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Effective herbs and herbal supplements for gout management

S.No. Products Quantity
1 Kaishore Guggul 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
2 Navkarshik Churna 1 Pack (200gm)
3 Punarnava Capsules 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
4 Giloy Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
5 Dashmularisht 2 Bottles (450ml Each)

Product Quantity is as per dosage required by Adults – For Patients Under Age 14 – This Quantity will last for 2 Months


Gout is generally referred as acute inflammatory- arthritis leading to a red, tender, hot and swollen joint. Gout causes attacks of painful inflammation in one or more joints. It is a different form of arthritis, other than rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Gout attack is painful and is caused by excessive build-up of uric acid in the body.


Ayurveda is an Indian ancient system of medicine that works on the principles of using natural plant herbs for managing all kinds o f medical problems existing today. Our herbs bring with them some wonderful inherent powers that have the calibre to bring in some of the most astonishing results.

As per the principles of Ayurveda, our body thrives on the balance maintained by three vital energies. They are the Vata, Pitta, and Kappha. These energies symbolize the three basic elements of life, namely, Air, Fire, and Cough. The symbolic meanings represent the constitution of our body and its resulting disturbances due to imbalance in their synchronisation. An excess of kappha may lead to more of cough and lung related issues and an overflow of Vata may be related to gastric disorders.

Gout is a result of imbalance of these energies and this may lead to further health issues such as:

  • Kidney stones
  • Spreading of Gout throughout the body
  • Damage to joints


The Ayurvedic principle works on the inherent powers of the herbs that have the ability to bring the three vital energies back into harmony. The restoration of balance of energies leads to proper functioning of the body system and the improvement in the working of the kidneys.

The herbs satiate the energies and nullify their excess and over flow to bring back the body functions to their normal levels.

The herbs effectively relieve the symptoms of pain and inflammations that are a result of the disorder and bring about balance and health.



  • Emblica officinalis: It has an anti – bacterial, carminative, hypoglycemic, stomachic, hypotensive and astringent action. It is cooling and diuretic. It has anti – oxidative, anti-hepatotoxic, immune – modulator with resistance building properties. It is natural rich source of vitamin C and helps to clear the gout crystals from the body.
  • Terminalia chebula: it is an astringent and laxative in nature. It is very effective for managing liver disorders. It is useful in managing fatty liver and cirrhosis of liver. It is very good to reduce uric acid from the blood.
  • Terminalia belerica: The herb is a cleansing agent and a valuable remedy for digestive disorders. It is very effective anthelmintic. It has styptic properties and hence useful in arresting bleeding within the joints. It helps to clear the toxins like uric acid from the body and helps to relieve pain in gout.
  • Tinospora cordifolia: This herb is used for diabetes, high cholesterol, allergic rhinitis, upset stomach, gout, lymphoma and other cancers. It neutralizes the uric acid levels and helps to reduce them naturally. It’s a wonderful herb to clear the toxins from the body and rich in natural anti-oxidants.

Dose – 1 teaspoonful twice daily, after meals, with warm water.


These are herbal tablets which are prepared from the combination of different herbs that are listed below.


  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica)
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Guggul (Commniphora mukul)
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
  • Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
  • Long pepper (Piper longum)
  • Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
  • Red Physic nut (Baliospermum montanum)
  • Indian jalap (Ipomoea turpethum)

Benefits – Kaishore Guggul is helpful in removing the accumulation of uric acid in the joints and muscles which can be indicated by pain and inflammation. These herbs help to balance the vitiated doshas in body (vata, pitta and kapha). Moreover, these herbs help to maintain the strong immune system.

Dose – 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after meal.


These capsules are prepared from pure extract of Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa).This herbal formulation is free from any chemicals, preservatives, color and starch. This helps to manage the fluid retention in the body and also has ability to balance the three doshas in the body mainly kapha dosha because vitiation of kapha dosha results in severe edema.

Dose – 2 capsules two times in a day with warm water.


Giloy capsules are wonderful and effective herbal formulation by planet Ayurveda which is prepared from the pure extracts of herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia).

Giloy is also called amrita or guduchi due to its great medicinal importance. It is found in almost all the part of country. It is useful in treatment of various ailments and helps to remove the toxins from body.

