
Trailokya Chintamani Ras

Original price was: Rs.1,350.00.Current price is: Rs.1,215.00.

Quantity : 10 tablets
Dosage : The formulation is in tablet form (125 mg each). The dose generally guided is one tablet twice a day after meals.


Trailokya Chintamani Ras : Introduction

Trailokya chintamani ras is an ayurvedic herbomineral formulation which has been mentioned in the ayurveda’s classical books. It is a phenomenal medicine which can be used in a number of disorders. As the name suggests trailokya chintamani which means a medicine which can fulfill all the wishes of the three worlds (Triloka). So we can say that this is a medicine which provides overall strength and immunity and has tremendous uses. It contains many ingredients including precious metals which makes it more potent.

Ingredients used in Trailokya Chintamani Ras

It has been made by using the following ingredients:

  1. Shuddha parada (Purified mercury)
  2. Shuddha gandhak (Elemental sulfur)
  3. Heerak bhasma (Tourmaline calx)
  4. Swarna bhasma (Gold calx)
  5. Rajat bhasma (Silver calx)
  6. Teekshna loh bhasma (Iron calx)
  7. Abhrak bhasma (Mica calx)
  8. Tamra bhasma (Copper calx)
  9. Mukta bhasma (Pearl calx)
  10. Shankha bhasma (Conch shell calx)
  11. Praval bhasma (Coral calx)
  12. Shuddha manashila (Arsenic disulphide)
  13. Shuddha haratala (Arsenic trisulphide)
  14. Arka (Calotropis gigantea)
  15. Nirgundi (Vitex negundo)
  16. Surana (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius)
  17. Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia)
  18. Shigru (Moringa oleifera)
  19. Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica)

Ref. Ayurvedic Text [ Bhaishajya ratnavali – Rasayan Adhikar ]

Description of Used Ingredients

Trailokya chintamani ras is so effective due to its ingredients. So we will be looking for the medicinal properties of the ingredients:

