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Sr. No. Products Quantity
1. Boswellia-Curcumin 2 Bottles (60 Capsules Each)
2. Joint Aid Plus 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
3. Ashwagandha Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
4. Shilajit Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
5. RumoGin 5 Capsules 2 Bottles (60 Capsules Each)
6. Yograj Guggul 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)


The bones are such a part of our body which is continuously changing, the new bone formed and the old one is broken – this is the criteria. In young age the body forms new bones rapidly then it breaks the older one thus the body mass goes on increasing. Most of the population leads to the peak body mass around the age of 30. After this the bone remodelling continues, in this stage one should lose more mass than gaining. If you don’t take care of your body mass till 30 then you are at risk of developing various bone diseases among which one of the most common is osteoporosis. So it’s in your hand how you nourished your bones for 3o years and how low the risk of developing bone disease is. In this article we are going to discuss one such disease that is related to bone health. Let’s discuss the disease DISH in the below study with its Ayurvedic management.


DISH is a type of arthritis which is known as diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis which primarily affects one’s spine. In this condition there is a growth of one bony structure which goes on increasing along with the spine or any other affected bones. These bony growths are known as spur and often not visible in the X-rays. Some of the people with this disease experience no symptoms and don’t even know that they are suffering from any such condition until the bony spurs are not evaluated in the X-Ray. Further we are going to discuss the details about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of DISH disease.


Following are some facts about DISH disease that one must know:

  • Overall prevalence of DISH disease is 19.5%
  • The 65.1% of cases are located in thoracic spine and 24.2% cases are located in thoracolumbar spine
  • Mostly the ossifications and formation of bony spur occurs at the right anterior part of the vertebral body.
  • Few ossificans occur in contact with veins and arteries.


The tendons and ligaments in the body calcifies after the buildup of calcium salts in the body. There is not any clear reason which leads to calcium buildup. It is considered that some metabolic, environmental and genetic factors are likely involved but this is also not quite clear. As the cause of DISH disease is not clear but following are some risk factors that may leads to this condition, let’s know about that:

  • In more than 50 years of age
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Excessive use of retinoids
  • Excessive dietary intake of Vitamin A

So above are some of the risk factors of developing DISH disease. This information is about cause now let’s see what are the symptoms experienced by the patient of DISH disease.


As we discussed earlier most of the patients don’t experience symptoms and it is not cleared till it is diagnosed in X-ray. When there is presence of symptoms they are generally associated with the upper back. Following are the symptoms that are generally experienced by a person with DISH disease:

  • Pain in upper back
  • Stiffness in the back that usually worsen in the morning
  • Pain radiates to the elbow or shoulder
  • Pain in neck
  • Difficulty while stretching from side to side

Moreover the person may experience mild symptoms in DISH disease but here are some cases in which a person may experience severe symptoms too. If this condition is not managed timely then it may progress and lead to various symptoms that are severe and unusual. The severe symptoms experienced by a patient of DISH disease are:

  • Numbness in the legs
  • Tingling sensation in the legs
  • Compression of spinal cord
  • Pain in knees
  • Pain in heels
  • Fracture of spine
  • Pinched or compressed nerves
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Sleep apnea
  • Hoarse voice
  • Decreased lung capacity


Primarily the diagnosis of DISH disease is done with the help of X-ray as we read earlier that a person may not experience symptoms sometimes and the diagnosis is just cleared only with the X-ray. To clear the diagnosis sometimes the doctor refers a patient for certain other diagnostic tests to differentiate them from other such conditions if pain is more severe. These diagnostic tests mainly include MRI and CT-Scan and may clear whether there is any kind of degeneration, inflammation, fractures and any other possible reason for pain. So for diagnosing DISH disease it is must to do the imaging diagnosis.


As we studied earlier DISH disease is considered as bony spur formation along the spine due to unknown fact. Also in Ayurveda there is no direct correlation of DISH disease but we can consider it as ama janya asthi dhatu dushti. Mainly the pathology of DISH disease as per Ayurveda is the formation of ama dhatu which leads to ras dhatu vitiation. The rasa dhatu vitiation causes mandagni and there is disturbance of the metabolism affecting the asthi dhatu. This will also affect the metabolism of calcium and there is no proper absorption of calcium occurring in the body. This unmetabolized calcium started accumulating as bony spurs, in case of DISH disease these bony spurs start growing along the spine. These bony spurs cause obstruction in the normal pathway of nerves and arteries lying around the spine which further cause extreme pain. So for managing this condition ayurvedic remedies given to the patient helps in ama pachana (alleviating endotoxins), improving metabolism of calcium in the body and prevention of growth of bony spurs. Further we are going to discuss the herbal remedies by Planet Ayurveda that effectively helps in the management of DISH disease. Let’s have a look.


