worms have been described in Ayurveda. Before studying all about Wormistop capsules, first let us get an understanding of worm infestation. According to Ayurveda, development of worms in the body are a result of chronic indigestion, over-eating of heavy and fatty foods, intake of incompatible or unhygienic foods, sedentary lifestyle, sleeping during the day, excessive use of legumes, stalk and root of lotus, wine, curd, milk, jaggery, vinegar, meat of swampy animals, sugarcane juice, sweet and sour drinks. Such factors lead to the excitation of Kapha and Pitta which in turn produce worms of various type and sizes at different sites in the body. One may have worm infestation if they experience fever, vomiting, paleness of skin, cramping pain, heart trouble, lassitude, vertigo, dyspnoea, reduced appetite, diarrhea and gurgling sound in the intestine. For such conditions Planet Ayurveda’s Wormistop capsules is one of the best remedies.
S. No. | Herb Used | Latin Name | Parts Used | Quantity |
1. | Palaash | Butea monosperma std. ext. | Seeds | 100 mg |
2. | Tulsi | Ocimum sanctum std. ext. | Whole Plant | 100 mg |
3. | Vidang | Piper retrofractum std. ext. | Roots | 200 mg |
4. | Sonth | Zingiber officinale std. ext. | Roots | 100 mg |
Product Details
- Product Form: Capsule form
- Package Type: Bottled pack
- Package Quantity: Each bottle contains 60 capsules
The prescribed dosage of Wormistop is 1 or 2 capsules twice a day. The dosage can be increased or decreased according to age and condition of the patient. This medicine should be consumed with plain water and should be taken by the expert advice of an Ayurvedic physician.
Properties Of Ingredients Used
- Vidang (Embelia ribes): Vidang is one of the most powerful anti-parasitic herbs (krimighan prabhav) mentioned in Ayurveda. It is katu (pungent) and kashaya (astringent) in taste. It possesses laghu (light), ruksha (dry) and teekshna (piercing) properties. It is hot in potency due to which it balances Kapha and Vata Dosha. It also has a mild laxative effect which helps ease the dead worms out of the body.
- Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum): It is anti-microbial in nature, katu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) in taste. It possesses laghu (light), ruksha (dry) and teekshna (piercing) properties. It is hot in potency. Due to this, it pacifies Vata and Kapha Dosha which creates an unsuitable environment for the worms. Hence, it not only eliminates present worm infection but also prevents new ones from forming.
- Sonth (Zingiber officinale): Sonth is katu (pungent) in taste. It possesses guru (heavy), ruksha (dry) and teekshna (piercing) properties. Tulsi is hot in potency. It pacifies Vata and Kapha Dosha. It improves digestive strength and is grahi (absorbent) in nature. It absorbs excess moisture from the intestines resulting in an unfavorable environment for worms.
- Palaash (Butea monosperma): Palaash is called ‘flame of the forest’ due to the bright orange color of its flowers. It is katu (pungent), tikta (bitter) and kashaya (astringent) in taste, hot in potency, possesses laghu (light) and ruksha (dry) properties. It balances Kapha and Pitta Dosha. Seeds of palash have a unique anti-worm property. It is mainly used to get rid of worms from the stomach due to its anthelmintic activity. It can be used to manage diarrhoea as it has antimicrobial and astringent properties. It also has antioxidant properties that help in liver problems.
Therapeutic Properties Of Wormistop
Wormistop aids in the elimination and destruction of worms by pacifying vitiated Doshas in the body and changing the body environment susceptible for worms thereby, acting as natural de-wormer.
Who Can Use This Product?
This formulation by Planet Ayurveda can be taken with the advice of any Ayurvedic physician. It can be given to all age groups. The herbal remedy is effective for all the patients with worm infestation.
Diseases Managed By This Product
- Wormistop capsules have antimicrobial, anti-parasitic, anthelmintic, anti-viral properties which are beneficial for intestinal worms.
- All of the herbs in this product are hot in potency (tulsi, vidang, sonth, palaash) that majorly has a Kapha pacifying effect. This will remove Ama (undigested food in the form of toxins) from the body which is the mother of all diseases.
- With regular use, one may also experience diminishing complications of worm infections (like-bruxism, drooling).
- Can also be used for anorexia, indigestion and abdominal colic pain.
- This product helps to relieve dizziness and pain.
- It also helps in bloating and constipation.
- These herbs help increase digestion thus will be effective in diarrhea.
- It may help in infective skin diseases and wound healing.
Side Effects Of Wormistop
This product does not cause any side effects if taken under said dosage. Not following the stated advice may result in worsening of the condition. Lactating and Pregnant women should only have these products under the strict supervision of Ayurveda Experts.
Advantages Of Using Wormistop
Wormistop capsules are an herbal product by Planet Ayurveda which is formulated under the guidance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. You must be wondering what is so good about Wormistop and how will it benefit you:
- Wormistop comprises standardized extracts of Palaash (Butea monosperma), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Vidang (Embelia ribes) and Sonth (Zingiber officinale).
- This is pure vegetarian formula free from artificial colors or fillers.
- It has no preservatives in it.
- All the patients who are suffering from intestinal worms should take Wormistop to get rid of the conditions associated with worm infections like abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea etc.
Wormistop by Planet Ayurveda is an effective remedy for intestinal worms and digestive issues associated with it. Herbs such as Palaash (Butea monosperma), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Vidang (Embelia ribes) and Sonth (Zingiber officinale) make this remedy effective for detoxifying the body and alleviating krimi vikriti (worm diseases). By following a healthy regime, these capsules can prove to be really effective and provide you with promising results. Numerous health problems like low digestive power, weakness, fainting, etc. may gradually subside. Hence, one can comfortable use Wormistop capsules for any health concern related to worm infections.
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