Dose – 1 capsule two times in a day with warm water after meals.


Dashmularisht is one of the best vata pacifying formulations prepared by planet ayurveda as per the strict reference to classical texts. This herbal formulation consists of various herbs that are generally having a vata pacifying effect due to which it is helpful in the condition of gout. Further we will discuss the benefits of each herb included in dashmularisht in case of gout.

  1. Bilva (Aegle marmelos): Bilva (Aegle marmelos) balances kapha and vata dosha in unripe form with various properties such as teekshna (piercing), snigdha (oiliness), deepana (induce digestive fire), sangrahi (absorbent) and katu (bitter), tikta (pungent)and kashaya (artingent) ras (taste).   
  2. Sonapatha (Oroxylum indicum ): Sonapatha (Oroxylum indicum) is having hot potency which is helpful in reducing vata and kapha dosha. It possesses anti-arthritic activity so beneficial in the condition of gout.
  3. Gambhari (Gmelina arborea): Gambhari (Gmelina arborea) consists of properties such as madhur (sweet), kshaya (astringent) and tikta (bitter) taste. Potency of gambhari is ushna (hot) and has various properties such as agni deepak (induce digestive fire), pachak (digestive) and malbedhak (purgative). Unhealthy digestion is also one of the main reasons behind the vatarakta (gout) so gambhari by improving digestion prevents the further damage in case of gout.
  4. Patola (Stereospermum suaveolens): Patola (Stereospermum suaveolens) consists of poshtik (nourishing) properties that prevents the bony damage in case of gout. It possesses kshaya (astringent) and tikta (bitter) taste which pacifies kapha and vata dosha and reduces pain and inflammation. 
  5. Agnimanth (Premna integrifolia): Agnimanth (Premna integrifolia) has various properties such as ushna (hot), deepan (induce digestive fire), saarak (purgative), balya (strengthening), rasayana (rejuvenating) and vata kapha hara (reduce vata and kapha dosha. It helps in preventing ama (endotoxins) accumulation in the body and prevents the gout condition from causing further bony damage. 
  6. Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum): Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum) possesses ushna (hot), shotha ghana (anti-inflammatory), angamarda prashman (relieves local body pain), balya (strengthening) and rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. All these properties are beneficial in relieving pain and inflammation in case of gout and also provide strength to the joints and prevent them from damage due to rejuvenating properties.
  7. Badi kateri (Solanum indicum): Badi kateri (Solanum indicum) is very effective in reducing pain and inflammation in case of gout due to its wonderful properties such as ushna (hot), deppan (induce digestive fire), pachan (digestive), grahi (initiates absorption), vata ghana (reduce vata dosha), kapha ghana (pacifies kapha dosha), shotha hara (anti-inflammatory) and angamarda hara (reduces pain). 
  8. Prishniparni (Uraria picta):Prishniparni (Uraria picta) is ushna (hot in potency), laghu (light in digestion), tridosha ghana (reduces tridosha) and deepniya (induce digestive fire). All these properties are effective in reducing the accumulation of ama in the body which is one of the causes of gout. 
  9. Kateri (Solanum surattense): Kateri (Solanum surattense) is also known as kantakari and is one of the best vedna sthapak herbs which means it is very effective in reducing even the intense pain. As we know pain is one of the major symptoms of the gout sdo it will be relieved effectively by kantakari.
  10. Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris): Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) helps in the detoxification of the body due to its miraculous mutrala (diuretic) properties. With detoxification of the body it prevents the accumulation of free radicals in the body which acts as one of the major causes of any health condition. 
  11. Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica): Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) has miraculous deepan (which induces digestive fire) and pachan (digestive) properties that are effective in promoting good digestion. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial in alleviating inflammation in case of gout. 
  12. Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa): Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa) possess pachan (digestive), vatahara (pacifies vata dosha), kaphahara (alleviates kapha dosha) properties that reduce pain and inflammation in case of gout (vatarakta). 
  13. Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa): Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) is grahi (induce absorption), shotha ghana (reduces inflammation), balya (strengthening). So lodhra plays an important role in reducing inflammation of the affected joints in case of gout.
  14. Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia): Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) has antioxidant properties that are very effective in reducing the accumulation of free radicals that are one of the causes of degeneration of affected bones due to gout. 
  15. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) has rasayana properties that aids in preventing the bone spur formation in case of vatarakta (gout). 
  16. Yavasa (Alhagi camelorum): Yavasa (Alhagi camelorum) helps in relieving itching and irritation over the affected joints due to its pitta pacifying properties. 
  17. Khadir (Acacia catechu):Khadir (Acacia catechu) is one of the best ayurvedic herbs for blood purification. As we know that rakta dushti is one of the two major causes of vatarakta (gout). So by purification of rakta dhatu (blood component) khadir assists the management of gout.
  18. Vijaysar (Pterocarpus marsupium): Vijaysar (Pterocarpus marsupium) is also known with the name of beejak and possess pitta shamaka properties that aids in the management of vatarakta (gout) by rakta dhatu shodhana (purification of blood components).
