Draksha asava is a classical herbal formulation which has been mentioned in classical ayurvedic texts thousand of years ago for certain problems and disorders. Mainly it is composed of draksha (Grapes) which are known to have many benefits. In ayurveda grapes are used in dried or in fresh form for making many medications. Asavas are the formulations which are made after fermenting the decoction of the herbs and some sweetening agent is also added. Asavas have some amount of alcohol in it but it is not in the quantity only 5-10% alcoholic content which is self generated is present in the drakshasava so it is really a safe ayurvedic alcoholic composition.
Ingredients Used in Drakshasav
It contains of total 18 ingredients for making this asava which are mentioned below:
Sr. No. | Indian Name | Botanical Name | Parts Used | Quantity |
1. | Munakka | Vitis vinifera | Fruit | 10 Parts |
2. | Ber Ki Moola twak | Ziziphus mauritiana | Root | 5 Parts |
3. | Supari | Areca catechu | Seed | 1 Part |
4. | Laung | Myristica fragrans | Seed | 1 Part |
5. | Javitri | Myristica fragrans | 1 Part | |
6. | Jaiphal | Myristica fragrans | Seed | 1 Part |
7. | Badi Elaichi | Amomum subulatum | Fruit | 4 Parts |
8. | Tejpatra | Cinnamomum tamala | Leaf/strong> | 4 Parts |
9. | Sonth | Zingiber officinale | Rhizome | 3 Parts |
10. | Kali Maricha | Piper nigrum | Seed | 3 Parts |
11. | Pippali | Piper longum | Fruit | 3 Parts |
12. | Nagkeshar | Mesua ferrea | Flower | 1 Part |
13. | Mastagi | Mastiche | 1 Part | |
14. | Dalchini | Cinnamomum zeylanicum | Bark | 1 Part |
15. | Akarkara | Anacyclus Pyrethrum | Root | 1 Part |
16. | Dhatki Pushpa | Woodfordia fruticosa | Flower | 2.5 Parts |
17. | Sugar | Saccharum | 40 Parts | |
18. | Kutki | Picrorhiza kurroa | Root | 1 Part |
Ref. Ayurvedic Text – [ यो.चि./A.F.I.(II) ]
Description of The Ingredients
Each ingredient in this formulation has many benefits and certain actions and together all the ingredients produce a combined effect of this asava.
1. Munakka
It is also known as the tree of life due the rejuvenating and life giving abilities in it. It has unctuous and heavy properties and has a sweet taste. It has a sweet taste after digestion and cold potency. Munakka helps in balancing the vata and pitta dosha from the body. Charak has kept it in the groups which are kanthya (Voice improving), virechnopag (Purgative herbs), kasahara (Cough relieving), Shramahara (Tiredness relieving herbs). Munakka is natural coolant and helps in easy digestion. It helps in curing excessive thirst, burning sensation, respiratory tract disorders, bleeding disorders, emaciation and kshaya like tuberculosis, and muscle wasting. It can also treat the hoarseness of the voice. Munakka will lead to improved nourishment of the body.
2. Ber
It is the best herb to treat bleeding disorders, burning sensation and charaka has kept this herb in the categories like hrudya (Cardiac tonic), swedopag (stops excess sweating), chardi nigrahan (Anti- emetic herbs). Ber is sweet, astringent and sour in taste with the hot potency. Bark of the plant is used in this formulation which can be indicated in pitta disorders like gastritis, blood disorders, skin disorders, weight loss, excessive thirst, burning sensation of the eyes.
3. Supari
This is astringent and sweet in taste with a heavy and drying nature. It undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion and has cold potency. Nut of the supari are used for making this formulation and it can cause diarrhea so relieve constipation. It is very good for the treatment of mouth ulcers, bleeding disorders. From the vaginal routes it can be given for the treatment of shweta pradar and rakta pradara. It is also used for the treatment of oral disorders and can be used as mouth freshner or bleeding gums and remove dental plaque.
4. Laung
Buds (Cloves) of the lavang are used for the making of the formulation of draksha asava. It is cold in potency and is light, sharp and unctuous in properties. It helps in pacifying kapha and pitta dosha from the body. Due to the pungent and bitter properties it acts as an appetizer and digestive agent. It also acts as a liver stimulant so can be used in anorexia and helps in aam pachan (Digestion of toxins). It can be given to the females with the morning sickness. As it has cool potency it can be used in bleeding disorders and pitta disorders.