Planet Ayurveda is a clinic with GMP certification which works under the strict regardance of Ayurveda- a holistic science. They have a wide range of supplements that consist of properties to manage and prevent almost all health concerns. All the remedies are made with ancient time tested formulas and include natural herbs and minerals. These supplements are free from any kind of added preservatives, synthetic materials like resins, gums, resins, fibres, colours, etc. Due to the purity of minerals and herbs with which these supplements are formed they don’t produce any kind of harm and side effects. So for better and safe management feel free to consume these herbo-mineral supplements. For managing DISH disease Planet Ayurveda listed 6 remedies as a DISH Care Pack that we will discuss below how each of these remedies are beneficial in the management of DISH disease. Following are the herbal remedies by Planet Ayurveda under DISH Care Pack:





Boswellia Curcumin is a pure herbal formulation by Planet Ayurveda which consists of standardised extracts of shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and curcumin (Curcuma longa). Both these herbs are very effective for managing the condition of DISH disease. Let’s discuss below how both these herbal extracts are effective in managing this particular disease.


  1. Shallaki (Boswellia serrata): Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) is a very good herb that effectively pacifies vata dosha. It consists of kashaya (astringent), tikta (bitter) and madhura (sweet) ras (taste). Shallaki pacifies pitta and kapha dosha. Also this herb is considered as one the beneficial analgesic due to its shoola prashman properties. So mainly shallaki plays an important role in alleviating pain in case of DISH disease.
  2. Curcumin (Curcuma longa): Curcumin (Curcuma longa) is the compound found in turmeric herb which is known with various best medicinal properties. It provides miraculous antioxidant effects which helps in preventing the accumulation of ama dosha in the body that is the main cause behind DISH disease as per Ayurveda. Also its vata pacifying properties make it a good analgesic thus aids in alleviating pain in this disease.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.


Joint Aid plus as the name suggests this remedy is helpful in aiding the joint problems or to preventing the joint problems by keeping them healthy. This remedy is prepared by Planet Ayurveda in capsule form which consists of standardized extracts of nirgundi (Vitex negundo), shallaki (Boswellia serrata), guggul (Commiphora mukul) and some others. Below we are going to discuss how each ingredient of these capsules assists in maintaining joint health.


  1. Nirgundi (Vitex negundo): Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) is one of the best vata pacifying herbs due to its best hot potency. It consists of katu (bitter) and tikta (pungent) ras (taste) with ruksha (dry) and laghu (light to digest) properties. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties which helps in preventing inflammatory reactions with inhibiting activity of inflammatory mediators.
  2. Shallaki (Boswellia serrata): Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) is considered as one the beneficial analgesic due to its shoola prashman (pain relieving) properties. It consists of kashaya (astringent), tikta (bitter) and madhura (sweet) ras (taste) and pacifies pitta and kapha dosha. This herb plays a great role in preventing the joint wear and its tear while inhibiting the degradation of glycosaminoglycans (an important building block for joint cartilage).
  3. Guggul (Commiphora mukul): Guggul (Commiphora mukul) being one of the best antioxidants assists in many vataj disorders. It consists of various properties such as tikta (bitter) and katu (pungent) ras (taste) with ruksha guna (dry quality) and ushna veerya (hot potency). Guggul is known for maintaining bone mineral density thus helping in promoting joint health too.
  4. Sonth (Zingiber officinale): Sonth (Zingiber officinale) is basically a dry ginger which has hot potency, balances kapha and vata dosha promotes digestion and a good cardio-tonic. It has various benefits such as sasneha (promotes oiliness), shophahara (alleviates inflammation), aamvataghani (manages ama yukta vataj vyadhi). Due to the mentioned properties of sonth it is effective in managing various joint diseases.
  5. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a wonderful adaptogenic herb which reduces stress in the body and prevents any type of accumulation of ama dosha in the body. Being a miraculous balya rasayana (strengthening rejuvenator), this herb assists in providing strength to the bones, joints and even to the whole body.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Ashwagandha Capsules is a remedy by Planet Ayurveda which consists of standardised extract of a single herb named ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha consists of properties such as tikta (bitter), katu (pungent) and kshaya (astringent) ras (taste) with snigdha (oiliness), laghu (light to digest) and hot potency. These properties of Ashwagandha make it vata and kapha pacifying. The benefits of this herb which helps in maintaining bone health and alleviating the DISH disease are balya (improves strength), rasayani (anti-ageing and initiates life expectancy) and shophahara (alleviates inflammation). Other uses of these capsules are immunity boosting, aphrodisiac, muscle strengthening and increasing body weight.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Shilajit Capsules a is a remedy prepared by pure mineral extract of shilajit (asphaltum). This mineral is considered as a great hea;th rejuvenator which promotes almost overall body health. It possesses vata shamak properties that aids in managing neurological disorders such as stress, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s diseases, etc. These capsules by pacifying kapha dosha removes any kind of obstruction and assists in maintaining the flow of arteries and veins around the formation of bony spurs. So due to these health benefits Shilajit Capsules are added to the DISH Care Pack.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Rumogin 5 Capsules by Planet Ayurveda is an ayurvedic remedy that is primarily used for the management of Gastritis, Indigestion, Allergy, Asthma and all types of arthritis. The key ingredients of these capsules are turmeric (Curcuma longa), marich (Piper nigrum), pippali (Piper longum) and various others. Let’s discuss below how each ingredient of these capsules makes it effective in the management of DISH disease.


