

Original price was: Rs.24,450.00.Current price is: Rs.22,100.00.



S. No. Products Quantity
1 Spirulina Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
2 Immune Booster 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
3 Kumar Kalyan Ras 2 Bottles (60 Tablets)
4 Green Essentials 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
5 Punarnava Mandur 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
6 Brahmi Chyawanprash 1 Jar (500 Gms)
7 Ashwagandha Capsules 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
8 Pitta Balance 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
9 Plato Plan Syrup 2 Bottles (200 ml Each)
10 Jaimangal Ras 3 Strips (10 Tablets Each)


Our blood has various elements like red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, plasma and other organic matters. Each and every component of the blood has its specific functions so if the level of any component of the blood gets reduced or increases it will affect our body in a certain way. There is a disease known as ITP (idiopathic thrombocytic purpura) in this disease the number of the platelets decreases less than 100,000 cu/mm. Our body’s own immune system starts to kill the platelet cells thinking of it as a foreign body. It is an autoimmune disorder and in ayurveda it can be correlated to the Raktapitta disease. It’s a type of bleeding disorder which is mentioned in the ayurvedic texts.


It’s mainly an autoimmune disorder so your own immune system is attacking your healthy platelet cells of the body. There can be reasons due to which this disease can occur or the platelet level can go down:

  1. It can be genetic and pass on from parents to the offspring
  2. Certain viral infections like chickenpox, hepatitis C, HIV, parovirus etc.
  3. System lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  4. Due to chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
  5. It can be induced by certain drugs
  6. Infection of helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)


It usually does not produce symptoms in very mild conditions but when it’s severe or in normal conditions also it can produce symptoms like:

  1. Bleeding – There can be bleeding from different parts of your body like bleeding from the nose, mouth, ears, eyes etc.
  2. Red spots – Small red spots on the skin can be seen which are not raised and do not produce any symptoms. It is due to the internal bleeding or internal hemorrhage which is known as petechial spots.
  3. Bruises on the skin – There can be the appearance of bluish discoloration of the skin; it can be on a small area or it can be on the whole body depending on the severity of the disease. It is due to the breaking of the capillaries under the skin which produces bruises. It can also be blue, purple, green or red depending on the duration of the bruise.


It can be diagnosed by different blood tests and it can also be diagnosed by asking the patient certain questions and listening to the problems which he is facing. Tests which can tell us about the ITP are:

  1. CBC (complete blood count) – It will give you the number of platelets and other blood components.
  2. Blood smear – It will help us to know the morphology of the platelets and other cells under the microscope.
  3. Bone marrow test – A fine needle is used to aspirate the bone marrow and then check the number of platelets in blood.


This disease can be correlated with the ayurvedic disease known as raktapitta. This is a disease which occurs due to the vitiation of pitta and rakta (blood). When the rakta dhatu (blood) is vitiated by the pitta dosha it will lead to the raktapitta. This raktapitta disease can occur due to the involvement of all the three doshas as it can be vataj, pittaj and kaphaj. It can also be classified on the basis of the path from which the blood is coming out, it can be udharva raktapitta (blood coming from the upper tract), adho raktapitta (blood coming from lower parts). Upper parts can be the mouth, nose, ears, eyes and lower routes can be anus and urethra.


ITP can be treated in ayurveda by treating the raktapitta disorder. Planet Ayurveda provides this pack which can be used for people who have a number of platelets below 50,000. This pack contains pure authentic medications which are produced under the guidance of expert ayurvedic experts. These medications are free from chemicals and steroids.





These capsules contain spirulina (Spirulina platensis) which is blue green algae which has many nutritional benefits. It can be used as a supplement as it contains compounds like antioxidants, minerals and chlorophyll. It is a rich source of vitamin B complex, beta carotene and vitamin E. It can be used for allergies, diabetes or fatigue and certain cancers.

DOSAGE: 1 capsule twice daily.


This medication can be used for boosting immunity and also enhance the body’s strength for fighting infections. It can also be used in auto-immune disorders in which the body’s immune system functions is disturbed. It contains:


  • Grape seed extract (Vitis vinifera) – Which is a sour fruit which helps in improving digestion and can also be used to increase the blood cells of the person. It is also used for enhancing immunity.
  • Go- piyush (Bovine colostrums) – It is also known as the cow’s colostrums as the human colostrums has so benefit for the baby so same this cow’s colostrums extract has many benefits in increasing the immunity as it contains many antibodies and rich in many nutrients.
  • Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus Niruri) – This herb is very good for the liver. It helps in increasing the digestive fire which leads to the digestion of the aama (undigested food which is converted to toxins) which is responsible for causing autoimmune disorders.
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) – This herb is rich in vitamin C, it is the best rejuvenating agent which helps in building immunity of the person and is also used to increase the body tissues as it acts as the rejuvenating agent.