5. Javitri
This herb is used for the treatment of the urinary tract infections and also acts as a cardiac tonic. Javitri is helpful in treating abdominal bloating, nausea, vomiting and acts as an appetizer as it improves the taste and digestion strength. Javitri helps in boosting the immunity and resistance power of a person.
6. Jaiphala
Jaiphala is bitter and pungent in taste with the light and piercing in nature. It has cold potency and balances the kapha and vata dosha in the body. It undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. It is light to digest and relieves excessive thirst. Jaiphala is deepan in nature which means it helps in enhancing the digestion of a person and relieves cough, cold, nausea and vomiting. It is also helpful in improving the complexion of the person. Seeds of the jaiphal can be used for any digestive disorders.
7. Badi elaichi
Seed pods of the badi ela is used for the making of this formulation also it has a bitter and pungent taste. Qualities of the badi elaichi are light to digest and dry. It undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion with hot potency. Badi ela reduces kapha and vata dosha. It reduces foul breath, cough, asthma and chronic respiratory disorders. Badi ela in combination with the other herbs is helpful in treating excessive thirst, headache and itching. It can be indicated in kantha ruja which means it helps in throat pain and sore throat.
8. Tejpatra
Tejpatra has a pungent, bitter and sweet taste, light in digestion, dry and strong in nature. It reduces vitiated kapha and vata dosha also increases pitta dosha. It can be indicated in diseases like arshas (Hemorrhoids), hrullasa (nausea), aruchi (Anorexia), rhinitis, urinary tract disorders and in the itching of the skin.
9. Sonth
Sonth is the dried form of ginger and root of the ginger is used for the making of the drakshasava. It has a pungent taste and is heavy to digest, dry in nature and strong and piercing in nature. Has a hot potency which helps in balancing the kapha dosha from the body. Improves digestive strength so can be used in improving taste and relieving anorexia also relieves the constipation so eliminates gas, bloating and feeling of the fullness of the stomach. It can be used in the treatment of inflammation, swasa (Breathing difficulty), and pandu (Anemia).
10. Kali marich
It has a pungent taste and it is light to digest with strong properties. Kali marich has hot potency so it will help in pacifying the vata dosha and kapha dosha; also increases the pitta dosha. Due to its hot and potency and sharp nature it is helpful in increasing the salivation and stimulating the digestive juices. It is also helpful in removing the sluggishness of the breathing channels of the body and also reduces the secretion of the mucus. Marich also stimulates the respiratory system and removes the blockages of the small capillaries.
11. Pippali
Pippali is classified under to groups like kasahar (Relieves cough), Hikka nigran (Relieves hiccough), deepniya (Promotes digestion), shoolaprashmana (Relieves pain). Marich has a pungent taste with light, unctuous and sharp properties. Pippali comes under the group of herbs whose potency is not so cold and not so hot. Piper longum is an appetizer, carminative also acts as a mild laxative. It is an excellent medicine for respiratory tract disorders like cough, cold. It can also be used as a tonic for tuberculosis. Pippali helps in pacifying the vata and kapha dosha and increases the pitta dosha.
12. Nagkesar
Acharya charaka has classified it in the groups like trupti ghana (Nourishing), trushna nigrahan (Relieves excessive thirst), lekhaniya (Scraping), stanya shodhan (Breast milk purifying). It is light to digest and dry in nature with bitter, pungent and astringent in nature. It is very good medicine for the digestive system, so helpful in anorexia, vomiting, and indigestion. Flowers of the plant are used for making this formulation and it has the best effects on the digestive system. Nagkesar is helpful in pacifying the kapha and pitta dosha of the body so it can be used in disorders related to the kapha and pitta dosha.
13. Dalchini
Bark of the plant is used for making this formulation. It is very good for digestion and it can be used as an appetizer, digestive and carminative as it is light to digest, dry and sharp in nature. Dalchini is bitter, pungent, and sweet in taste with pungent taste conversion after digestion. Dalchini will help in pacifying the kapha and vata dosha in the body and increase the pitta dosha from the body. It is also good for oral health and keeps away bad breath. It will help in treating nausea and vomiting. It will also act as an analgesic and stimulant. Dalchini will help in treating the respiratory disorders as it will act as expectorant and also helpful in the digestion of the ama dosha and toxins from the body.