  1. Haridra (Curcuma longa): Haridra (Curcuma longa) is known for its best antioxidant properties since ancient times. It assists in preventing any abnormal growth in the body due to its rejuvenating properties. The curcumin present in haridra makes it effective in relieving inflammation and pain as it provides anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  2. Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a very effective herb for relieving inflammation as it inhibits the inflammatory response in the body. It is good for promoting digestion due to its deepan (promote digestive fire) and pachana (digestive) properties, thus preventing ama (endotoxins) accumulation in the body. As we know that build up of endotoxins are the major cause of this condition, thus ginger by alleviating them provide benefit in improving the condition of the patient with DISH disease.
  3. Shallaki (Boswellia serrata): Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) is a holy plant whose gum resin is known with various medicinal properties. These gum resins consist of miraculous antioxidant properties that make them effective in reducing the oxidative stress in the body and promoting the activities of nerves. One of the other best properties of shallaki resins are analgesic and antiinflammatory, thus it provides pain and inflammation relieving effects to these capsules.
  4. Maricha (Piper nigrum): Maricha (Piper nigrum) is well known for its swedana properties, these properties assists in promoting sweating which further helps in removing endotoxins from the body. This herb consists of katu (pungent) ras (taste), laghu (light to digest), teeshana (piercing) and vata-kapha balancing properties. It has chedana properties which aids in alleviating bony spurs thus managing the condition of DISH disease.
  5. Pippali (Piper longum): Pippali (Piper longum) consists of katu (pungent) ras (taste), theekshana (piercing) quality, and hot potency which pacifies kapha dosha. As inflammation is one of the main symptoms in DISH disease thus pippali by reducing kapha dosha assists in managing the inflammation in case of DISH disease. Also the svedaopaga (induce sweating) properties of pippali promotes the elimination of endotoxins from the body.

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.


Yograj guggul is one of the classical ayurvedic formulations which is prepared by Planet Ayurveda under the strict observance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. This formulation is available in tablet form and consists of ingredients such as guggul (Commiphora mukul), nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus), chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) and various others. These tablets especially pacify vata dosha and benefit any bone disease. Let’s discuss below all the ingredients of yograj guggul and how each ingredient of yograj guggul benefits in managing DISH disease.


