
Trinpanchmool Ghan Vati

Original price was: Rs.460.00.Current price is: Rs.415.00.



In ayurvedic classical texts Trinpanchmool (group of 5 grass roots) is mentioned. It is frequently used for relieving urinary tract infections, burning micturation and scanty urination .It is among the best diuretics by Charaka. It reduces vitiated Pitta. Today the life is full of stress, resulting various renal diseases like burning micturition, renal calculi, renal failure. To combat these diseases various regulatory mechanism, electrolyte balance, equilibrium of amino acids, acid and base balance, expulsion of toxic substances from body is maintained by kidneys. Planet ayurveda brings these herbs in with the name Trinpanchmool ghan vati, it consists extract of these five grass roots. Trinpanchmool ghan vati eliminates excess water with toxins from the body without unbalancing electrolytes thus supports kidneys.

  • Stimulate the organs of the urinary system
  • Increase urine production
  • Ease the flow of urine
  • Decrease the level of urine albumin and pus cells
  • Water retention due to any cause is eliminated
  • No burden on kidneys, gives strength to kidneys
  • Supports urinary system in nephritic syndrome
  • Helpful in congestive heart disease


What Trinpanchmool Ghan Vati contains?

The Ayurvedic herbal formulation trinpanchmool Ghan Vati is a 100% pure herbal product based on safe diuretic formula. The herbs used in this formula are Kusha, Darbh, Kasha, Shara, Ikshu.

These five herbs in combination are used in Ayurveda for its role in renal disorders. These five grass roots increase urine quantity resulting Pitta balance.


Each Tablet is 500 mg

S. No. Ingredient- International Name Common Name
1 Desmostachya bipinnata Kusha
2 Saccharum spontaneum Kasha
3 Ceratophyllum submersum Shara
4 Cynodon dactylon Darbha
5 Saccharum officinarum Ikshu

Ref. Ayurvedic Text – Bhaishajya Ratnavali / Mutrakrichra Rogadhikara 10

Trinpanchmool Ghan Vati is an ayurvedic herbal product in tablet form, formed from best quality herbs which are collected from the cleanest environment. The processing and packaging of the tablets is done using best technology. The regular use of Trinpanchmool Ghan Vati eliminates excess water, helps in burning sensation and gives strength to the renal system.

  1. Kusha (Desmostachya bipinnata) known as ‘sacred grass’ in Vedas. It delivers effects as a diuretic. It is also used to relieve dysentery and menorrhagia where pitta is elevated.
  2. Darbh (Cynodon dactylon) increases urine volume, diminishes burning sensation of body as well as eyes, reduces thirst. Combat renal stones and hemorrhagic conditions. Properties of a galactagogue.
  3. Kasha (Saccharum spontaneum) is a known traditional herb, it has excellent medicinal value. The roots are mentioned as diuretic, refrigerant, lithotriptic , emollient, tonic and galactagogue in Ayurveda. Therefore Kas is useful in burning sensation, renal calculi and vesicle calculi. Also helpful in dyspepsia, burning micturation, sexual weakness, respiratory disorders, piles and gynecological problems. It balances vitiated vata and pitta due to which it corrects burning sensations and haemorrhoids. It has properties of an aphrodisiac.
  4. Shara (Ceratophyllum submersum) reportedly has novel kidney protective action. This herb is useful in burning sensation, thirst, erysipelas and blood troubles because of its cooling properties. A number of formulations are useful in the management of dysuria.
  5. Ikshu (Saccharum officinarum) the roots are cooling agents and wonderful diuretic. It is useful in seminal weakness, uropathy, fatigue and general weakness.

How can I use Trinpanchmool Ghan Vati daily

These trinpanchmool ghan vati are easily available and convenient to use. These are Ayurvedic tablets of purely herbal formulation that should be consumed as a whole with plain water.

For adults, 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with plain water after meals.

The recommended dose for Children is 1-2 tablets twice a day.

The herbal properties of trinpanchmool ghan vati leaves behind no side effects as these are a natural herbal product. There are no withdrawal or habit forming symptoms seen. Its regular usage for long periods is considered safe.

Caution: However, trinpanchmool has no known side effects; pregnant females, feeding mothers and children are advised to take this medicine under medical supervision. People consuming hypoglycemic drugs may need to alter the dosage of their drug along with this product.


The formulation trinpanchmool is a frequently used herb in Ayurveda. Its multiple benefits and health results have drawn attention of researchers throughout the world. Many scientist and students have taken up the study of this herb helpful in renal impairments.

Researches has proved its wonderful actions on urinary system.

Studies have proven it to be among the best diuretics.
It has properties to eliminate excess water from the body due to any reason and it helps relieve burning micturition and scanty urination.

It has been proved to be effective in patients with nephotic syndrome.

How long would Trinpanchmoola Ghan Vati take to show results?

Trinpanchmoola ghan vati is a complete pure form of the best high-quality herbal product without any adulteration. For the reason that it is a 100% pure ayurvedic formula, it starts its natural actions as soon as you start taking the tablets. One must have patience to see the wonderful effects of this remedy as visible outer effects may take about 4-6 weeks to appear.

In certain cases the results may also be delayed depending upon the medical condition of the individual, such like his mental health, physical illnesses and also the metabolic condition of the body. There have been cases where individuals show results within a week’s time also.

The effects of herbal preparations are natural and everlasting in contrast to the immediate yet short- termed results given by the pharmaceutical drugs. This may take a certain longer period of time but the effects are there to stay!!

So as to ensure best outcome, it is recommended to consume the product regularly per the recommended dosage.

How long will single bottles of trinpanchmool ghan vati lasts?

A single bottle of trinpanchmool ghan vati contains 120 herbal natural tablets. A bottle should last anywhere from 15 to 30 days depending upon the dosage and frequency of consumption. For best results regular intake of the tablets is highly recommended.

Daily routine must include

  • Increase water intake.
  • You are advised to take a normal diet excluding pickles, spicy food, high salt and sugar intake.
  • Don’t suppress your natural urges.