Kutjarisht is one of the very known and praised for its effects in many conditions especially in controlling frequency of loose motions. Arishta are the Ayurvedic preparations which are formed using the technique of fermentation. Fermentation is done using coarse powder of various herbs and Saccharum officinarum (Gur). It is said to be the best fermenting agent and the process is carried out for a month and finally after checking or examining the fermenting mixture, it is decided whether it should be filtered and stored or there is need of further fermentation. The arishta are obviously in decoction or liquid form. In this article we will discuss the main action, ingredients, action of each ingredient, method of preparation and dosage of kutajarisht.
Arishta as mentioned before are important and ancient therapeutic forms of Ayurvedic medicine. They have naturally generated alcohol. This alcohol basically acts as a medium of active ingredients of several herbs to dissolve in it. These alcoholic preparations are completely safe to use and have very great results in various conditions. One more ayurvedic decoction formulation is kwath but the shelf life of kwath is really less as compared to arishta. Arishta has a longer shelf life and has much greater impact on any condition than a kwath. Arishta tend to have a property to heal the whole digestive process and digest ama, which means consumption of arishta are really helpful in removal of endotoxins from the body. These endotoxins are the main reason for various diseases. When there is no ama there is no disease in the body, no dosha vitiation and no disbalance in the system will be present.
- Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) 10 Part
- Munaka (Vitis vinifera) 5 Part
- Mahua (Madhuca indica) 1 Part
- Ghambari (Gmelina arborea) 1 Part
- Dhatki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa) 2 Part
- Gur (Saccharum officinarum) 20 Part
- Water (Aqua) 204 Part
Reference – Sharangdhar Samhita / Ayurvedic Formulary of India (Part – 1)
Main Action
It is an Antidiarrhoeal, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. It also has a healing effect.
Ingredients Description
- Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) belongs to Kutaja kula and Apocynaceae family. The English name for this herb is kurchi and in Sanskrit it is called kutaja, shakra, vatsaka and koti. Conessine, which is a steroid alkaloid found in apocynaceae family plants, is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition it also acts as an H3 receptor antagonist. In Ayurveda it is described that kutaja is having healing properties and is very well potential in pacifying pitta dosha. It has ruksha guna, tikta and kashaya rasa along with katu vipaka. Kutaja acts as a deepena herb which means it increases the diminished digestive fire and thus helps in getting rid of parasitic infection. It also helps in subsiding any internal intestinal swelling.
- Munaka (Vitis vinifera) – Munaka has various synonyms like swadfal, draksha, gaustani and many others. The fruits are sweet and astringent in taste making it a very beneficial pitta pacifier and thus relieving symptoms like flatulence, bloating and also bear purgative properties. It has a very good effect on excessive thirst too.
- Mahua (Madhuca indica) – Mahua is a hidden boon in Ayurveda. The herb is really helpful in increasing lactation and also has an effect on the respiratory system. The herb is believed to have numerous properties other than these two. It is a proven hepato protector, has anthelmintic properties and also has antibacterial properties. The mahua is also having anticancer and analgesic properties which means it restricts the enhancing size of any abnormal cell mass and also relieves. The herb has a madhur (sweet) taste. It is a very good agent which acts as a cooling agent, has carminative and astringent properties. Due to this it can be used in skin diseases, eye diseases and heart disease too. It also has good effects on headaches due to pitta dosha. The flowers of mahua if used with milk regularly then can cure impotency and debility.
- Ghambari (Gmelina arborea) – The herb belongs to nirgundi kula and has a verbenaceae family. In Sanskrit the herb is known by various names like mahabhava, shriparni, madhuparni, kashmiri, pita rohini, kashmiri and madhurasa. The properties of gambhari are guru guna, madhur (sweet), tikta (bitter), kashya (astringent) rasa and sweet post digestion taste. The veerya or potency of this herb is hot but the ripened fruit is cold in potency. Gambhari is tridosha shamak and is pitta shamak by astringent and bitter taste and vata kapha shamak by ushna veerya or hot potency. Therefore it is very useful in conditions which involve aggravation of all three doshas. The bark of plants is a bitter tonic but have nutritive and rejuvenating properties. The bark is generally used in post pyrexial debility.
- Dhatki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa) – Dhataki is called as downy grislea in english and in sanskrit it is known by the names as dhataki, vahnipushpi, tamrapushpi, dahani, parvati, kumuda, madani and pramadani. It is generally found all over India but preferably on hilly areas. The herb is believed to be pitta and kapha shamak. If used internally, then on the digestive system, due to its astringent properties, it has a very good effect.
- Gur (Saccharum officinarum) – Gur is a very good fermentation agent and also helps in the enhancement of digestion. It aids glucose control and weight loss.
- Water (Aqua) – Water here as an ingredient is basically the medium. As mentioned before that arishta are in liquid form, so no liquidity can be there without water.
Method Of Preparation
- Firstly, 10 parts of bark of kutaj are taken along with 5 parts of munakka. Mahua fruit and gambhari fruit are to be taken in the quantity of one part each.
- Now add 204 parts of water and then heat it to make kwath or decoction.
- When one fourth of the liquid is remaining in the vessel then take the vessel of the burner.
- Filter the decoction and let it cool down.
- Now add dhatki flower and gud into the decoction. This mixture is now kept inside a mud pot for fermentation.
- The duration of fermentation is one month.
- After a month the liquid is filtered and stored inside a glass bottle.
Medicinal Uses
- Kutjarisht is very helpful in treating and reducing the intestinal motility making it the number one choice of herb for loose motion.
- The arishta has antioxidant properties and anti microbial properties too.
- It is a really effective formulation which helps in managing amebic Dysentery.
- The formulation is well known in Ayurvedic texts for its really impressive effect in sangrahni or irritable bowel syndrome.
- In ayurvedic texts Kutjarisht is also mentioned in all kinds of fevers. It is written that it helps in relieving all types of fevers. This states that it is also having antipyretic properties too.
- It is also very well known to enhance the digestive fire or increase digestive capacity.
- The Kutjarisht is known to manage or regulate the loose motion frequency in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis also.
3 teaspoon twice a day with an equal amount of water or as directed by your physician.
- This syrup may have minor effects on overdose so it is better to take this medicine under the physician’s advice.
- Keep it away from the children
- In Children, pregnant and lactating women to be administered under the guidance of Expert Ayurvedic physicians.
- Not be taken more than the prescribed dose.
In the above mentioned article we have discussed all the main actions, ingredients along with their description, medicinal uses and dosage of kutajarishta. The formulation as mentioned before in the article is really effective and does not have any kind of side effects. It helps in keeping the digestion process in good condition which further helps in controlling the frequency of stools. The main ingredient kutaj in this formulation is also having healing properties and is very well capable for the pacification of pitta dosha. Moreover, arishta are more palatable or easy to consume as they have good taste and are more effective as they are easily digestive.
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