

Original price was: Rs.460.00.Current price is: Rs.415.00.

Size (Per Unit) : 120 Tablets
Dosage : 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily.



Indigestion is a very common problem with the people nowadays as they don’t have a proper diet and lifestyle and this indigestion can result in many other complications such as IBS, Hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, bloating and other serious issues and for the treatment of such disorders we have a medication which can treat the complications of indigestion and Piles.

Ingredients Used in Suran Vatak

Following ingredients have been used to make this formulation:

  1. Surana (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
  2. Vriddhadaru (Argyrea speciosa)
  3. Mushali (Curculigo orchioides)
  4. Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica)
  5. Shiva haritaki (Chebulic myrobalan)
  6. Vibhitaki (Belleric myrobalan)
  7. Dhatri (Emblica officinalis)
  8. Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
  9. Nagara (Zingiber officinalis)
  10. Pippali (Piper longum)
  11. Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium)
  12. Pippali Mula (Piper longum root)
  13. Talis patra (Abies webbiana)
  14. Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
  15. Ela (Elettaria cardamomum)
  16. Maricha (Piper nigrum)
  17. Guda (Jaggery)

Ref. Ayurvedic Text [ Siddha yoga sangraha ]

Description of Used Ingredients in Suran Vatak

All the ingredients have different and special medicinal properties which are mentioned below:

  • Surana – Tuber part of this plant is used in this formulation,Acharya charak has kept this in the shaka varga, it has a pungent and astringent taste also light to digest with drying and sharp or piercing in nature. It is hot in potency due to which it helps in reducing the kapha and vata dosha from the body. It has a special effect on the body that it helps in curing piles. It has a clarifying effect on the body and can be indicated in constipation, worm infestation and abdominal colic pain.
  • Vriddhadaru – Roots of this formulation is used for making this formulation, traditionally it has been used as a rasayan (Rejuvenating agent), agnikara (Improving digestive fire), sara (Improves mobility, causes diarrhea and relieves constipation). It is a rasayan (Rejuvenating agent), shukrakara (Improves sperm quality). Taste of vrid daru is pungent, bitter and astringent with light to digest and slimy in nature. It helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha from the body.
  • Mushli – It has sweet and bitter taste, is heavy to digest and is slimy in nature. It has a cold potency and undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion. Mushli is helpful in reducing the vitiated vata and pitta dosha also increases kapha dosha. It is a great aphrodisiac, rejuvenating agent and helps in nourishing the body. It can be used in many vata disorders and to help in increasing the strength of the body.
  • Chitraka – Chitrak is tikshna (Sharp), light to digest and dry properties. When used in excess it increases heat in the body due to ushna virya (Hot potency). It is vata kapha shamak and pitta vardhak i.e. it decreases the vata and kapha dosha from the body and increases the pitta dosha.It is stimulant in lower doses and in higher doses it is sedative. Due to its kapha shamak and pitta increasing properties it is helpful in treating cough, cold, and rhinitis. It can be used in the people who have debility after fever (Mainly kaphaj).
  • Shiva haritaki – It has all the 5 tastes except salty taste and is astringent taste dominant. It is light to digest and dry in nature. Potency of haritaki is hot. It is very helpful in promoting bowel movement, it is a natural detoxifier, and improves digestion. It helps in nourishing the body and improves body weight. It can be used for skin diseases, inflammation, hemorrhoids, obstruction of the muscles etc.
  • Vibhitaki – Acharya charak has classified this in subgroups such as jwarahara (Herbs used for the treatment of fever), kasahara (Herbs used in treatment of cough), virechnopag (Herbs used for purgation therapy) etc. It is astringent in taste, drying and light to digest. Taste conversion after digestion is sweet and has a hot potency. Bibhitaki helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha.
  • Dhatri – It is heavy to digest and coolant in nature, with 5 tastes in it i.e sour, sweet, bitter, astringent and pungent and sour is the dominant taste. Potency of dhatri is cold due to which it helps in balancing all the three doshas of the body. It is best for the treatment of bleeding disorders due to its cold potency and astringent taste also helps in relieving the burning sensation. It is known as a rejuvenating agent due to which it has a very good anti-ageing effect.
  • Vidanga – It is pungent and astringent in taste, light to digest, dry in nature with strong or piercing in nature. Potency of vidanga is hot and undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. It has a special effect i.e. krumihara (Relieves worm infestation or microbial infections). Due to its hot potency it helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha from the body. Ir relieves constipation, relieves indigestion and weak digestion.
  • Nagar – Dried tuberous form of this herb is used which has a pungent taste, heavy to digest, dry in nature with strong and piercing in nature. It undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion, hot in potency due to which it helps in balancing kapha dosha from the body. It helps in improving taste, treats constipation as it loosens stools. It is known to improve pancreatic digestive enzymes and is also good for relieving abdominal pain, helpful in absorbing the ingested food.
  • Pippali – It is used as a spice in Indian households, It has a pungent taste which is light to digest and has a strong or piercing nature. Potency of pippali is hot and helps in balancing vata and kapha dosha. It helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha due to its hot potency and pungent taste. It causes purgation so relieves piles or hemorrhoids. It also slightly increases the pitta dosha. It improves digestion and improves intelligence.
  • Bhallataka – It has been kept in subgroups such as deepniya (Herbs promoting digestion), bhediya (Herbs causing mild purgation), kushtha ghana (Herbs treating skin diseases) etc. It is bitter, pungent and astringent in taste, light to digest and is piercing in nature. It undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion. It is a poison but when used in purified form or limited quantity it will have therapeutic properties such as pachana (Digestion), bhedi (Induces purgation), udarahara (Useful in ascites) etc.
  • Pippali mool – Root of pippali is used in this formulation and it has a pungent taste, light to digest and drying in nature. It undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion and helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha from the body. It has many benefits such as helps in improving digestive strength and relieves ama dosha, useful in constipation, bloating due to which it causes purgation.
  • Talis patra – Leaves of abeis are used which are bitter and sweet in taste, light to digest also strong and piercing in nature. It undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion and potency of talis patra is hot due to which it helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha. It helps in deepana (Improving digestive fire), gumlahara (Treats abdominal tumor) and relieves ama dosha from the body.
  • Twak – Twak is the bark of a cinnamon tree which has a pungent, bitter and sweet taste. It is light to digest and is drying and piercing in nature. Potency of twak is hot with the resultant pungent taste. Twak is helpful in balancing the vata and kapha dosha while simultaneously increasing pitta dosha. Sushruta has classified it in the eladi gana. It is very good for digestion, relieves constipation, good for the throat and is light to digest.
  • Ela – Acharya charaka has classified this herb in groups such as shwasahara (Herbs useful in asthma and dyspnea), angamardaprashmana (Herbs used in relieving bodyache) etc. It has a pungent and sweet taste, light in digestion also causes dryness in the body. Potency of the ela is cold so it helps in bleeding disorders and relieves burning sensation in the piles. It helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha.
  • Maricha – Peppercorns are used for this formulation, which has a pungent taste, light to digest with strong and piercing nature. It has a potential to enter deep in the channels, undergoing pungent taste conversion after digestion. It has a hot potency and helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha from the body. It has a scraping effect on the intestines and has a cleaning effect.
  • Guda – Old jaggery is used for making ayurvedic formulations, it is much sweeter than the fresh jaggery, light to digest, promotes digestion, cleanses stomach and helps in balancing vata and pitta dosha from the body. It is good for treating anemia so it will be helpful in checking the blood loss, as it has a cleaning effect on the intestines and feces.