  • Shuddha parada – Purified mercury is used after grounding it with lemon juice. It is the most important metal used in rasashastra. It has all the six tastes i.e sweet, sour, astringent, pungent, bitter and salty. It is a wonderful metal as it can treat any disease, it can even make a man immortal, it is the best mineral to increase all the tissues of the body, it can combine with all the metals and minerals and increases the effect of the formulation.
  • Shuddha gandhak – It has a bitter and astringent taste, also it has a strong smell. Sulfur increases the bile secretion in the body so it also acts as a laxative. I also help in easy micturition. It acts as a rejuvenating agent, helps in improving digestion, also it strengthens the body, improves mental health and removes the pitta dosha from the body. It is the best for the treatment of skin disorders or the disorders related to blood vitiation.
  • Heerak bhasma – It contains the calcined nanoparticles of gold. It has all the six tastes and helps in balancing all the three doshas. It also increases the potency of the other medicines. It has properties like anticancer, anti-mutagenic, cardioprotective, immunomodulatory and many others. It has an effect on the overall body parts and helps in improving strength and immunity. It helps in improving metabolism, removes fat and cellulite from the body. Its main action is that it increases the benefits of the other herbs in it.
  • Swarna bhasma – It is unctuous in nature. It is also aphrodisiac in nature, helps in nourishing the body, increases the intelligence power, and cuts the poisonous effect of toxins, increases digestive power. It is also helpful in treating tuberculosis, can treat almost any kind of disorders, increases appetite and removes anorexia. Resultant taste conversion after digestion is sweet.
  • Rajat bhasma – It has an astringent, sour, sweet taste. Rajat bhasma provides strength, has lekhan (Scrapping properties) and also has a flowy nature. Potency of the rajat bhasma is cold with the resultant taste conversion after digestion is sweet. It has a strengthening action all over the body and also helps in calming the mind. It is a rasayan, nervine tonic, has a neuroprotective action, is cardioprotective and has effects on all the organs of the body.
  • Loh bhasma – on calx is made from the purified and processed iron, It is bitter, sweet and astringent in taste. Cold in potency and flowy in nature with drying in nature. It has a scraping, strengthening, and increases intelligence. It acts as a yogavahi, which means it acts as a catalyst and helps other medications in better absorption. Loh bhasma acts as a rasayan (Rejuvenating agent) and helps in balancing all the three doshas in the body.
  • Abhrak bhasma – It is made from the purified mica calx which is helpful in balancing the vata, pitta and kapha dosha from the body. It has an astringent and sweet taste, smooth in quality with cold potency. Taste conversion after digestion is sweet, It also helps in calming the mind. It can be used for the treatment of digestive tract issues and has an effect on all over the body so can be used to treat many kinds of disorders.
  • Tamra bhasma – It is bitter and astringent in taste, has a sweet taste after digestion, and is hot in potency. It is helpful in pacifying the pitta and kapha dosha. Treats abdominal disorders, skin disorders, increases appetite, cleanses the body by purgation and vomiting. It is good for the eyes and can be used to treat eye disorder and anemia. It has medicinal properties such as it acts as an antacid, expectorant, mild laxative and digestive stimulant.
  • Mukta bhasma – This bhasma is made from the pearl ash and which is mainly used to treat the disorders originating from the pitta dosha as it has a sweet taste, light in digestion and cold in potency. It helps in improving eyesight, digestion and provides strength. It helps in pacifying the pitta and kapha dosha. It has its main effect on the organs such as stomach, intestines, brain, heart, nerves, kidney, bladder etc.
  • Shankha bhasma – It has a pungent taste, is light in digestion with drying in nature. Potency of shankha bhasma is hot. Resultant taste conversion after digestion is pungent. It has an alkalizing effect on the body so can be helpful in treating conditions related to production of excess acid in the body like hyperacidity. It is also used to treat the conditions arising from the imbalance of the pitta dosha. It is also a natural source of calcium so can be used for calcium deficiency.
  • Praval bhasma – It has a sweet, sour and astringent taste. It is light to digest and unctuous and oily in nature. Taste conversion after digestion is sweet in taste. Potency of the praval bhasma is cold. It helps in balancing the vata, pitta and kapha dosha. It can be used to improve the complexion of the skin, relieves excess sweating, depletion of body tissues, bleeding disorders and in some toxic conditions also.
  • Shuddha manashila – It is made from the purified diarsenic which is bitter, pungent and hot in potency. Has a kapha and vata balancing properties. It is helpful in treating conditions such as low digestive fire, itching, cough and emaciation etc. It has medicinal properties such as antipyretic, sedative, detoxifier, laxative etc.
  • Shuddha hartal – It has a pungent, unctuous, astringent taste, hot in nature. It helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha. It is helpful in treating rakta dosha, poisoning conditions, It is helpful in treating the conditions related to the menstrual disorders in women. It is helpful for igniting the digestive fire and treats any kind of indigestion.
  • Arka – Acharya charak has classified this herb in the subgroups such as Bhedniya (Purgative), vamnopag (Herbs used to induce vomiting), swedopaga (Herbs used to induce sweating). It has a bitter and pungent taste, light, dry and piercing in nature and undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. It also helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha from the body. It is useful for the treatment of skin diseases, abdominal tumors and bloating.
  • Nirgundi – Nirgundi leaves are used for making this formulation. It has a pungent and bitter taste. Light to digest and also causes dryness in the body. It also undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion and is hot in potency. It helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha. It can be used for the treatment of intestinal worm infestation, skin diseases, helps in healing the wounds faster and its fumes are also used to get rid of mosquitoes.
  • Surana – Tuber part of this plant is used in this formulation, Acharya charak has kept this in the shaka varga, it has a pungent and astringent taste also light to digest with drying and sharp or piercing in nature. It is hot in potency due to which it helps in reducing the kapha and vata dosha from the body. It has a special effect on the body that it helps in curing piles. It has a clarifying effect on the body and can be indicated in constipation, worm infestation and abdominal colic pain.
  • Snuhi – It has a pungent taste, is light in digestion and is strong in nature. Potency of snuhi is hot and also it helps in reducing the vata and kapha dosha from the body. Its milky latex is used for making this formulation. It can be used in severe constipation, and can be applied on the warts. Its leaves can be used for the treatment of the pain when applied on the affected area after warming it.
  • Shigru – It has a pungent and bitter taste, is light to digest, causes dryness in the body and has a strong and piercing nature. It helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha. All the parts of this plant can be used for therapeutic purposes and all the parts have their unique properties. It helps in improving taste, has alkaline properties and also is bitter in taste. It is also a good cardiac tonic.
  • Chitrakmool – It is one of the powerful digestive herbs which increases the digestive fire. Root of this plant is used for making this formulation. It has a pungent taste, is light to digest and also causes dryness in the body. It is strong and piercing in nature with a hot potency. Due to its hot potency it helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha from the body.

