

Original price was: Rs.1,350.00.Current price is: Rs.1,215.00.


Graviola Capsules are pure Ayurvedic and herbal product prepared by Planet Ayurveda gives the benefits of Graviola herb as it is prepared purely by the use of herb named as Graviola/ Guanaba/ Soursop having so many medicinal properties. This unique herb is filled with properties like Antibacterial, Antiviral, Anticancer, Anti-parasitic, Antimalarial, Antileishmania, Antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, Astringent, Ant-mutagenic, Analgesic, and Anti-inflammatory etc.

This Ayurvedic herbal product carries in it all the goodness of the herb Graviola.

DOSE: 1-2 Capsules once or twice daily with plain water. But it is always better to consult our doctors or any other registered medical practitioner to know the correct usage of the medicine.


Sr. No. Ingredient Name Botanical Name Quantity
1. Graviola Annona muricata 500 mg

Properties of Graviola herb

Graviola herb is efficient Dietary Supplement. Every part of this plant- leaves, bark and fruit are useful and has medicinal properties that has made it suitable in various conditions. Graviola has been used traditionally since centuries as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and for natural remedies for infections, fever, digestive problems, and high blood pressure.

It’s all forms has been made to use like leaf as tea and bark has been used as as a tonic.

  • Graviola is a natural agent comprising of anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties, anti-oxidant, anti-tumor properties which bring so much relief to persons suffering from various diseases.
  • It is high in carbohydrates.
  • It is a rich source of Ascorbic, lactic and citric acid.
  • It is wide source of benefits as it is rich in vitamins and minerals which includes vitamin B1, B2, and C.
  • It also comprises of potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorous and magnesium and Graviola is also rich in fiber.
  • The stem, bark and leaves are rich in antioxidants mainly Coenzyme Q10 that can fight inflammation, remove free radicals, and ensure the functioning of the body at optimal level.
  • Some people who consume this have a feeling of rejuvenation.
  • Some have sound and stable sleep due to presence of tryptophan in it.
  • It has also been used traditionally as an sedative.

Therapeutic Uses of Graviola Capsules

There are amazing benefits of Graviola Capsules on our health which helps to improve the quality of life.

  • Graviola Capsules are found to have beneficial effects due to the properties of herb present in it in treating infections caused by bacteria and parasites including leishmaniasis.
  • Diabetes – Graviola Capsules can stabilize blood sugar levels to normal range
  • Other important use is to combat cancer due to presence of acetogenin which fights against cancer cells and as well act as a supportive therapy for cancer such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer and lymphoma etc.
  • It can be a useful herbal remedy for treating constipation, diarrhea and hemorrhoids and thus promoting regular bowel movements.
  • These Capsules have capability to reverse some of the revealing signs of aging like wrinkles and other blemishes on skin.
  • It is effective against herpes simplex virus infection.
  • It is a supplement to boost the energy levels of the body and fatigue.
  • It is effective in Gout by reducing the levels of uric acid in the body.
  • It is a good supplement to get rid of back pain giving feeling of relaxation to patient.
  • These herbal Capsules are useful to strengthen the bones and prevent bone and joint diseases such as osteoporosis.
  • Consumption of theses capsules can boost immune system of the body.
  • Also beneficial to control high blood pressure as well as good in depression.
  • It is useful in prevention of Heart disease and Nerve disease.
  • Also good medicinal source for Rheumatism and abscess formation.

Side Effects of Graviola Capsules

Consumption of Graviola capsules under prescribed dosage, brings no side effects but in case of pregnant females and nursing mothers, consumption of Graviola Capsules should be only under medical supervision.

Advantages of Using Graviola Capsules of Planet Ayurveda

Graviola Capsules of Planet Ayurveda provide many health benefits as it is already explained above. Other additional factors that has made it more better than many other similar products available in the market today are:

  • 100% pure natural formulation.
  • Pure vegetarian supplement.
  • Manufacturing of these capsules use standardized extracts only.
  • These products are formulated by M.D. Ayurveda experts.
  • It is free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, binders, colors, yeast, fillers etc.
  • Animals are not used for testing the efficiency of the product.
  • It is purely organic.

Information about Product

  • Product Form: This product is available in capsule form.
  • Packing Type: Packed in Bottle.
  • Quantity: Each bottle has 60 capsules.

How long would Graviola capsules take to show results?

Graviola is a totally pure form and best high-quality herb. The effects of this herbal preparations are natural and everlasting. In certain cases there may be delay in results which depends upon the medical condition of the individual, such as mental health, physical weakness and also the metabolic circumstance of the body but there have been some cases where individuals had shown the results within a week’s time also.