

Original price was: Rs.1,350.00.Current price is: Rs.1,215.00.



Trif-Guggal is an Ayurvedic formulation which provides the effect of both triphala and guggul in combination. Triphala brings out laxative properties and detoxifying properties. Guggul has anti-inflammatory properties. The combined effect of these ingredients provides relief from many issues such as fistula, constipations, obesity, joint issues, etc., therefore this formulation can be considered a multi beneficial formulation. It is a classic Ayurvedic preparation that combines the properties of both triphala and guggul. These health issues are becoming common these days and therefore Trif-guggul capsules by Planet Ayurveda offers a great solution to cope up with all these issues.


Trif-Guggal capsules by Planet Ayurveda are composed of Triphala (Haritaki, Bhibhitaki, Amalaki) and resin of pure Guggul. It is a unique ayurvedic preparation that combines the rejuvenating and detoxifying actions of triphala along with having rejuvenating and metabolism enhancing properties of Guggul. It promotes healthy lipid metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels. Trif-guggul capsules are also valued for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying properties. It is safe for long term usage, complimenting various wellness regimens. It is considered ideal for individuals seeking natural solutions for their metabolic health. Planet Ayurved’s Trif-guggul capsules offer a reliable, natural alternative to synthetic products with a focus to provide traditional herbal medicine for modern health needs. It helps in promoting healthy metabolism by improving the digestive fire. It releases excess Kapha from the system. This unique herbal blend works synergically to support overall health in different ways. It is crafted using finest quality herbs that ensure efficacy and safety.

Each Tablet is 500 mg

Major Ingredients are

Sr. No. Name of Ingredients Latin Name Part Used Quantity
1 Triphala (Haritaki, Bhibhitaki, Amalaki) Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica, Emblica officinalis Fruit 250 mg
2 Shuddha Guggul Commiphora mukul Resin 250 mg

Description Of Ingredients

  1. Triphala – Triphala is a combination of tree fruits – Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) and Amalaki (Enbilica officinalis). Triphala has been in Ayurveda since long for its various properties like detoxification, rejuvenation, metabolism.
    • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) – In Ayurveda it is also known as “King of medicines” and is used to treat various patients in conditions like asthma, ulcers, heart diseases and stomach issues. It has phytochemicals such as terpenes, anthocyanins, flavonoids, polyphenols which makes it a powerful herb. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies show that it increases intestinal transit time and helps in relieving constipation.
    • Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) – In Ayurveda it is mainly known for its detoxifying properties. The fruit of the tree is useful in the treatment of any kind of bacterial or viral infections. It contains gallic acid, tannins, flavones, tannins and other compounds that have medicinal value. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that it helps in the reduction of uric acid, diabetes and blood sugar dysregulation. It contains a high amount of gallic acid and ellagic acids which is beneficial in managing body weight and sugar levels.
    • Amalaki (Embilica officinalis) – It is one of the oldest known edible fruits in India. In Ayurveda it is used to treat constipation and in preventing cancer. It is rich in Vitamin C, Minerals, Amino Acid and is very nutritious. The compounds like phenols, rutin, tannins, rutin, emblicol, curcuminoids which makes it a powerful plant. Studies showed that it helps to inhibit the growth of cervical and ovarian cancer cells.
  2. Resin of pure Guggul (Commiphora wightii) – It is fragrant oleo gum resin that exudes out from the bark of Mukul myrrh tree (Commiphora wightii). It contains a lot of compounds such as flavonoids, essential oils and amino acids which have many medicinal properties. It is widely used in Ayurveda in treating conditions such as acne, obesity, eczema, psoriasis and osteoarthritis. It also contains natural steroids that affect levels of cholesterol in our body.

Product Details

  • Product Form: Capsule form
  • Package Type: Bottled pack
  • Package Quantity: 60 Capsules

Therapeutic Properties

As trif-guggul capsules by Planet Ayurveda have a unique formulation of herbs like Haritaki, Bhibhitaki, Amalaki (Triphala) and resin of pure Guggul therefore it carries huge therapeutic properties. It is beneficial in the treatment of many different types of issues. It is highly versatile and helps in treating constipation, digestive issues, weight management, skin issues. It also helps in supporting the immune system, menstrual health. As it is a wonderful Kapha balancer and therefore it is beneficial in providing relief in conditions like inflammation, hemorrhoids, sciatica and joint pain and can also be used in the treatment of Diabetes, arthritis, early wound healing.

Who Can Use These Capsules?

These capsules can be consumed by people of all ages that are suffering from any kind of issues such as Diabetic, arthritis, early wound healing, inflammation, hemorrhoids, sciatica and joint pain but it is advised to use these capsules at a recommended dosage. If anyone has any other issues other than above mentioned then it is recommended to use these capsules only on advice of an Ayurveda Expert only.

Specific Diseases That These Capsules Can Manage

It helps to manage various issues which are as follows:

  • It is an effective formulation for the treatment of Ano-rectal diseases such as fistula, piles, haemorrhoids etc.
  • It is effective in maintaining bowel movement and therefore is a wonderful remedy for constipation.
  • It is helpful in management of joint issues such as arthritis as it is caused due to Ama and Vata aggravation in the body. Triphla helps to remove excessive Ama from the body and Guggal helps to balance Vata.
  • It helps in the management of Digestive Health and therefore is beneficial in weight management too.
  • It can also be used to protect the body from oxidative stress, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative disorders in combination with some other herbs.


Dosage may vary from 1-2 capsules twice daily or more depending upon the concern and should be taken under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner. It mainly depends upon the symptoms, condition and age of the patient. It can be consumed with plain water.

Side Effects

It has no side effects. It is advised to take these capsules as prescribed by Ayurveda experts. Always use medicines under the guidance of Ayurvedic practitioners.

Advantages Of Using Trif-Guggul Capsule

  • It is prepared under the supervision of Ayurveda experts. It is formulated by the pure Triphala (Haritaki, Bhibhitaki, Amalaki) and Resin of pure Guggul (Commiphora wightii)
  • This formulation does not have any kind of artificially synthesised colour, preservatives, additives, resins, gums etc.
  • No side effects are reported if taken under the guidance of an Ayurvedic physician and is 100% pure.
  • It is consumed to get rid of any kind of health conditions related to all types of ano-rectal diseases, arthritis, early wound healing, inflammation, hemorrhoids, sciatica and joint pains.


Trif- Guggul capsules by Planet Ayurveda are powerful formulations that are designed to support overall health by promoting healthy metabolism, ano-rectal issues, weight management and digestive issues. Triphla is rich in antioxidants and has detoxifying properties which helps to cleanse the body and improves digestion. Guggul is recognised for its anti-inflammatory, cholesterol- lowering and detoxifying effects. The combination of these two helps in balancing the body’s dosha especially Kapha dosha that can lead to sluggish metabolism and weight gain. These capsules are designed to support the body’s natural detoxification processes, enhance digestive health, many issues such as fistula, constipations, obesity, joint issues. It can be a natural and safe alternative to synthetic weight loss products, promoting fat breakdown. Regular use of Trif-Guggul by Planet Ayurveda can lead to improved digestion and better overall vitality. So these are excellent additions to anyone’s health routine, offering an effective and natural solution for maintaining good digestive health and overall wellness.


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