

Original price was: Rs.450.00.Current price is: Rs.400.00.



Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) is a famous herb used for its medicinal values. As the name suggests “punar” means regaining or restoring and “nava” means new. The active principle is the alkaloid “punarnavine” that has therapeutic action. It helps in maintaining healthy renal functions.

The herb is found throughout India, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Bangladesh and in many topical countries. Due to its bitter taste and cooling effect, it has very high medicinal values. This herb is well known for its diuretic property. It helps to balance all the tridosha (vata, pitta and kapha) in body. Specially, kapha and vata dosha is balanced with use of this herb.


  • Punarnava helps to maintain good renal functions with its anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and diuretic properties.
  • It is very beneficial in treating edema.
  • This powder improves the functioning of damaged kidneys.
  • Also promotes healthy functioning of liver.
  • Helps in detoxification of the body.
  • Provides relief from swelling, inflammation and joint pains.
  • It gives immunity to the body and acts as a blood purifier.
  • Packed with wonderful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic, anti-spasmodic, anti-oxidant and diuretic actions.
  • It is said to prevent cancer and urinary tract infection too.
  • Acts as a natural detoxifier that purifies the blood from inside.
  • The anti-obesity property of this powder treats obesity quickly.
  • This powder is used to rejuvenate liver that is beneficial in jaundice or hepatitis conditions.
  • Its anti-bacterial property helps in the treatment of gonorrhea.


S. No. Herb Used Latin Name Quantity
1. Punarnava Boerhavia diffusa 100 gm


  • Renal Disorders: This powder deals with the improper functioning of kidneys. It helps to maintain the high creatinine and blood urea levels. The powder gives effective results on renal calculi, nephritis, and cystitis and reduces water accumulation/swelling in body.
  • Liver disorders: This powder helps in detoxification of the liver. It is very useful in jaundice or hepatitis and extensively used to rejuvenate liver.
  • Treats obesity: This powder gives best result in obese people. It reduces extra pound from body by removing extra fats.
  • Joints pain: The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the ingredients in this powder, cures joints pain, arthritis, swelling and inflammation.
  • Indigestion: Due to carminative and cooling effect of the herb used in this powder, it helps to increase appetite, reduces abdominal pain, constipation and digests ama in body.
  • Respiratory disorders: The anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-oxidant properties treat cough, cold, asthma and tuberculosis.
  • Water retention and edema: This powder gives very effective results in water retention and edema conditions.
  • Female problems: Problems like heavy mensturation, uterine fibroids and clotting are easily cured with regular use of this powder.
  • Skin problems: In skin problems like redness, rashes, itching and irritation this powder gives best results.
  • Intestinal colic and worms: These conditions are also managed by use of punarnava powder.
  • Eye disorders: Regular use of this disorder treats problems like glaucoma, irritation in the eyes and night blindness.
  • Ascites: This powder deals with ascites condition very easily.
  • Anemia: The powder helps in purification of blood and increases hemoglobin level in body
  • Prevents cancer: This powder is also beneficial in treating cancers.
  • Urinary tract infections: Very effective in treating infections related to urine and maintains regular flow of urine.

Classic Reference

Classic Reference of Punarnava


Use of this powder is extremely beneficial in kidney problems, digestive disorders, water retention, edema, liver disorders, joints pain, urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, cough, cold, asthma, tuberculosis, obesity, inflammation, ascites, constipation, skin problems, eye disorders and anemia conditions.


Half to one teaspoonful of this powder should be consumed along with plain water after meals, two times in a day.


  • Package Type: Herbal Powder.
  • Package Quantity: 100 gm Bottle.
  • This product is free from chemicals, preservatives, yeast, pesticides, microbes, heavy metals, fillers, starch, raw powders etc.


There are no known side effects with the usage of this medicine. But care should be taken to consume this herbal medicine in the prescribed dosage.


Planet Ayurveda has manufactured this unique herbal formulation as per industry standards and there are several reasons which make it superior to any other similar products available in the market.

  • Its pure herbal powders and no other chemicals or preservatives are used in the preparation of this.
  • For ensuring better results, only pure herbs are used.
  • Planet Ayurveda offers only quality product at reasonable and competitive prices.
  • Testing of the medicine is not done on animals.

Place your order now and enjoy the benefits of Planet Ayurveda’s Punarnava Powder. Opt for other Planet Ayurveda products as well for a healthy lifestyle. Choose from our wide range of Ayurvedic supplements, capsules, herb powders, and oils and order conveniently through our website.