

Original price was: Rs.1,350.00.Current price is: Rs.1,215.00.

Size (Per Unit): 60 Capsules

Dosage: 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.


Why Is Pitta Shamak 2 Meant For?

Pitta shamak capsules are herbal and balance the pitta dosha in the body. This is the herbal formulation which is made under the supervision of the experts and fights against the pitta disorders. It is the proper blend of pishti which is very useful in fighting chronic diseases. The patients with burning sensations in the feets and hands got relief while taking these capsules. The patients of hypo and hyperthyroidism get cured with long taking pitta shamak capsules. The graying of hair, weakness of eyes, blood pressure and acidity is curable with these capsules. As the name suggests pitta shamaka pitta is one of the three elements of the body and breaks down the compounds into small particles. The skin infections and aggression of the patient is well cured with these capsules. It also helps to store the digestion power in the stomach. Our acharyas show the very best karma and guna of pitta dosha in the body.

Pitta is yellowish in color and helps in proper digestion and maintains the digestion in the proper way. It does dehana, pachana, tapana, prakashana karma which is essential to all body beings. If it is in normal state then enhance the digestion of the body and if it gets disturbed the disorders of pitta occur.

Ingredients used in Pitta Shamak 2

The ingredients are pure ayurvedic and are very specific. These are made after purifying mineral compounds and proper testing of each and every pishti is done before it gets in use. These ingredients are very good for enhancing the immunity of the body also.

Sr. No. Indian Name Botanical Name Parts Used Quantity
1. Pitta papda Fumaria indica std. ext. Fruits 400 mg
2. Patol Trichosanthes dioica std. ext. Fruits 100 mg

Health benefits of these Ingredients :-

1. Pitta Papda (Fumaria indica)

It is the very common herb found in comes in the Indian traditional medicine system which is necessary for pitta disorders. It has anti inflammatory and analgesics properties which fights against the various infections of stomach and skin. Pitta pappda is also known as the parpattu, kallu, shatara, parpat, tusa, tura etc. it is also helpful in diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting and indigestion. The decoction of pittapapda is used in this medicine for having good results in patients.

2. Patol (Trichosanthes dioica)

Patola (Trichosanthes dioica) is also known as the pointed gourd. It is very popular in Bangladesh as used in food items. The cultivation of the patol is in the rainy season. It is the very best source of vitamins and minerals. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative and cardiotonic properties. The chemical properties of patol are vitamin c, vitamin a, nicotinic, thiamin etc which are very useful in lowering the pitta dosha in the body.

Who can take Pitta Shamak 2 Capsules?

The patients of allergic reactions and skin disorders are free to use these capsules. The patients of old age and youngsters are also free to use these medications. Age factor does not matter. There are no restrictions in the usage of pitta shamak capsules.

Dosage of Pitta Shamak 2 Capsules

1-2 capsules once or twice in a day should be started with lukewarm water under physician supervision. Don’t hesitate to start herbal medicine because these are 100% safe and easy to use.

Product Information

The product is made under the supervision of experts. Each and every herbal medicine is taken from a natural habitat. This medication is followed by many medical trials in labs. No animal is harmed during preparation of these capsules. These are 100% safe and easy to use and are 100% vegan.

Side Effects

The medicine is made from the pure ayurvedic herb which shows no side effects. But it should be made sure that the pitta shamak capsules should be started under the guidance of the physician and dosage should be also maintained according to the physician. Go herbal with your body and daily essentials too.


The precautions should be taken for pregnant women and lactating mothers. The patient who is an ongoing surgery patient should first inform the doctor first. The dosage of the patient is decided by the doctor as per the severity of the disease. Proper counseling is to be taken from the doctor as per to start this medication.


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