14. Akarkara
Root of the akarkara is used for the formulation of the drakshasav which helps in pacifying the kapha and vata dosha from the body and increasing pitta dosha. Akarkara is light to digest and sharp in nature with a pungent taste. Potency of akarkara is hot. It helps in combating the weakness and increasing shukra (Sperms) of the body. It mainly acts on the organs which are heart and lungs.
15. Dhatki
Flowers of the dhatki are used for making this formulation and it is mainly used for the fermentation of the asava and also it provides natural color to the drakshasav. It is light to digest and dry in nature with astringent and pungent taste. Potency of dhatki is cold and taste conversion after digestion is pungent. Flowers of dhatki are hemostatic in nature and can be used in the bleeding disorders. It can be used in chronic diarrhea and dysentery, powder of the dhatki can be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
16. Mastagi
Mastagi is sweet and astringent in taste and also it is light to digest, dry in nature. Potency of the mastagi is hot which helps in balancing the vata dosha and due to the sweet taste it will help in balancing the pitta dosha. Gum resins of the mastagi are used for making this formulation. It can be used to strengthen the teeths, binding the bowel, IBS and diarrhea.It is very helpful in improving the digestion of a person.
17. Sugar
It is used as a sweetening agent in this formulation and also it is used for the purpose of the fermentation.
Method Of Preparation
Following method is used for the preparation of this formulation. There is one difference between asava and arishta is that the asavas are not prepared by making the decoction of the herbs but drakshasav is an exception in this as this is prepared by making the decoction of the above mentioned herbs.
- Decoction of the resins is prepared by adding water and cooking it in low flame and when the water reduces to the quarter part then it is filtered out in a jar.
- Sugar is mixed in this decotion and mixed in this.
- Remaining ingredients are added to the in this decoction.
- And this decoction mixture is put in a vessel which is coated by ghee on the inside.
- Leave this mixture for three weeks for fermentation.
- After 3 weeks of fermenting the mixture it is filtered out and can be preserved and used.
Medicinal Properties
Drakshasav has many different medicinal properties due to which it is used in many disorders. Drakshasav has following medicinal properties like:
- It acts as a mild laxative due to its pitta balancing properties and certain herbs in it acts as a mild laxative.
- Due to draksha and other herbs which are present in this formulation helps in enhancing the digestion.
- It can also acts as anti-emetic.
- Many herbs in this formulation are present like nagkesar, pippali, marich etc which makes it a potent liver stimulant and helps in improving metabolism of the person.
- Due to its pitta and vata dosha balancing properties and herbs like munakka, marich, pippali, sonth etc makes it a good expectorant and helps in treating respiratory disorders.
- Drakshasav acts as a rejuvenating agent as it helps in promoting the tissue growth and absorption of the nutrients.
Dosha Karma
Drakshav helps in balancing vata and pitta dosha in the body.
It can be taken in the dose of 12- 24 ml once or twice in a day after having meals by mixing in the equal quantity of water.
Classical Indications
Classically it is indicated in the diseases mentioned below:
- Arsa (Hemorrhoids)
- Aruchi (Anorexia)
- Hrudroga (Heart diseases)
- Pandu (Anemia)
- Raktapitta (Bleeding disorders)
- Udarroga (Abdominal disorders)
- kshata (Trauma)
- Shosha (Emaciation)
- Jwara (Fever)
Drakshasav can be indicated in the following disorders which are mentioned below:
- Debility
- Fever
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Piles
- Flatulence
- Headache
- Anemia
- Jaundice
- Cough
- Breathing difficulties
- Restlessness
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Constipation
- Belching
- Abdominal disorders
Side Effects
In high dosage it can lead to the diarrhea and other stomach gastric ailments.
Drakshasav is a classical herbal formulation and can be used in various disorders as mentioned above. This formulation is available in planet ayurveda and planet ayurveda provides pure and authentic formulations which are made by using the authentic herbs and without the use of any preservatives and chemicals.
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