Method Of Preparation

Following method of preparation is is used for making this formulation:

  1. All the herbs are grinded and made in the consistency of a fine powder.
  2. This mixture of fine powder is mixed with jaggery to form a fine paste.
  3. After that this paste is rolled to form pills.

Medicinal Properties

This formulation has the following medicinal properties;

  1. It relieves constipation
  2. Helps in treating piles
  3. Improves digestion
  4. Cleanses intestines
  5. Anti-inflammatory
  6. Antispasmodic
  7. Aphrodisiac
  8. Rejuvenating agent
  9. Improves intelligence
  10. Increases digestive fire

Product Details

  • Product form: Tablets
  • Package type: Bottle
  • Package quantity: 120 tablets

Dosha Karma

It helps in balancing vata and pitta dosha from the body


It can be taken in the dose of 1-2 tablets twice a day

Classical Indications

It can be indicted in the following disorders such as:

  1. Arsha roga (Piles)
  2. Kaphaja grahani (Sprue)
  3. Shwas – kasa (Dyspnoea- cough)
  4. Kshaya roga (Consumption)
  5. Pleeha (Enlargement of spleen)
  6. Shaleepad (Filariasis)
  7. Oedema
  8. Prameha (Diabetes)
  9. Bhagandar (Fistula in ano)
  10. Graying of hairs
  11. Improves intelligence


It can be indicated in the following disorders such as:

  1. Piles
  2. Indigestion
  3. Fistula
  4. Fissure in ano
  5. Psychological disorders
  6. Diabetes
  7. Bloating
  8. Hair related disorders
  9. Hepatomegaly
  10. Splenomegaly

Side Effects

It does not have any known side effects but overdose can cause burning sensation in stomach


This is the best medicine for the treatment of piles and other disorders related to the digestive tract. Its main content is suran which is very good in digestion issues and for the piles. All the ingredients in it are helpful in treating this condition. Planet ayurveda uses all the pure and authentic and all the medicine from the planet ayurveda are lab tested and free from preservatives and chemicals.


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