Raj Pravartani Vati


Size (Per Unit) : 20 Tablets
Dosage : 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily.



Periods are the most important and significant part of a female’s life and the whole process of reproduction is based on the menstrual cycle which lasts for about 28-35 days. Female’s reproductive health depends on the menstrual cycle as this cycle is responsible for ovulation and maintaining pregnancy. There are several ayurvedic medicines which are known to be effective for the female reproductive system and rajpravartani vati is a medicine which will be helpful in inducing menstruation and maintains the healthy reproductive system.

Ingredients Used in Raj Pravartani Vati

It contains the following ingredients which are mentioned below:

  1. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis)
  2. Kaseesa (Purified blue vitrole)
  3. Tankana (Borax)
  4. Asafoetida (Ferula assa-foetida)

Ref. Ayurvedic Text [ Bhaishajya ratnavali Stri rogadhikara 233-235 ]

Description of Used Ingredients in Raj Pravartani Vati

Medicinal properties of the following products are mentioned below:

  • Aloe Vera – Aloe vera belongs to rasona kula. It is bitter and sweet in taste. It is slimy and sticky (Snigdha and pichchil) in nature with katu (Pungent) vipaka (Taste conversion after digestion). Potency of aloe vera is cool and it has a special effect on the body which is bhedan (Piercing) so it will help in treating constipation and abdominal tumors. Due to sweet taste and snigdha property it has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  • Kaseesa – It has medicinal properties such as hematogenic, digestive stimulant, and Antispasmodic. Can be used for diseases such as Iron deficiency anemia, Indigestion, abdominal distension, liver enlargement, spleen enlargement etc. and also in the disorders related to the women’s health issues such as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrea, Iron deficiency anemia etc.
  • Tankan – Purified borax powder is used for the formulation which has the medicinal properties such as it acts as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, Digestive stimulant, Diuretic, antispasmodic etc.It has a pungent and salty taste with light, dry and sharp in nature. It is hot in potency with pungent taste conversion after digestion. It has a special effect on the uterus and is helpful in dysmenorrhea.
  • Asafoetida – It has been kept in subgroups such as deepniya (Herbs improving digestion), Swasahara (Herbs useful in asthma and respiratory tract disorders), sangya sthapana (Restoring consciousness), katukaskandha (Herbs which are pungent in taste) It is pungent in taste, light to digest with oily or unctuous in nature. Taste conversion after digestion is pungent with hot potency. Asafoetida helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha also increases the pitta dosha. It helps in vata anulomana so redirects the vata direction.

Method Of Preparation

Following method of preparation is used for making this medicine:

  1. All the ingredients are grounded to form a fine powder
  2. The fine powder is triturated with the aloe vera juice
  3. When a paste like consistency is archived than tablets are made from this mixture and dried

Medicinal Properties

It has the following medicinal properties mentioned below:

  1. It acts as an Emmenagogue as it increases the menstrual flow
  2. It increases the digestive fire so acts as a carminative
  3. It acts as antispasmodic so can help in pain during menses
  4. It helps in increasing the Hb levels in the body so known as Haematinic
  5. It acts as a mild painkiller
  6. It detoxifies the uterus hence uterine detoxifier
  7. It acts as a mild laxative

Product Details

  • Product form: Tablets
  • Package type: Bottle
  • Package quantity: 20 tablets

Dosha Karma

It helps in balancing the vata and pitta dosha


It can be given in the dose of 125 – 250 mg or 1-2 tablets once or twice a day.

Classical Indication

Classically it has been indicated in the following disorders such as:

  1. Amenorrhea
  2. Pain in the pelvic area of women
  3. Burning sensation of the hands, feet and eyes.


It can be indicated in conditions such as

  1. To induce menstruation
  2. Treatment of scanty bleeding during menses
  3. Premature menopause
  4. Thrombosis
  5. Treatment of stone of gallbladder
  6. Treatment of dysmenorrhea
  7. Oligomenorrhea
  8. Backache during menstruation

Side Effects

  1. Overdose can cause heavy bleeding during menses
  2. Abdominal tenderness etc.
  3. It should be taken only after the consultation of an expert ayurvedic doctor


This medicine is the best medication which can be used for inducing menstruation and treating disorders which are related to the menstrual cycle. It is available from the planet ayurveda which is a GMP certified company and all the medicines from planet ayurveda are pure, authentic and lab tested.


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