

Pack Size: 450ml
Dosage: 12 to 25 ml Once or Twice daily or as advised by physician.



It is a classical ayurvedic product which has been used since ages to treat many health conditions. Arishta is a formulation which is made by fermenting the decoction of the herbs and it contains 5-10% of alcohol which is self generated due to which it helps in the easy transportation and absorption of the medicines in the body. It is easy to consume and fast acting which can be used in mental conditions. Mental health is so important for a person but it is often ignored by us. It should not be ignored and a proper care of our mental health should be done and to keep it healthy this arishta is very useful.

Ingredients Used in Saraswatarisht

Following ingredients are used for making this formulation mentioned here:

Sr. No. Indian Name Botanical Name Parts Used Quantity
1. Brahmi Bacopa monnieri Whole Plant 80 Parts
2. Shatavari Asparagus racemosus Root 20 Parts
3. Vidarikand Pueraria tuberosa Rhizome 20 Parts
4. Harad Terminalia chebula Fruit 20 Parts
5. Khas Vetiveria zizanioides Root 20 Parts
6. Adrak Zingiber officinale Rhizome 20 Parts
7. Saunf Foeniculum vulgare Seed 20 Parts
8. Madhu Mel 40 Parts
9. Sharkara Saccharum 100 Parts
10. Dhatki pushpa Woodfordia fruticosa Flower 20 Parts
11. Renuka Vitex agnus-castus seed 1 Part
12. Nishotha operculina turpethum Root Bark 1 Part
13. Pippali Piper longum Fruit 1 Part
14. Laung Syzygium aromaticum Seed 1 Part
15. Vacha Acorus calamus Rhizome 1 Part
16. Kuth Saussurea Lappa Root 1 Part
17. Ashwagandha Withania somnifera Root 1 Part
18. Baheda Terminalia bellerica Fruit 1 Part
19. Giloy Tinospora cordifolia Stem 1 Part
20. Choti Elaichi Elettaria cardamomum Seed 1 Part
21. Vaividang Embelia ribes Fruit 1 Part
22. Dalchini Cinnamomum zeylanicum Bark 1 Part
23. Water Aqua 1024 Parts

Ref. Ayurvedic Text [ Bhaishajya ratnavali, rasayan adhikara 178-184 ]

Description of The Ingredients

All the ingredients have following medicinal properties which are mentioned below:

1. Brahmi

Brahmi is known as the medhya rasayana so it will enhance the brain function. It has a bitter and astringent taste and sweet taste after digestion. This herb contains an alkaloid brahmine which is also a powerful antioxidant. This herb can be used in many psychological conditions such as epilepsy, anxiety, stress, depression etc. This herb can also be used in the hoarseness of the voice. It also strengthens all the dhatus (Tissues of the body) so it will help in increasing the blood and all other tissues. Also it increases the growth of the hairs on the scalp.

2. Shatavari

It is an aphrodisiac that can be used in blood disorders, chronic respiratory disorders, provides nourishment to the body and also helps in relieving infertility. It helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha and is sweet and bitter in taste. It has a special effect on the body that it helps in improving the depleted body tissues.

3. Vidarikand

Vidarikand is sweet in taste, heavy to digest and is slimy in nature. Potency of this herb is cold and it undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion. It is helpful in reducing the vitiated vata and pitta dosha of the body. Rhizome of the plant is used for making this medicine, It is nourishing in nature and improves overall strength and immunity.

4. Harad (Terminalia chebula)

Fruits of harad are used for making this formulation, It has all the 5 tastes and as an astringent dominant taste. Harad is light to digest and is drying in nature. It helps in improving skin complexion and is hot in potency. Harad helps in improving intelligence so can be used for disorders such as autism, ADHD, senile dementia, and improving memory and concentration in students etc.

5. Khas (Vetiveria zizanioides)

It is coolant in nature, roots are used for making this formulation, it has a bitter and sweet taste, it is drying in nature and light to digest. Potency of khas is cool which helps in pacifying vata and pitta dosha. It is used in relieving burning sensation, body ache, and helps in improving complexion of the skin.

6. Adrak (Zingiber officinale)

Rhizome of this herb is used in this formulation, It has a pungent taste, is heavy to digest and has a strong and piercing nature. It helps in undergoing sweet taste conversion after digestion, has a hot potency which helps in balancing kapha dosha. Helps in improving digestion and anorexia. It also helps in balancing the vata dosha.

7. Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare)

Seeds of this herb are used for the formulation which has been classified in madhuraskandha (Sweet tasting group of herbs). Saunf is light to digest and drying in nature. Taste is sweet, pungent and bitter with the resultant conversion after digestion is sweet. Potency is hot and helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha.

8. Honey

It has been used for the sweet taste of the formulation as it has a sweet taste with astringent anurasa. It is light to digest and drying in nature. Potency of honey is hot which helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha, increases vata, can be used for many respiratory conditions.

9. Dhatki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa)

Flowers are used for making this formulation, It is used for the fermentation of the arishta, It is astringent in taste, also light to digest and is drying in nature. Potency of dhatki is cold and helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha.

10. Renuka (Vitex agnus-castus)

Seeds of this plant are used for making this formulation. It is bitter and pungent in taste, and also undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. Potency of renuka is hot and is light to digest and slightly increases pitta dosha. It has medhya action i.e. it helps in improving memory and digestion of a person.

11. Nishotha (Operculina turpethum)

It is bitter and pungent in taste, Light to digest with drying in nature. It is strong and piercing in nature. Potency of nishotha is hot which helps in balancing pitta and kapha dosha and helps in increasing the vata dosha. It has a special effect on the body that it causes purgation. It has been kept in group bhedaniya (Herbs having piercing and purgation action).