DOSAGE: 1 capsule twice daily.


This medication is a herbo-mineral formulation which can be used in the treatment of liver disorders. It can also be used in chronic fever, cough and cold like conditions. It is also used for clearing out the channels of the body and prevents it from diseases. It is also used for boosting immunity and increasing the deficient body tissues. It contains:


  • Ras sindur – Which is a combination of two minerals like purified mercury and purified sulfur which is good for the heart and acts as a cardiac stimulant; it can be used in weakness and chronic respiratory problems. It also acts as a good rejuvenating agent and helps in increasing the body tissues.
  • Swarna bhasma (Gold calx) – It is made from the colloidal particles of the gold which are purified and go after the process of putpak. It is easy to digest and has a high potency. It can be useful in conditions like general weakness, low immunity, and can also be used in auto-immune disorders.
  • Moti bhasma (Pearl calx) – This is made from pearls which are made after a process of making bhasma known as putpak and it is cold in potency. It has many antioxidant properties, can act as anti- depressant and also have muscle relaxing properties.
  • Abhrak bhasma (Mica calx) – This can be used in treating sexual dysfunction, respiratory disorders, problems related to liver and digestive system. It is a powerful rejuvenating formulation. It can also be used for mental and psychotic conditions.
  • Loh bhasma (Iron calx) – This is made from iron; it contains colloidal particles of the iron which can be used in conditions where there is low level of iron. It helps in treating anemia and other hematopoietic disorders.
  • Ghrita kumari (Aloe barbadensis) – This herb contains vitamins like A, C, E. It also contains antioxidants which neutralizes the free radicals in the body. This is also helpful in treating auto-immune disorders and boosting immunity.

DOSAGE: 1 tablet twice daily to be chewed with lukewarm water.


This medication is used to clean the body from heavy metals, toxins. It also prevents aging and fights illness. This medication is rich in iron, Vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and antioxidants. It helps in the formation of blood cells.It contains:


  • Grape seed (Vitis Vinifera) – Which is helpful in formation of healthy blood cells, It also promotes healthy digestion.
  • Wheat grass (Triticum aestivum) – This herb has kapha balancing properties, it improves immunity and digestion. It is used as a blood purifier due to which it treats skin disorders.
  • Spirulina (Spirulina platensis) – It is a blue green algae which contains many nutritional supplements. It contains many vitamins and minerals which can be used as a supplement or as a whole food.
  • Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) – It contains many antioxidants; it is used to treat bleeding disorders, heals wounds and also improve digestion.
  • Amla (Emblica officinalis) – This herb is used to increase the blood cells of the body and it is also used as a rejuvenating agent.

DOSAGE: 1 capsule twice daily.


This herb is a poly-herbal formulation which is used to increase the blood volume by increasing formation of blood cells and components. It is also used for the issues related to digestion. It contains:


  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) – Which is used as anti-toxic medication to remove the toxins from the body as it increases the urine flow and removes toxins.
  • Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) – It has cold potency and it is very useful in enhancing the digestion power.
  • Pipali (Piper longum) – – This is a herb which is used in increasing digestive fire and also clears out the blockages of the channels due to which there is easy transport of the other medications.
  • Maricha (Piper nigrum) – This herb acts as the catalyst for the other medication to act. It is also used in improving digestive power.
  • Amlaki (Emblica Officinalis) – This herb is rich in vitamin C, It has all the 5 rasa (taste) in it due to which it is helpful in balancing all the three doshas.
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) – It removes inflammation, promotes bowel movements, it has anti-ageing and rejuvenating effect.
  • Chavya (Piper chaba) – It can be used in indigestion, abdominal colic, poisoning etc.
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa) – It helps in relieving inflammation and increases metabolism which means it increases dhatvagni which is responsible for the formation of dhatus (body tissues).
  • Vidanga (Embelia ribes) – It is the best parasitic herb in ayurveda, it can be used in infective skin disorders. It relieves anorexia and weak digestion.
  • Chitrak Mool (Plumbago zeylanica) – This herb is the best herb used for digestion. It is also good for relieving abdominal pain.
  • Mandoor bhasma (Ferric oxide) – It is used for the treatment of low levels of blood cells; it can be used in the treatment of anemia. It is a good source of Iron so can be given in low iron levels.