  19. Harad (Terminalia chebula): Harad (Terminalia chebula) is one of the rasayana (rejuvenating) herbs that is effective in preventing bone spur formation and the degeneration of the affected bone due to gout. 
  20. Kushth (Anacyclus pyrethrum): Kushth (Anacyclus pyrethrum) possess katu (bitter) and kashaya (astringent) taste which effectively reduces inflammation in case of gout and the hot potency of kushth beneficially pacify the pain in the affected joints due to gout.
  21. Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia): Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) is one of the best ayurvedic herbs for blood purification. As we know that rakta dushti is one of the two major causes of vatarakta (gout). So by purification of rakta dhatu (blood component) manjishtha aids in the management of gout.
  22. Devdaru (Cedrus deodara): Devdaru (Cedrus deodara) has effective shoola prashmana (reduces pain) and shotha hara (anti-inflammatory) properties that are beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation in case of gout.
  23. Vaividang (Embelia ribes): Vaividang (Embelia ribes) is one of the herbs of dashmularisht that corrects both vata and rakta dosha. The properties that are effective in purification of rakta dhatu and pacifying vata dosha are rasayana (rejuvenating), balya (strengthening), vata anulomaka (eliminates aggravated vata dosha) and raktashodhaka (clears the blood).
  24. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Snehana (unctuous), shothahara (inflammatory), balya (strengthening) and kapha shamaka(pacify kapha dosha) properties of mulethi aids in the management of gout.
  25. Bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum): Bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum) consists of properties such as ushna (hot), kapha ghana (pacification of kapha dosha), vata ghana (reduces vata dosha) and shotha ghana (anti-inflammatory) properties that aids in the management of gout. 
  26. Kapittha (Feronia elephantum): Kapittha (Feronia elephantum) is mainly rakta pitta shamak (pacify rakta and pitta dosha). By rakta and pitta dosha pacification it alleviates vatarakta (gout) associated with pitta dosha. 
  27. Baheda (Terminalia bellerica): There is a need of purgation in case of vatarakta (gout) that effect is added to this formulation by Baheda (Terminalia bellerica). With purgative properties it also possesses antioxidant properties which prevents the diseases from worsening further.
  28. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa): Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) helps in the detoxification of the body due to its miraculous mutrala (diuretic) properties. With detoxification of the body it prevents the accumulation of free radicals in the body which acts as one of the major causes of any health condition.
  29. Chavya (Piper retrofractum): Chavya (Piper retrofractum) is one of the best herbs for pain due to its analgesic properties. Also its good for vata anulomana due to ushna potency (hot potency). 
  30. Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi):Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) possesses properties such as rakta abhisaran uttejak (stimulates blood circulation), vata anulomana (alleviates aggravated vata dosha) and vedna sthapana (reduces pain). These properties of jatamansi will help in the management of gout.
  31. Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla): The main use of Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla) in gout is for reducing inflammation of the affected joints. 
  32. Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus): The properties of Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) that shows wonderful effects in case of gout are swedajanan (provides oiliness), raktashodhak (cleanses the blood), rasayana (rejuvenating) and balya (strengthening). 
  33. Kala jeera (Carum carvi): Kala jeera (Carum carvi) mainly helps in the alleviation of aggravated vata dosha in case of vatarakta (gout) due to properties such as deepan (induce digestive fire),  pachan (digestive) and vata anulomana (eliminate aggravated vata dosha).  
  34. Nishoth (Operculina turpethum): There is a need for purgation in case of vatarakta chikitsa (treatment of gout). So the purgative properties of Nishoth (Operculina turpethum) help in fulfilling the need of purgation.
  35. Sambhalu beej (Vitex negundo):Sambhalu beej (Vitex negundo) also known as nirgundi which is one of the most effective vata balancing herbs due to properties such as ushna (hot), katu (bitter), tikta (pungent) and kashaya (astringent) taste, vatahara (vata pacifying), shotha ghana (anti-inflammatory), balya (strengthening) and rasayan (rejuvenating) properties.
  36. Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata): Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) is one of the miraculous vata pacifying herbs. It is effective in case of gout as it includes properties such as swedal (induce oiliness), rakta shodhak (purifies blood) and anulomaka (eliminates aggravated vata dosha).
  37. Pippali (Piper longum): Ayurvedic properties ofPippali (Piper longum) herb are katu (pungent) taste, light to digest, hot potency and madhura vipaka (metabolic property). All these properties aid in balancing vata and kapha dosha and assists in the condition of gout.
  38. Supari (Areca catechu): Supari (Areca catechu) includes an alkaloids component that aids in lowering the uric acid levels in gout patients.
  39. Kachoor (Curcuma zedoaria): Kachoor (Curcuma zedoaria) specifically plays a role in inducing good digestion with its properties such as deepan (induce digestive fire) and ruchi karaka (appetising).
  40. Haridra (Curcuma longa): Haridra (Curcuma longa) possesses miraculous anti-oxidant properties due to its rasayana properties. It prevents the deposition of free radicals and restricts the damage of affected bones due to formation of bony spur.