12. Pippali (Piper longum)

It has a pungent taste, strong and lite in nature with the sweet resultant taste conversion after digestion. Potency of pippali is hot and helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha. It has an anti aging and rejuvenating effect. It is not very hot in nature so it does not increase pitta dosha to a great extent.

13. Laung (Syzygium aromaticum)

Laung has pungent and bitter taste which is light to digest, unctuous and oily in nature, clove has katu vipaka me means it undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. Potency of the laung is cold and due to cold potency it will balance pitta dosha and pungent taste helps in balancing kapha dosha. Cold potency will help in relieving excessive thirst. Due to the pitta balancing properties It will be helpful in improving the digestion strength.

14. Vacha (Acorus calamus)

Vacha in ayurveda has been classified under the subgroups like lekhniya (Herbs having scrapping effect), arshoghna (Herbs treating piles), asthapnopag (Herbs used in decoction enema), sheeta prashmana (Herbs used to relieve coldness). Vacha has a pungent and bitter taste with light and strong, piercing nature. It helps in balancing kapha and vata dosha due to the hot potency of vacha. It has a special effect on the body known as medhya (Improves intelligence).

15. Kuth (Saussurea lappa)

It is bitter, pungent and sweet in taste. Light to digest and dry in nature. Potency of kuth is hot and it helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha. It is useful in skin diseases, detoxifies the blood and has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.

16. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is pungent, bitter and astringent in taste, unctuous or oily in nature and also is light to digest. Potency of the ashwagandha is hot and the resultant taste conversion after digestion is pungent. It helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha. It is a very potent rejuvenating agent that helps in tissue growth. It also has an effect on the brains and helps in inducing sleep and treats many mental disorders.

17. Baheda

Baheda is classified in ayurveda in following subgroups such as jwarahara (Herbs which are used for the treatment of fever) Kasahara (Herbs relieving cough and cold), virechnopaga (Herbs used in virechana) etc. It has an astringent taste which is light to digest, Has a sweet taste conversion after digestion and potency of the baheda is hot but is cold in touch. Baheda helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha from the body.

18. Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)

It is a rasayan. It has been classified as a medhya rasayan i.e. helps in improving intelligence and memory. It can be used in various mental disorders. Also giloy helps in balancing all the three doshas from the body and has a rejuvenating or anti-ageing effect. It has an effect on all the organs of the body.

19. Choti elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum)

It has been classified in groups of herbs such as shwasahara (Herbs used for asthma), angamarda prashmana (Herbs relieving body ache), Shiro Virechanapaga (Herbs useful for Nasya) etc. It has a pungent and sweet taste, light to digest with drying in nature. It undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion and is cold in potency. Ela balances kapha and vata dosha.

20. Vaividang (Embelia ribes)

Seeds are used for making this formulation which has a pungent and astringent taste. Potency of vidanga is hot and resultant taste conversion after digestion is pungent and has a special effect on the body that it relieves worm infestation. Vidanga helps in balancing kapha and vata dosha.

21. Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanica)

This herb’s bark is used for making this formulation. It is helpful in pacifying vata and kapha dosha and increasing the pitta dosha. It acts as a stimulant and also has analgesic effects. It also helps in treating the neural debility due to which many psychological disorders are arising. Dalchini has oxytocic and aphrodisiac properties so it can be used in amenorrhea and infertility. It treats disorders related to the heart, urinary bladder and stomach.

Method Of Preparation

Following method of preparation is used for making this formulation:

  1. All the herbs are taken and grinded to form a coarse powder.
  2. These herbs are than boiled in water and than is reduced to a quarter part to prepare a decoction.
  3. This decoction is kept and sealed for a month for fermentation.

Medicinal Properties

These are the following medicinal properties which are mentioned below:

  1. It acts as an antidepressant medicine
  2. It also acts as an anti-stress medicine
  3. Helps in tissue rejuvenation so acts as an anti-ageing medicine
  4. It is an antioxidant
  5. Helps in relieving inflammation
  6. It helps in drug dependency so it will acts as an anti-dopaminergic medicine
  7. It has a neuro-protective action
  8. It helps in relieving anxiety so known as anti-anxiety
  9. Analgesic- so helps in relieving pain
  10. Has an immune-stimulatory action
  11. It has a cardioprotective action so acts as a cardiotonic
  12. Hepatoprotective action

Dosha Karma

It helps in balancing all the three doshas from the body i.e vata, pitta and kapha dosha.


It can be taken in the dose of 12- 24 ml once or twice in a day.

Classical Indications

It is a rasayan medication so it is mainly used for the overall increase of the tissues such as increasing the production of semen. It will increase the memory and intelligence of a person, It is also helpful in increasing strength. Can be indicated in emaciation and stammering and it helps in increasing the production of aoj and increases overall strength. It can also be used for the detoxification of ovum or menstrual blood of females.


This medicine is helpful in enhancing the memory, increases concentration, helps in boosting the retention power, reduces mental fatigue and improves the quality of sleep. It helps in increasing non-specific immunity. It can be indicated in disorders such as depression, amnesia, alzheimer’s disease, Insomnia, hypogonadism, Stammering and menopausal symptoms.

Side Effects

It is safe and can be taken for the period of long term use.


This is a herbal liquid preparation which can be used for making this formulation. It is available from the planet ayurveda which is a globally recognised brand and This formulation is made from the pure and authentic herbs and made with the authentic procedures.

Note :- This is pure classical Ayurvedic medicine and should be strictly consumed only after prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor and to be taken under medical supervision only.


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