  1. Guggul (Commiphora mukul): Guggul (Commiphora mukul) being one of the best antioxidants assist many diseases which are associated with ama dushti janya vataj disorders. It consists of various properties such as tikta (bitter) and katu (pungent) ras (taste) with ruksha guna (dry quality) and ushna veerya (hot potency). It also consists of anti-inflammatory properties which assist in relieving inflammation in DISH disease.
  2. Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus): Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus) is well known for improving metabolism due to its deepan (induces digestive fire) and pachana (promotes digestion) properties. Due to its properties this herb is effective in preventing the accumulation of ama dosha in the body.
  3. Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica): Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) is one of the most effective agni deepana (which induces digestive fire) herbs. Its potency is too hot that after applying on skin it can lead to ulceration and burning. For ama pachana (alleviating endotoxins) chitrak is the best herb thus it promotes the ama pachana property of this formulation. As its potency is hot it effectively pacifies kapha dosha thus aids in relieving inflammation also.
  4. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) is known with different meanings in Sanskrit such as nurse, mother, immortality and even sour as amla is one of the shadrasa (six tastes). As per Ayurveda if you intake this herb on a regular basis then it will help in boosting your immunity, promoting longevity of life and in boosting metabolism which is mainly needed for improving the metabolism of calcium in the body.
  5. Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica): Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica) is famous as one of the three rejuvenating herbs which together form a wonderful remedy triphala. This herb balances all the tridosha i.e vata, pitta and kapha which helps in nourishing all the sapta dhatus (seven bodily tissues). As DISH is the condition in which there is a severe neurological pain, so the nourishing properties of this herb provides nourishment to nerves thus relieves pain.
  6. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) is one of the best detoxifying herbs that helps in eliminating endotoxins from the body. As ama dosha is the main cause behind improper metabolism of calcium and there is no proper absorption of calcium in the body. This not metabolized calcium started accumulating in the body. But if there is no ama dosha, no such pathology occurs. So haritaki assists in alleviating DISH disease by eliminating ama dosha from the body.
  7. Pippali (Piper longum): Pippali (Piper longum) consists of katu (pungent) ras (taste), theekshana (piercing) quality, and hot potency which pacifies kapha dosha. As inflammation is one of the main symptoms in DISH disease thus pippali by reducing kapha dosha assists in managing the inflammation in case of DISH disease. Also the svedaopaga (induce sweating) properties of pippali promotes the elimination of endotoxins from the body.
  8. Yavani (Trachyspermum ammi): Yavani (Trachyspermum ammi) is also known as ajwain which has various miraculous uses. It is good for the heart, liver, kidneys and intestines as well. This herb possesses analgesic properties that help in reducing pain in any kind of joint disorders. Yavani is also deepniya and pachneeya which by inducing the digestive fire promotes healthy digestion and prevents the formation of ama (endotoxins) in the body.
  9. Krishna jeeraka (Carum carvi): Krishna jeeraka (Carum carvi) possesses kapha vata hara and deepan-pachan properties due to which it promotes healthy digestion. If the digestion is good then the metabolism is good and there is no excessive accumulation of any substance in the body. As in case of DISH disease there is the accumulation of calcium compounds which leads to bony spur, krishna jeeraka assists in eliminating those extra calcium deposits from the body and manage the symptoms of DISH disease.
  10. Ajmoda (Apium graveolens): Ajmoda (Apium graveolens) is more strong than ajwain with deepana and pachana properties. Also the hot potency of ajmoda provides kapha-pitta shamaka action. This action of ajmoda helps in alleviating inflammation and promotes functioning of nerves around the bony spurs. Some other actions of ajmoda are balakari (improves strength), krumi hara (alleviates worm infestations), chardi hara (relieves vomiting), aadhmana (improves abdominal distention) and other digestion related issues.
  11. Devdaru (Cedrus deodara): Devdaru (Cedrus deodara) consists of medicinal properties such as katu (pungent), tikta (bitter) and kashaya (astringent) ras (taste) with ruksha (dry), laghu (light to digest) and hot potency. It has shotha hara (anti-inflammatory) and shoola prashmana (reduces pain) and properties that are beneficial in reducing inflammation and pain in case of DISH disease. Various health concerns in which devdaru is helpful are worm infestations, skin diseases, relieving indigestion and ama (endotoxins), etc.
  12. Chavya (Piper retrofractum): Chavya (Piper retrofractum) is known as the best pain reliever due to its miraculous analgesic properties. It possess medicinal properties such as katu ras (pungent taste) with ushna veerya (hot potency), thus pacifying kapha and vata dosha. Chavya is aruchi hara (relieves anorexia), pachana (promotes digestion), deepana (improves digestive strength)- all these properties are effective in eliminating ama (endotoxins) from the body.
  13. Ela (Elettaria cardamomum): Ela (Elettaria cardamomum) plays an important role in improving metabolism, as in DISH disease there is a need to improve calcium metabolism so ela is very effective in it. The properties of ela which helps in improving metabolism are- rochana (relieves anorexia), deepana (improves digestive strength). By inducing digestive fire there is improvement in digestion which further promotes healthy absorption of calcium salts.