  41. Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare): Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) consists of saugandhika (consists of fragrance) properties that helps in inducing fragrance to the arishta preparation. Along with that, deepan, pachan and vataanulomaka properties aid in the management of gout.
  42. Nag Kesar (Mesua ferrea):Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea) is good for digestion related health issues due to agni deepak (inducing digestive fire), sangrahi (promotes absorption) and pachan (digestive) properties. It helps in getting rid of conditions such as acidity, gas, bloating, indigestion and various others. 
  43. Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus): Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus) aids in balancing kapha and vata dosha due to hot potency, its bitter, pungent and astringent taste.
  44. Indrajau (Holarrhena antidysenterica): Indrajau (Holarrhena pubescens) possesses properties such as deepan-pachan that is the main property and increases appetite, stimulates the digestive fire.
  45. Karkatshringi (Pistacia integerrima): Karkatshringi (Pistacia integerrima) balances vata dosha, possesses carminative factors that promote the digestive fire and improves all over digestive health. It also eliminates the ama dosha and prevents the formation of free radicals. 
  46. Jeevak (Pueraria tuberosa): Jeevak (Pueraria tuberosa) has vata balances properties and rasayana properties due to which it is useful in the management of gout.
  47. Rishbhaka (Microstylis wallichii): Rishbhaka (Microstylis wallichii) possess antioxidant and rejuvenating properties which provide relief from general debility associated with vatarakta (gout).
  48. Meda (Polygonatum verticillatum): Meda (Polygonatum verticillatum) having madhur (sweet) taste, heavy to digest and enriched with brihmana properties and these properties aids in providing nourishment to the tissues around the affected joints due to gout. 
  49. Mahameda (Polygonatum cirrhifolium): Mahameda (Polygonatum cirrhifolium) is one of the herbs of ashtakavarga and the ashtakvarga includes mainly nourishing properties and prevent any degeneration in the body.
  50. Kakoli (Roscoea purpurea): Kakoli (Roscoea purpurea) is a rejuvenating herb that alleviates general debility due to which it helps in getting rid of weakness in case of gout. 
  51. Kshir Kakoli (Lilium polyphyllum): Kshir Kakoli (Lilium polyphyllum) consists of sweet taste, cold potency, heavy to digest and possesses properties such as brihmana (nourishes bodily tissues) and jivana (enlivening). Due to these properties kshir kakoli prevent degeneration of affected bones due to gout and provide nourishment to the bones.
  52. Ridhi (Habenaria intermedia): Ridhi (Habenaria intermedia) herb is tridosha shamaka and mainly beneficial in case of vitiated rakta and pitta dosha. So it is quite effective in relieving pittaj vatarakta.
  53. Vridhi (Habenaria edgeworthii): Vridhi (Habenaria edgeworthii) is one of the nervine aherbs which regulates the proper functioning of vata dosha and manages the condition of gout.  
  54. Draksha (Vitis vinifera): Draksha (Vitis vinifera) is one of the best santarpana karaka herbs which means it aids in nourishing the bodily tissues. It possesses antioxidant properties due to the presence of tannins, flavonoids like components, so draksha is considered as the nourishing herb in case of gout.
  55. Honey: Honey possesses antioxidant properties and includes various essential nutrients that provide nourishment to the bodily tissues. 
  56. Gud (jaggery):  Gud (jaggery) detoxifies the body and causes blood purification to a certain amount. 
  57. Dhataki (Woodfordia cordifolia): Dhataki (Woodfordia cordifolia) possess antiinflammatory actions and are helpful in relieving swelling from the joints in case of gout.
  58. Kankola (Piper cubeba):Kankola (Piper cubeba) Kankola (Piper cubeba) has kapha vata shamaka properties, it relieves ama dosha due to pachana properties which prevents the formation of free radicals and prevents tissue damage in the body.
  59. Jala (Coleus vettiveroides): Jala (Coleus vettiveroides) Jal is one of the most required things for our body. It carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells, flushing out bacteria from the bladder. Water has various other essential roles such as it aids digestion, prevents constipation, normalises the high blood pressure and cushions the joints.  
  60. Chandana (Santalum album): Chandana (Santalum album) has anti-ageing properties and aids blood purification with which the vitiated rakta dhatu comes in balance and manages the condition of vata rakta. 
  61. Jatiphala (Myristica fragrans): Jatiphala (Myristica fragrans) possess anti-inflammatory properties and relieve swelling in affected joints due to gout.
  62. Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum):Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum) consists of tikta (bitter), katu (pungent) and snigdha (oiliness) properties which aids in balancing vata dosha and managing the condition of gout.
  63. Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) is also known as dalchini and has vata balancing properties due to its ushna veerya (hot potency).
  64. Ela (Elettaria cardamomum): Ela (Elettaria cardamomum) consists of wonderful antioxidant properties and promotes digestion health by deepan (induce digestive fire) and pachan (digestive) properties.
  65. Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala): Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala) Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala) is laghu (light to digest), vatahara (pacify vata dosha), deepan (induce digestive fire) and uttejak (stimulant) properties which helps in good digestion and absorption. 
  66. Kataka phala (Strychnos potatorum):Nirmali phala (Strychnos potatorum) is also known as kataka. It possesses kapha vata shamaka properties and has a detoxifying effect that cleanses the body and reduces accumulation of free radicals in the body.