Method Of Preparation

Following method of preparation is used for making this formulation:

  1. First take gandhak and parada, then make kajjali.
  2. In this kajjali add shuddha hartal and manashila and mix it.
  3. In this mixture add all the other bhasmas and give bhavana of chitrakmool and arkadugdha for two days.
  4. It is then mixed for one day with the nirgundi patra swarasa, suranakanda and snuhi ksheera.
  5. It is heated in the shrava samput with the gajputa.
  6. After the ash is obtained it is mixed in shigru twak juice and chitrakmool kwath.

Medicinal Properties

It has the following medicinal properties mentioned below:

  1. It enhances digestive health
  2. Increases digestive fire
  3. Helps in improving heart health
  4. Helps in strengthening nerves
  5. Helps in improving immunity
  6. Increases red blood cells
  7. Acts as an antiinflammatory agent
  8. Improves lung capacity
  9. Treats psychological disorders
  10. Helps in treating the conditions related to the vata dosha
  11. Rejuvenating agent

Dosha Karma

It balances all the three doshas of the body but mainly it helps in balancing the vata doshas.


It can be taken in the dose of 125 mg once or twice in a day or as directed by an expert ayurvedic doctor.

Product Details

  • Product form: Tablets
  • Package type: Bottle
  • Package quantity: 10 tablets

Classical Indications

Classically according to bhaishajya ratnavali it can be used in conditions such as:

  1. 1All types of vata rogas
  2. Vidradhi (Abscess)
  3. Shoola (Abdominal pain)
  4. Pandu Roga (Anemia)
  5. Sangrahni (IBS)
  6. Raktatisaar (Bloody diarrhea)
  7. Prameha (Diabetes)
  8. Pleeha roga (Spleen disorders)
  9. Jalodar (Ascitis)
  10. Ashmari (Renal stones)
  11. Pippasa (Excessive thirst)
  12. Shotha (Swelling)
  13. Halimak (Later stage of jaundice)
  14. Udar roga (Abdominal disorders)
  15. Mutraghata (Urinary retention)
  16. Bhagandar (Fistula-in-ano)
  17. All types of fever
  18. All types of skin disorders


It can be indicated in all types of disorder as it contains many precious bhasma s and also many types of herbs. It is a rasayan so it will mainly enhance the action of all the other medications. It can be given in chronic conditions which are very difficult to treat such as cancers, tumors, chronic digestion related disorders like IBS, Blood disorders where the blood cells get reduced like in leukemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, this medicine is effective in treating every kind of chronic skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, Dermatitis etc. It can also be used for treating chronic fevers which are not treated by simple herbal medications. This medicine can be given in conditions when no other medication is working and it has the potential to treat all kinds of curable and incurable disorders.

Side Effects

Overdose can cause heavy metal poisoning so it should only be taken after the prescription of an expert ayurvedic doctor. It should be avoided by pregnant and lactating mothers.


As we saw the benefits of this medication trailokya chintamani ras, it justifies its name as it can be indicated in multiple disorders and has the potential to treat the curable and incurable disorders. It is an ayurvedic classical herbomineral formulation so it should only be taken by a good company to avoid any side effects. Planet ayurveda’s trailokya chintamani ras is a GMP certified medication and all the medicines from Planet ayurveda have been passed through a quality test.


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