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Best Herbal Supplements for Increasing Glutathione Levels

S.No. Products Quantity
1 Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
2 Manjishtha Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
3 Immune Booster 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
4 Amalaki Rasayan 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
5 Rose Honey Natural Face & Body Butter 1 Jar (50gm)


Glutathione is a natural antioxidant found in vegetables, fruits and meat. It is also seen in human cells, which helps to produce proteins in the system. This antioxidant is super potent for repairing the cellular component damage occurred due to the species of reactive oxygen like heavy metals or free radicals.

Along with protein production and tissue repairing, glutathione is also capable of immune boosting and modulation and also aids in restructuring as a potential neurotransmitter. This ‘magic wonder’ even improves metabolism and involved in stress management.

Naturally, glutathione is produced by the liver, which makes it special as the human body fails to prepare most of the other antioxidants. But to improve the levels of glutathione in the body, one should take supplementation, either by food or medicine.

The dynamic abilities of glutathione are indefinite. It includes:-

  • Managing eye disorders that can lead to loss of vision like cataract and glaucoma
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Preventing the conditions like alcoholism
  • Good friend of respiratory system, even helps in asthma management
  • A potential immune booster which can be made use in the management of AIDS or chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Liver health promoter especially when hepatitis attacks the liver
  • Cardiac tonic, which helps to improve the blood circulation and preventing blood clotting even in patients with atherosclerosis (hardened artery)
  • Prevents tired blood and thus used in anaemia treatment
  • Promoting kidney health and used in diabetes treatment too
  • Memory enhancer and hence used in memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease
  • Curbs the poisonous effects of chemotherapy
  • Treating male infertility, as it helps in forming male sperms
  • Even improves the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  • Enhances the athletic performance

Glutathione and Skin

Glutathione may be the most common medicine taken orally for skin whitening. It can also be used as skin creams externally. The depigmenting effects of glutathione are still under research but still this widely used substance globally for melanin reduction in the body. The antimelanogenic property of glutathione makes it a wonder medicine for treating hyperpigmentation. Its immense help rendered for regenerating vitamin C and vitamin E (beauty vitamin) makes it the best for skin complexion and glow.

Even these are some unopposed truths on glutathione, direct use of the medicine either orally or intravenously may also become potentially harmful to the body. Even some governments banned the intravenous use glutathione.

Here comes the role of Ayurveda science. Ayurveda offers its extended help to enhance the glutathione levels in the body through safe medications. Even without the direct extracts of glutathione, this ancient and divine science promotes the skin glow.

The decreased levels of glutathione in the body can be easily related to vata aggravation as per Ayurveda theories.

Karshya karshnya usha kaamithva kampa anaha sakrtgrhaan //

(Ashtangahridaya, Sutra Sthana, Chapter 11)

Bala varna sukha ayushman upaghataya, mano vyaharshayati //

(Caraka Samhita, Sutra Sthana, Chapter 12, Sloka 6)

Emaciation, blackish pigmentation, longing for hot, tremors, bloating and constipation are the main features of aggravated vata. An aggravated vata destroys the strength, complexion, happiness and creates stress in mind.

Skin Glow through Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda offers herbal help to enhance the glutathione levels which strengthens the immune system and improves skin glow. Its glutathione herbal pack includes Amalaki Rasayan, Immune Booster, Manjishtha Capsules, Radiant Skin Hair Nails Formula and Cleopatra Anti-Aging Body Butter.

1. Amalaki Rasayan

This is a single herbal capsule formulation featuring ‘Amalaki’ (Indian gooseberry, Emblica officinalis) as the main hero. Obviously, Amalaki is one of the most celebrated drugs in Ayurveda. It also possesses a Sanskrit synonym called “Dhatri” and it means mother. Amalaki nurses every individual as a mother. One who wishes for longevity, strength and vigor should have rejuvenative medicine and the classic example for rejuvenation (Rasayana) is Amalaki. This anti-aging capsule not only bolsters your immunity but also improves your intellect, memory, glow, longevity and fire. Amalaki is the richest source of Vitamin C, the very powerful antioxidant which helps in immune modulation. This aphrodisiac wonder berry, fight against free radicals and reduces inflammatory signs and thus improves the eye sight. It’s regenerative, cooling, relaxing, and anti-inflammatory and vision improving effects makes Amalaki the foremost medicine for improving glutathione levels.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily.

2. Immune Booster

These capsules are wonderful combination of immune enhancing ingredients like:-

  1. Grape seeds (Vitis Vinifera)
  2. Green tea (Camellia Sinesis)
  3. Bhumi amalaki (Phyllanthus Niruri)
  4. Colostrum of cow

Bhumi Amalaki takes the charge of spleen and liver. The birthplace of blood is liver and its death place is spleen. This production and destruction is controlled by bhumi amalaki. The nourisher and rejuvenator, the Colostrum of cow improves cellular intelligence. Grape seeds are filled with antioxidants and are excellent remedies for hypertension. It improves venous sufficiency and balances blood cholesterol levels. By improving the blood flow, it can curb all the conditions which can potentially risk with heart diseases and diabetes. Green tea also improves blood circulation and is a great antioxidant. This is used even from ancient times to remove dark circles and dullness of face.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily.

3. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails

This is an excellent formulation that makes your skin radiant and healthy. The herbs used are manjishta (rubia cordifolia), chirata (swetia chiretta), pitta papda (fumaria officinalis) & aloe vera. All these herbs simultaneously purify the blood and this improves the skin glow. It also reduces the symptoms like itching, inflammation, redness, and fight epidermal super infections.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily.

4. Manjishtha Capsules

Manjistha (rubia cordifolia) is the most used herb for skin. It is an overall system enhancer with its specific effects on skin. It normalizes the liver function and thus improving the blood quality. Definitely, a good quality renders perfect skin. Manjishta is widely used for skin rashes and hyperpigmentation.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily.

5. Rose Honey Natural Face & Body Butter

Usage – External application only.

Along with these magic medicines, try to balance your diet and include more with cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale and watercress. Avocado, spinach, okra, asparagus and turmeric are the richest sources of natural glutathione. Sleep well and exercise regularly.