DOSAGE: 2 tablets twice daily.


This chyawanprash is a natural rejuvenator and brain tonic. It can be used by any person who wants to stay healthy and wants a healthy nervous system functioning.It contains:


  • Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) – This is an herb which is used for the healthy brain. It is known as the Medhya rasayan (herb which increases intelligence). It also calms down the brain and is also good for enhancing memory. It helps in inducing sleep to the people who are having difficulty falling asleep.
  • Dashmool (Roots of 10 herbs) – These herbs are mainly used to treat the vata type of disorders and all the disorders which are occurring in the nervous system can be treated with these herbs.
  • Bala – This herb is known to provide strength to the body; it can be mental as well as physical.
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – This herb is known to increase strength, provide rejuvenating action and also helps in building immunity and helps in increasing stamina.
  • Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri) – It can be beneficial for managing diabetes, it also has diuretic properties, it also acts on the kidneys and prevents the formation of renal stones. It has pitta balancing properties.
  • Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) – This is a herb which aids in the digestion, boosts immunity and is also helpful in treating female reproductive system diseases. It pacifies vata and Pitta dosha.
  • Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus) – It can be used in stomach pains as it has an antispasmodic effect; It is helpful in preventing cell damage which is caused by free radicals. It has antibacterial property which help in treating various infections.
  • Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata) – It is used in vitiation of vata and pitta dosha, it is sweet and has cold potency. It is helpful in treating burning sensation and it is strengthening in nature.
  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) – It helps in managing weight by suppressing the appetite; It also increases the urine production which helps in eliminating the toxins from the body. It also helps in managing liver problems.
  • Jeerak (Cuminum cyminum) – It is useful in treating digestive tract disorders. It helps in improving the strength of the body or immunity and also treats anorexia.
  • Rishbak (Microstylis wallichii) – It is a rejuvenating tonic, cures bleeding and burning sensation. This herb is kept under the jivaniya varga (herbs which means life giver).
  • Vasaka (Adhatoda vasica) – It is used in chronic cough and cold; it helps in calming irritation and also helps in clearing the airway. This can be used in all respiratory disorders.
  • Vidarikand (Pueraria Tuberosa) – This can be used for the treatment of liver diseases, skin diseases, it improves the quality of breast milk and also helps in increasing the body mass.
  • Amla (Emblica officinalis) – This herb is used in fresh form. A paste is made and all the other herbs are cooked in it. It has vitamin C; it also gives rejuvenating effects to the body.
  • Chandan (Santalum Album) – This herb is a coolant and blood purifier. It is used in balancing pitta dosha and can be used in rakta pitta.
  • Choti elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum) – It is an excellent antioxidant, can be used in treating blood pressure and conditions like dysuria.
  • Agar (Aquilaria agallocha) – It is an herb which is used in relieving the feeling of coldness and moistness; it balances vata and kapha dosha and increases pitta dosha. It can be used in respiratory disorders.
  • Karchur (Curcuma Zedoaria) – It is hot in potency, is easy to digest, has penetrating and odoriferous properties.It balances vata and kapha dosha.
  • Rajat bhasma (Silver calx) – It is reduced silver nanoparticles, it has many benefits like it is helpful in maintaining the pH level in the body by neutralizing the acids.
  • Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea) – It contains antioxidants, and also has liver protective, anti-inflammatory and CNS depressant activity. It is useful in gout, skin diseases, Female infertility etc.
  • Dalchini (Cinnamomum Verum) – This is helpful in treating skin disorders and also acts as a cardio tonic.
  • Tejpata (Cinnamomum tamala) – This can be used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea and inflammation of the uterus. It is also good for the liver and spleen.
  • Lawang (Syzygium Aromaticum) – It provides cooling and soothing properties to the stomach, it is used to relieve excessive thirst, bad breath and tastelessness. It also improves digestive strength.
  • Kesar (Crocus Sativus) – It is used for treating skin diseases like acne, black heads etc. It also acts as an immunity enhancer and memory booster.

DOSAGE: 1 spoon daily.