  14. Saindhava lavana (Rock salt): Saindhava lavana (Rock salt) has been used since ancient times for its various medicinal uses. It consists of properties such as deepana (initiates digestive fire), rochaka (enhances appetite) and pachana (improves digestion). These properties provide benefits such as promoting an overall healthy digestive system and boosts metabolism, both these are beneficial for calcium metabolism and prevents the accumulation of calcium salts in the body.
  15. Kushtha (Saussurea lappa): Kushtha (Saussurea lappa) consists of properties such as tikta, katu and madhura ras (pungent, bitter and sweet taste). This herb improves digestion by preventing the bacteria growth in the intestines. Kushtha effectively calms the PNS (parasympathetic nervous system) and reduces the irritation of the nerves by calcium bony spurs that alleviates the symptoms of DISH disease. Other uses of kutha are vastraharan (alleviates gout), shukrala (increases sperm count), visarpa hara (useful in herpes), shwashara (useful in asthma), etc.
  16. Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata): Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) is one of the best vata pacifying herbs. It includes properties such as swedal (induce oiliness), anulomaka (eliminates aggravated vata dosha) and rakta shodhak (purifies blood). These properties help in pacifying vata dosha and provide analgesic effects which aids in alleviating pain. It also consists of deepan and pachana properties that aids in regulating the metabolism of calcium and prevents calcium accumulation in the body.
  17. Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris): Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) is good for detoxifying the body due to its wonderful (diuretic) properties. By promoting detoxification of the body it prevents the accumulation of ama dosha (endotoxins) in the body which is one of the major causes of DISH disease. This herb is also good for boosting immunity as it consists of antioxidants.
  18. Dhanyak (Coriandrum sativum): Dhanyak (Coriandrum sativum) consists of astringent, bitter taste with hot potency and tridosha shamak effects. The main properties of these herbs that help in eliminating ama dosha from the body are deepan and pachan which by improving digestion and at the end results in healthy metabolism.
  19. Marich (Piper nigrum): Marich (Piper nigrum) consists of katu (pungent) ras (taste), laghu (light to digest), teeshana (piercing) and vata-kapha balancing properties. This herb is usually known for its swedana properties which assists in promoting sweating that further helps in removing endotoxins from the body. It has chedana properties which aids in alleviating bony spurs thus managing the condition of DISH disease.
  20. Shunthi (Zingiber officinale): Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) is basically a dry ginger which has hot potency, balances kapha and vata dosha promotes digestion and a good cardio-tonic. It has various benefits such as shophahara (alleviates inflammation) sasneha (promotes oiliness), aamvataghani (manages ama yukta vataj vyadhi). Due to the mentioned properties of sonth it is effective in managing inflammation and relieving pain in DISH disease.
  21. Twak (Cinnamomum verum): Twak (Cinnamomum verum) consists of high dietary fibre that results in reducing the absorption of unwanted minerals in the intestines. Also it is enriched with high antioxidants and vitamins that makes it beneficial in increasing the metabolism of useful substances. By improving metabolism there is proper usage of calcium in the body and does not lead to any extra accumulation like bony spurs, it manages the condition of DISH disease.
  22. Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides): Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides) consists of medicinal properties such as tikta, madhur ras (bitter and sweet taste) with cold potency. This herb induces the gastric secretions which promotes digestion and regulates the overall good metabolism in the body. Usheera by improving metabolism prevents the growth of bony spur in the body.
  23. Yava (Hordeum vulgare): Yava (Hordeum vulgare) consists of kashaya (astringent), mashura (sweet), katu (pungent) taste with cold potency. It has scraping properties, increases intestinal movements, and improves digestive fire. The scraping property with other properties of yava reduces the calcium deposits in the body thus helps in preventing the further growth of bony spurs and alleviates the symptoms of DISH disease.
  24. Talishpatra (Abies spectabilis): Talishpatra (Abies spectabilis) is vata kapha hara with tikta (bitter), madhura (sweet) ras (taste), penetrating and piercing quality. Its hot potency assists in alleviating vata dosha in the body thus providing a rejuvenating effect. Its deepana, aruchi hara and amahara properties alleviates ama dosha from the body while regulating metabolism of calcium prevents growth of bony spurs.
  25. Ghee (Cow’s ghee): Ghee (Cow’s ghee) is tridosha shamaka which helps in alleviating all types of health concerns. It nourishes all the seven dhatus of the body by regulating good metabolism. Vata and kapha dosha is basically responsible for DISH disease thus by pacifying vata and kapha dosha cow ghee helps in promoting the management of DISH disease.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.


DISH is a type of arthritis which is known as diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis which primarily affects one’s spine. Bone health is very important if you don’t take care of your body mass till 30 then you are at risk of developing various bone diseases among which one of the diseases is DISH disease. This is the idiopathic condition thus there is no specific cause for this disease but it is considered as there is some calcium deposits in the body due to metabolic, environmental and some genetic factors. The common symptoms of disease are pain in the upper back, stiffness in the back that usually worsen in the morning, pain radiating to the elbow or shoulder, pain in neck and difficulty while stretching from side to side. If the condition is not managed at this stage then it may lead to some severe symptoms and make the condition difficult to manage. As long term painkillers and anti inflammatory drugs have side effects you can add herbal remedies to your management as there are such side effects with herbal remedies if taken under advice dosage.


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