Dose – 2 teaspoonful twice daily with equal amount of water, after meals.


Ayurveda holds in its womb answers to abundant health problems. Its natural herbs help relieve us of our health and medical conditions in a natural and healthy way. These herbs bring with them the inherent powers of nature to improve the immune system and help recover the body of all its ailments. The Ayurvedic principle works on the inherent powers of the herbs that have the ability to bring the three vital energies back into harmony. The restoration of balance of energies leads to proper functioning of the body system.

Our Gout Care Pack is a complete solution to get rid of red, tender, hot, stiffed and swollen joints. Safe effective and reasonably priced indigenous remedies are gaining popularity among the people of both urban and rural areas. Pure natural management with brilliant herbs help in harmonizing three energies of our body that is responsible for health and diseased condition of the body. Gout Care Pack of Planet Ayurveda is made from wonderful herbal remedies – Navkarshik churna, Giloy Capsules, Punarnava capsules and Kaishore guggul, which contains various specific Ayurvedic medicines proven very effective in the management of gout, to lower down the level of uric acid.

We at Planet Ayurveda offer you a wide range of herbal supplements that take care of your health and life. Our formulations are 100% herbal and prepared after passing through a series of effective and stringent tests that assure their quality. We put in our best efforts to bring to you the best of herbs in their purest form. Our products are prepared under completely hygienic environments and they pass quality check before reaching you.