

Original price was: Rs.450.00.Current price is: Rs.400.00.


This herb is famous in Ayurveda specially to treat the intestinal worms. It is quite an effective herb to treat intestinal parasites like tapeworm, ring worm etc. It balances vata and kapha doshas in body. Whole plant like fruits, seeds, roots and leaves possess the therapeutic properties.

  • Fruits: Fruits of this herb have anthelmintic, digestive, carminative, antibacterial, stomachic, diuretic, contraceptive, rejuvenating, laxative properties. They work well to manage the psychological disorders, general debility etc.
  • Leaves: Seeds comprise of astringent, purifying, cough reducing properties. They are good to treat skin diseases.
  • Seeds: They are used for local application in ringworm and other skin diseases.
  • Roots: Roots of this herb are quite good to manage stomach ache, toothache, gas and indigestion.


  • Anthelminthic action helps to eliminate the parasites.
  • Laxative action helps to relieve the constipation.
  • It is good for piles.
  • It is good for indigestion and fastens the rate of metabolism.
  • It works well to reduce weight.
  • Blood purification helps to reduce the acne, pimple, psoriasis and other skin problems.
  • Diuretic action helps to reduce water retention in body.
  • It is good to treat swollen gums.


S. No. Herb Used Latin Name Quantity
1. Vidanga Embelia ribes 100 gm


  • Anti-helminthic action – Anthelmintic action of this herb helps to clear the intestinal worms like roundworm, threadworm and tapeworms.  It is also beneficial to treat various intestinal infections caused by bacteria, virus, protozoa and other pathogens.
  • Laxative action – Being packed with laxative properties, it helps in regulating bowel movements and easy stool passing. It is quite good to relieve the problem of constipation.
  • Rejuvenating action – Rejuvenating properties of this herb support the overall good health and boosts up the energy in body.
  • Indigestion – It improves the digestion process. It is good to resolve various digestive problems like bloating, acidity, intestinal gas, nausea, stomach upset, distention and dyspepsia. It is helpful to provide relief in acidity, heart burn and stomachache etc.
  • Blood purification properties – It helps to clear toxins from body. It is good to manage various skin problems like psoriasis, pimples, acne and various other skin problems. It is good to improve the skin complexion, clear the skin pigmentation etc.
  • Weight loss – It acts as an amazing fat burner. It helps to remove the extra fat accumulated in body.
  • Oral problems – Antimicrobial action is good to manage various oral problems like toothaches, mouth ulcers etc.
  • Piles – Laxative action helps to resolve the problem of constipation which is the main cause of piles or ano – rectal disorder.
  • Nervous system disorders – It helps to treat various Nervous system disorders like paralysis and epilepsy.


1/2 to 1 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water after the meals.


  • Package Type: Herbal Powder.
  • Package Quantity: 100 gm Bottle.
  • This product is free from chemicals, preservatives, yeast, pesticides, microbes, heavy metals, fillers, starch, raw powders etc.


There are no known side effects with the usage of this medicine. But care should be taken to consume this herbal medicine in the prescribed dosage.


Planet Ayurveda has manufactured this unique herbal formulation as per industry standards and there are several reasons which make it superior to any other similar products available in the market. They are:

  • Only pure herbal powders and no other chemicals or preservatives are used in the preparation of this herbal formulation.
  • For ensuring better results, only pure herbs are used.
  • Planet Ayurveda offers only quality product at reasonable and competitive prices.
  • Testing of the medicine is not done on animals.

Place your order now and enjoy the benefits of Planet Ayurveda’s Vidanga Powder. Opt for other Planet Ayurveda products as well for a healthy lifestyle. Choose from our wide range of Ayurvedic supplements, capsules, herb powders, and oils and order conveniently through our website.