These capsules have standardized extracts of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) that have effective results against the degenerative changes in the body. It also provides a calming effect to the brain and can be used against any abnormal growth. It is also a rejuvenating herb which helps in increasing the body cells and tissues so it will help in increasing the platelet count of the body.

DOSAGE: 2 capsules twice daily.


This herb is used in disorders related to pitta and blood. It helps in relieving the burning sensation. It helps in management of anxiety and anger. Unexplained headaches, hair loss, premature graying of hairs etc. It contains:


  • Coral calcium (Praval pishti) – This is used for the balancing pitta dosha and can be used in bleeding disorders.
  • Akik pishti (Agate calcium) – It is an herbal medication to treat heart disorders, rejuvenate the heart and removes the bad cholesterol from the body.
  • Jawar Mohra Pishti (An ayurvedic calcium compound) – It is coolant in nature, relieves heartburn, headache, and inflammation in the GIT.
  • Kamdudha ras (An ayurvedic calcium compound) – This medication is responsible to treat the bleeding disorders like bleeding from nose, urine problems, and burning sensation of the body.
  • Mukta pishti (Pearl calcium) – This enhances digestion, regulates blood pressure and also helps in managing anxiety and depression.
  • Giloy satva (Tinospora cordifolia) – This herb can be used to enhance the immunity and balance all the three doshas of the body. This herb can also be used to increase the platelet count of the blood.

DOSAGE: 1 capsule twice daily.


This medication is used to increase the number of platelets and also other components of the blood. This syrup contains:


  • Eranda karkati (Carica papaya) – This herb is used for the treatment of pain and bleeding disorders, this can also be used for the treatment of low level of platelets.
  • Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) – This herb is used to balance the tridoshas and is also helpful in treating thrombocytopenia which can be due to any reason.
  • Wheat grass (Triticum aestivum) – This herb is known to balance the kapha dosha and can be used for allergic conditions and auto-immune disorders.
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – This herb is known to have anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects. This herb is used to increase the cells in the body.
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) – This herb is very effective for having rejuvenating and anti-ageing effects. It provides Vitamins and minerals in the body. It also balances the tridoshas of the body.
  • Shigru (Moringa pterygosperma) – This herb is very effective for the problems related to the digestion and circulatory system; it contains many vitamins and minerals which helps in overcoming nutritional deficiency.
  • Jeevanti (Leptadenia reticulata) – This herb is kept in jeevaniya gan i.e. group of herbs which are known as life-givers. They keep the overall body healthy and keep the body tissue in balanced form.
  • Draksha (vitis vinifera) – This herb is sour and sweet in taste and also it is used to increase the appetite and digestion of the person.

DOSAGE: 2 tsp twice daily.


This herb is used for the treatment of weakness, this medication is a mineral based medication which can be used in many disorders. It contains black pepper (Piper nigrum) which is an herb used to remove the blockages from the body and channels. This also acts as a catalyst for the other medications for the potent and effective action. Suhaga (Borax) – It is helpful in increasing digestive fire and can also be helpful in treating many infections like urinary tract infections as it has antimicrobial properties.


  • Swarna bhasma (Gold calx) – This is made up of gold which contains 98% of colloidal particles of gold, It is used to treat chronic conditions and also helpful in clearing the channels of the body.
  • Rajat bhasma (silver calx) – It can be used to reduce the swelling; It is also helpful in modulating the immunity and treating auto-immune disorders.
  • Vang bhasma (Tin calx) – It has anti-inflammatory action; it is also useful to treat anemia and obesity. It is coolant in nature and can be used for the treatment of premature ejaculation.
  • Lauh bhasma (Iron calx) – It is used for the treatment of anemia as it helps in the formation of new blood cells.
  • Shuddha gandhak (Purified sulfur) – This mineral can be used for the purification of the blood and can be given in skin disorders.
  • Barley (Hordeum vulgare) – It can be used for the treatment of body fat and can lower the bad cholesterol from the body.
  • Tamra bhasma (Copper calx) – It can be used to treat liver disorders and have hepatoprotective action.

DOSAGE: 1 tablet twice daily.


When the level of platelet in ITP gets too low, this pack ITP level 2 (platelet gush pack) can be used. Platelets are very essential part of the blood and without platelet there can be severe bleeding and other problems like rashes and bruises and ITP is an autoimmune disorder in which there is disturbance in the body’s immune system which destroys the platelets so this need to be treated and can be treated in ayurveda by using this pack which contains medications to increase the platelets.


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