
Vr. Vat Chintamani Ras

Original price was: Rs.1,350.00.Current price is: Rs.1,215.00.

Size (Per Unit) : 10 Tablets
Dosage : 1 tablet twice a day to be chewed with plain water after meals.


Ayurveda is a science of life, not just a life but it’s beyond life. Thousands of years ago, our ancient acharya’s explained the concept of three dosha. They mentioned that the imbalance between these three will lead to the occurrence of diseases. For the management of diseases, they also have suggested and discovered numerous herbal formulations along with dietary recommendations, that together show wonders in alleviating the ailments. Today, we are going to discuss in detail about one such herbal formulation, mainly for pain and neurological disorders i.e. vr. vat chintamani ras.


Vr. vat chintamani ras is a classical herbal formulation prepared for managing all types of vata disorders. This is a wonderful remedy to be used for neurological disorders. Vr. vat chintamani ras is very effective in alleviating all types of pain from the body.


Bhaishajya Ratnavali

Classical Indication



  1. Swarna Bhasma – Calx of Gold – 35 gm
  2. Abhrak Bhasma – Calx of Mica – 23gm
  3. Rajata Bhasma – Calx of Silver – 23gm
  4. Loha Bhasma – Calx of Iron – 58gm
  5. Praval Bhasma – Calx of Coral – 35g
  6. Mukta Bhamsa – Calx of Pearl – 35g
  7. Rasa Sindoora – Red sulphide of Mercury – 81gm
  8. Aloe vera juice (Aloe barbadensis)

Description of The Ingredients

  1. Swarna bhasma (Calx of Gold) – Swarna bhasma is snigdha (smooth), medhya (nervine tonic),  vrishya (aphrodisiac), and brihana (strengthening), that promotes digestive fire and possesses antioxidant properties. It normalises all the three dosha and acts well in many ailments. It also promotes cardiac function by strengthening the cardiac muscles.
  2. Abhrak Bhasma (Calx of Mica) – It mainly pacifies vata and pitta dosha. Abhraka enhances memory, eradicates various types of diseases, and is Amruttulya (comparable to nectar) as well as vrishya (Aphrodisiac) in Nature. It increases digestive power, strengthens the body and immune system as well. 
  3. Rajat bhasma (Calx of Silver) – Rajat has sheetal (cold), kashay (astringent), digestive stimulant, amla (sour), guru (heavy), and rasayan (rejuvenator) properties. Thus, it is very beneficial in managing obesity, constipation and providing energy. It balances vata and kapha dosha in the body.
  4. Loha bhasma (Calx of Iron) – It is an amazing rasayan (rejuvenator), anti aging, and snigdha (smooth) that normalizes all the three dosha. It is useful in prameha (diabetes), shoola (pain in abdomen), pandu (anemia), yakrit vikara (liver disorders), bleeding disorders, etc. It has tikta ras (Bitter taste), and Sheet (cold) potency.
  5. Praval bhasma (Calx of Coral) – Praval is a wonderful gemstone which assists in managing raktapitta (bleeding disorders), kasa (cough), eye disorders and weak digestion. Along with that, it is also helpful in respiratory problems like chronic cough, asthma, and many more.
  6. Mukta Bhasma (Calx of Pearl) – It normalises kapha and pitta dosha and is very good for relieving burning sensation in feet and hands. Mukta is a rejuvenator which nourishes the body very well. It also efficaciously improves the complexion of the body and contains anti-aging properties.
  7. Rasa Sindoora (Red sulphide of Mercury) – Rasa Sindoora is also good at normalizing the Tridosha, is very useful for eye disorders and aids in constipation. It helps in strengthening the body as well.
  8. Ghrita Kumari swarasa (Juice of Aloe barbadensis) – It is a very good remedy for skin disorders as it keeps the skin moist and hydrated. It has coolant property which aids in managing digestive ailments like heartburn, acidity, GERD, etc.

Method of Preparation

  • Do Ticturation of ras sindoor properly and then add all the other ingredients.
  • Now add Ghritkumari swaras in the mixture and prepare tablets of 2-2 ratti (500mg to 2 gms)
  • Store it in a cool and dry place.


  • Neuropathy
  • Neuritis
  • Dementia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Migraine
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Trigger finger
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cervical spondylitis
  • Lumbar spondylitis
  • Angina pectoris
  • Cardiac pain
  • Vata Pitta disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Sexual disorders

Medicinal Properties

  • Vr. vat chintamani ras is beneficial in all types of pains or neurological disorders because it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and vata pacifying properties.
  • In insomnia, it is very useful as it induces sleep and relaxes the mind.
  • For the brain and heart, this is nourishing and strengthening. It also acts as an aphrodisiac.
  • In Akshepaka and hysteria, it is advised to take with Masarasa or masyadi kwath.
  • It is also very good in managing pitta disorders such as migraine, vertigo, etc.
  • In pralap avastha, it should be administered with Tagaradi kwatha.
  • In cardiac disorders, it is advised to take vrihat vatchintamani ras with Arjuna bark churna and swarasa.
  • In neurological disorders such as pakshaghata (Paralysis), Ardita (facial paralysis), Dhanurvat (Tetanus), Aptanak (Tetanus), and Dandaptanak (Orthotonos), it should be administered with Rasotbidha ghrita or shatdhota ghrita.
  • In chronic vata disorders it should be given with proper adjuvant and it is wonderful to manage chronic illnesses.

Anupan – It is administered with honey and Musta kshaya.


  • Keep it in an airtight container
  • Avoid giving to children
  • It should be avoided in lactation and pregnancy
  • Advised to be taken under expert ayurveda physician.


Coming to an end, we can say that VR. Vat Chintamani Ras is a drug of choice in all types of vataj and neurological disorders. So, what are you waiting for? In Spite of taking artificial Analgesics, consider taking vr. vat chintamani ras for your pain. For more queries. You can mail us on or contact us through

Note :- This is pure classical Ayurvedic medicine and should be strictly consumed only after prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor and to be taken under medical supervision only.


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