

Original price was: Rs.450.00.Current price is: Rs.400.00.


Jivanti powder is a powdered herbal formulation made from a single herb Jivanti which is commonly also known as  chervil. It offers countless benefits. As the name indicates this churna have the capacity to maintain good health as well as vigor in a person. It has a revitalizing property. Jivanti churna have antibacterial properties that help in fighting against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and any infections caused by them. This Churna have a stimulant property.

Product Description

  • Weight – 100 gm
  • Dosage – One teaspoonful two times a day with plain water after meals.

Herb Description

  • Herb Name- Jivanti
  • Latin Name – Leptadenia Reticulate

General Description

This herb belongs to the family of Asclepiadaceae. Jivanti grows throughout India, especially in the Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. Its leaves are rich in Stigmasterol, a-myrin, Tocopherols, Hentriacontanol, Sitostero, and Leptadeno. It acts as an effective stimulant and restorative.

Let us move towards a description of the Jivanti churna.

What are the Medicinal Properties of Jivanti Churna?

  • Taste (Rasa) – Sweet (Madhura)
  • Qualities (Guna) – Light (Laghu), Slimy (Snigdha)
  • Vipaka – Convert into Sweet (Madhur) Taste after Digestion.
  • Potency (Veerya) – Cold (Sheeta)

What is Jivanti Churna’s Effect on Tri-dosha?

This churna reduces vitiated Vata and Pitta Dosha.

What are Jivanti Churna’s Therapeutic Uses?

  • Jivanti churna have antibacterial action. Its ethanolic content makes it rich in antibacterial properties. Pathogens like Streptococcus Pyogens and E. coli can effectively be killed by this churna.
  • This churna have hypotensive action. It helpfully lowers down the blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
  • It protects from fungal infections.
  • Jivanti churna can help to increase lactation in nursing mothers.
  • This churna is effective in treating wounds and skin infections as well.
  • General debility and weakness can be corrected by the regular consumption of this churna.
  • Jivanti churna can prevent prolapse of uterus and vulva. It can decrease the tendency of habitual abortion.
  • It has absorbent action, hence diarrhea and IBS can be treated with the use of this churna.
  • This churna improves vision and is useful in treating eye disorders.
  • Regular use of this churna can improve strength and boosts up immunity.
  • It is useful in treating bleeding disorders like nasal bleeding, menorrhagia etc.
  • Symptoms of gastritis like burning sensation can be treated by this churna.
  • Jivanti churna prevent depletion of body tissues, weight loss and provide nourishment.
  • This churna has an antiepileptic effect and reduces or prevents the severity of epileptic fits.
  • Jivanti churna possess strong uterotropic and anti-implantation activity.
  • It decreases the multiplication and spread of cancer cells and increases life expectancy. Jivanti churna also decreases tumor weight.
  • This churna treats symptoms of depression effectively like sleeplessness, loss of appetite, mood swings. It showed marked improvement in hysteria or epilepsy.
  • Jivanti churna have ulcer healing properties. It also prevents an ulcer.
  • Urine volume can be increased significantly with the use of this churna.
  • This churna effectively reduces an elevated level of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels.
  • Jivanti churna lowers blood pressure.
  • This churna also have spermatogenic action, i.e. it increases sperm count and also increases sperm motility. Jivanti churna treats involuntary seminal discharge.
  • Jivanti churna acts as a modulator and alleviates immunosuppressive conditions.
  • It boosts the energy level of the body.
  • This churna promotes the production of male sex hormones, i.e. androgens and male gametes.
  • Jivanti churna reduces phlegm and used in the treatment of asthma.
  • It has the ability to treat gangrene.
  • Jivanti churna helps in treating a fever by lowering the temperature and relieving other symptoms like weakness, excessive thirst and loss of appetite.
  • This churna have an anti-inflammatory properties, treats swelling, pain, and redness of the affected part.
  • Overall health can be improved by its regular consumption.
  • Jivanti churna treats urinary infection. It helps to relieve burning in urination, pain during passing urine, fever, and weakness.
  • It is used to treat sexual dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculations, seminal debilities, and anxiety associated with sexual performance.
  • Jivanti churna relieves anxiety and stress, improves concentration and memory.
  • Ears, eyes, nose, tongue, and throat can be strengthened with the use of this churna.
  • This churna acts as a natural decongestant relieves congestion.
  • Jivanti churna acts as an analgesic and relieves pain.
  • It can improve dizziness, indigestion, lack of strength and abdominal colic.

Planet Ayurveda manufactures this powder under strict Ayurvedic principles. Several reasons which make it superior to other similar products are –

  • This powder is 100% Ayurvedic.
  • It is purely vegetarian churna.
  • Jivanti churna powder does not contain any chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colors, yeast, binders or fillers.
  • Its testing is not done on animals.
  • This churna is available at Planet Ayurveda at a reasonable price with the best quality.
  • Only pure Ayurvedic herbs of the best quality are used.
  • Standardized extracts are used in the preparation of this churna.
  • Only organic products are used for ensuring better results.