

Original price was: Rs.1,350.00.Current price is: Rs.1,215.00.

Size (Per Unit): 60 Capsules

Dosage: 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.


Why Is Plato Plan Capsules Meant For?

It is pure ayurvedic medicine made under the supervision of the experts. It is pure herbal and is 100% side effect free. These are very helpful in treating dengue fever and help to elevate the platelets count and also improves the shelf life of platelets in fever. It is also meant for enhancing the immunity of the body of a person. This capsule acts on bone marrow to enhance the production of platelets in the body. It is rich with antioxidants which is very suitable for the boost of the immune system. Mainly this capsule is used in ITP patients, to help to improve platelet count in dengue fever. These capsules are also given in the general weakness of the patients. Acharya madhav describes dengue fever as dandak jwara.

Madhava Nidana

The patient suffers from severe bone pain and this dengue fever is also known as breakbone fever, sore throat, slow pulse, loss of appetite, excessive weakness, small boils over the body, nausea and vomiting. These are the effects of dengue fever on the body of the patient.

Ingredients used in Plato Plan Capsules

The ingredients or herbs which are present in this capsule are purely herbal and are side effect free. The herbs also help to maintain the immunity during the diseases and are all collected from their natural environment. The proper testing of the land and herbs is done before collecting the medicines. The quality of platoplan capsules is very high and treats the diseases very well.

Sr. No. Indian Name Botanical Name Parts Used Quantity
1. Erand karkati Carica papaya Leaf 100 mg std. ext.
2. Giloy Tinospora cordifolia Extract 100 mg std. ext.
3. Ashwagandha Withania somnifera Root 100 mg std. ext.
4. Amalaki Emblica officinalis Fruit 100 mg std. ext.
5. Shrigu Moringa pterygospermum Root 50 mg std. ext.
6. Jeevanti Leptadenia reticulata Root 50 mg std. ext.

Health benefits of these Ingredients :-

1. Eranda Karkati (Carica papaya)

Erand karkati is one of the popular herbal medicines of ayurveda that has immunomodulatory effects and helps in the defense mechanism of the body. This herbal medicine is very useful in enhancing the platelet count in the body. In local villages the extract of this medicine is locally applied over the bleeding wounds. In fast rising dengue fever it is one the best medicine to be used. It is highly effective and promotes the production of wbc and cures splenic disorders in the proper way.

2. Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)

Giloy is a popular and common herb of ayurveda which is found anywhere in india. It is the best antipyretic and acts on the fever very effectively. It is one of the best immunity booster drugs in the ayurveda. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties and also fights against infections of the body. It shows very wonderful results in the fevers especially in the dengue fever. The herbal effects of giloy in the body also lower down the cholesterol level, purifies the blood and eliminates the wrong toxins from the body. It is an excellent herb which is god gifted to all chronic disorders. The results of giloy are also seen in other disorders like diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, fever etc

3. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is an important drug in the ayurveda best immunity booster and fights against the various infections of the body. It is a non toxic herb which is wonderful in enhancing the stamina of the body. It can be used in fever because it creates the healthy toxins in the body which help to fight against the fever in the proper way. The studies of the ashwagandha show very best results in other disorders like relieves stress and anxiety, lowers blood sugar level, boosts testosterone level in body, supports healthy heart and sharpens the memory power of patients.

4. Amalaki (emblica officinalis)

Amalaki is one herb from triphala which has many good effects in disorders of vata, pitta, kapha. It actually resembles the three doshas of the body and lowers down the increased disorders. It is used for a long time in the ayurveda with healthy effects. It is also known as tridosha rasayana. It is used in multi purpose treatments and increases the stamina and immunity of patients with fever. Amala is known as the indian gooseberry and acts as a rasayana therapy. It contains phenols, tannins, vitamin c, amino acids, emblicol for the betterment of full body health. Even the many studies show that it is the best in cancers because it is said to be rasayana.

5. Shigru (Moringa pterygosperma)

Shigru is also known as the drumstick plant and is helpful in fighting against the vata disorders. Ayurveda is a complete holistic science that acts on the three factors in the body that are vata, pitta, kapha. Shigru is found in the sub himalayan regions and can be cultivated in through out the india. It is swedopaga which is very good in dengue fever to settle it down. It is of two types : shweta and rakta. The taste is different but the mode of action is the same. It is very easily given in the fever and is highly antibacterial. The synonyms of shigru are shigru, mochaka, dirghaka, sitahvaya etc.

6. Jeevanti (Leptadenia reticulata)

Jeevanti is ayurvedic medicine which is widely used in infections and bacterial disorders. It is also anti allergic, antipyretic and is very useful in dengue fever. The mode of action of jeevanti is on anti inflammatory and anti viral properties. It is laghu and madhur in nature and is best in taste convergent after the digestion. Jeevanti is tridosha hara and really very effective in dengue fever and enhances the productivity of platelets.

Who can take Plato Plan Capsules?

The patients of dengue fever and ITP are free to use these capsules. The patients of old age and youngsters are also free to use this capsule. Age factor does not matter. There are no such restrictions in the usage of these capsules.

Dosage of Plato Plan Capsules

1-2 capsules once or twice in a day should be started with lukewarm water under physician supervision. Do not overdose.

Product Information

The product is made under the supervision of experts and is 100% safe. Each and every herbal medicine is taken from a natural habitat. This medication is followed by many medical trials in labs. No animal and human is harmed during preparation of these capsules. These are 100% safe and easy to use and are 100% vegan.

Side Effects

The medicine is made from the pure ayurvedic herb which does not show any side effects. but it should be made sure that the medications should be started under the guidance of the physician and dosage should be also maintained according to the ayurvedic physician


The lactating mothers and pregnant women should start this medicine before the guidance of ayurvedic physician. The patient of ongoing surgery should first inform the history of this medicine. Avoid overdose and take proper counseling of the doctor before taking this medicine.