Fal kalyan ghrita is an Ayurvedic preparation which is prepared in the form of herbal ghee. This formulation is very effective in managing and treating male and female infertility. It is prepared using ghee as its base. It is used in sneha karma, which is purva karma (preparatory procedure) of panchakarma. Fal kalyan ghrit is mentioned in bhaishajya ratnavali under yoni vayapad roga adhikar. The formulation consists of a total 23 ingredients which are potent in increasing the therapeutic properties. In this article we will discuss Fal kalyan ghrita, its indications, ingredients, method of preparation, indications and dosage.
As mentioned above it is an Ayurvedic preparation or medication which is in ghee form. The formulation can be taken during pregnancy too as it prevents threatened abortion and also is very effective in providing nutrition to the growing baby and mother. Fal kalyan ghrita is a boon to both mother and child. It also helps in pacifying tridosha, behaves as a rasayan which means it bears rejuvenating properties and is a tonic for reproductive organs. The formulation gives very significant results in various gynecological disorders and manages defects in male and female reproductive system.
Classical Indication
- Low libido in males
- Enhances intelligence of fetus
- Threatned abortion
- Yoni Dosha
- Rajo dosha
- Yoni srava
- Manjishtha – Rubia Cordifolia
- Madhuka – Glycyrrhiza Glabra
- Kushtha – Saussurea Lappa
- Triphala – Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia Bellirica, Emblica officinalis
- Bala
- Meda – Polygonatum verticillatum
- Ksheer Vidari – Ipomoea mauritiana
- Kakoli mool – Fritillaria Roylei
- Ashwagandha – Withania Somnifera
- Ajamoda – Carum Roxburghianum
- Haridra – Curcuma Longa
- Daruharidra – Berberis Aristata
- Hingu – Asa foetida
- Katuki – Picrorhiza Kurroa
- Utpala – Nymphaea Caerulea
- Kumuda – Nymphaea Stellata
- Draksha – Raisin
- Kakoli – Lilium polyphyllum
- Ksheer kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
- Shwet Chandan – Santalum Album
- Raktachandana – Pterocarpus Santalinus
- Sharkara – Powdered jaggery
- Ghrita – Ghee
- Shatavari Juice – Asparagus Racemosus juice
- Ksheera – Cow Milk
Ingredients Description
- Manjishtha – Rubia Cordifolia
Majishtha is a very impressive herb which is commonly known as indian madder in English. It has synonyms like harini, gauri, Rohini, vijaya and manjusha. It bears properties like guru (heavy) and ruksha (dry) guna (inherited properties). Rubia cordifolia has kashaya (astringent), tikta (bitter) and madhur (sweet) taste. The vipak of this herb is katu (pungent) and veerya (potency) is ushna. It has uterus stimulating properties and increases menstrual flow. This has a very good effect in uterus purification.
- Madhuka – Glycyrrhiza Glabra
Madhuka belongs to shimbi kula and is called Liquorice in english. It has inherited properties like guru (heavy) and snigdha (unctuous) guna. It has madhur (sweet) rasa and vipaka (taste and post digestion effect). In addition it bears sheeta (cold) veerya (potency). Madhuk has its effect on various systems like it acts as an expectorant, stimulates digestion and also has diuretic properties. But mainly its action is best seen in the reproductive system. It enhances the sperm count and is very useful in premature ejaculation. It’s powder with ghee, honey and milk acts as an aphrodisiac.
- Kushtha – Saussurea Lappa
Kushtha belongs to the composite family and has costus as its english name. The medicinal properties of this herb are tikta (bitter), katu (pungent) and madhur (sweet) rasa (taste), katu (pungent) vipaka and ushna (hot) veerya (potent). It has laghu (light), ruksha (dry) and tikshan (sharp) inherited properties. Kushtha is a uterine stimulant and enhances ovulation. This herb is a fantastic agent which improves semen quality and also acts as an aphrodisiac agent. It is very useful in painful menstruation and also in postpartum (after delivery) conditions in females.
- Triphala – Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia Bellirica, Emblica officinalis
Triphala consists of bibhitaki (Terminalia Bellirica), haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) and amalaki (Emblica officinalis). These three herbs are very potent in managing many digestion related issues. It basically is a combination of these three herbs which are potent to deal with a lot of digestion related issues. They help in pacifying all three doshas and especially are very helpful in maintaining pitta dosha. It aids weight loss, regulates blood sugar levels, prevents cancer, lowers cholesterol and reduces inflammation.
- Bala
Bala has many synonyms like odanika, bhadra, samanga, baladhya, vatika,sanasa, sheetapaki and veerya bala. This herb has aphrodisiac and is very useful in spermatorrhoea (involuntary ejaculation). It is also very useful in many other conditions like in flatulence due to its madhur taste. Being a tonic it is helpful in general debility and malnourishment. The herb has guru (heavy), snigdha (unctuous) guna (inherited properties), madhur vipaka and sheeta veerya.
- Meda – Litsea chinensis
The Sanskrit name of meda is karkameda, medalakadi, medalakavi and meda. If used, externally it has anti inflammatory properties.the brak and oil of meda is very useful in arthritis and even in joint stiffness. Internally, it is vata shamak and bears analgesic properties and increases vascular tone. It is used in inflammation, oedema and has a very good result in impotency.
- Ksheer Vidari – Ipomoea mauritiana
Usually it’s kand is used which is very effective in managing various types of muscle pain and fatigue. It gives very good results in providing strength and balances vata. Its specific properties include guru (heavy) and snigdha (unctuous) properties. It has madhur rasa (taste) and sheeta (cold) veerya (potency). This herb is very beneficial in managing male infertility and improves performance during sexual intercourse.
- Kakoli Mool – Lilium polyphyllum
Kakoli is a ashtavarga plant and bears fleshy tuberous roots which are totally potent in treatment of impotency and leucorrhoea. The root powder for this purpose can be mixed with sugar and milk. It is also very effective in treatment of general debility.
- Ashwagandha – Withania Somnifera
It belongs to the solanaceae family and has baalda, gandhanta, vajinama, vajini and pashtida, punya as its synonyms.its therapeutic properties include laghu (light), snigdha (unctuous) guna. The rasa of this herb is madhur , kashaya and tikta along with madhur vipaka. The herb is well known for its aphrodisiac properties and is very helpful in semen disorders along with leucorrhea which is the result of endometritis.
- Ajamoda – Carum Roxburghianum
Ajamoda is commonly called Ajwain. Ajamoda means which smells like goat or being liked by goat. It has various synonyms like karvi, markati, shikhimoda, moodadhya and yavani. Ajamoda has inherited properties like laghu, ruksha and tikshna, rasa is katu and tikta and veerya is ushna. It is a very effective uterine stimulant and has a very great importance in treatment of amenorrhoea. The decoction of ajamoda is very well known to be used as a brain tonic and has great results in painful menstruation as well as in infertility.
- Haridra – Curcuma Longa
Haridra has been very well known for its immune system enhancing effect since ages. This herb is best as an analgesic and bears antiinflammatory properties. In the reproductive system, in females it also has a uterine stimulating effect and induces menstrual cycle. An ayurvedic formulation named haridrakhand paka proves to be very beneficial in the postpartum period. It has its effect on almost all the systems of the body.
- Daruharidra – Berberis Aristata
Daruharidra, which is called as indian burberry in english and in sanskrit it is called as katankateri, peetika and kamini. The herb has laghu, ruksha guna and tikta, kashaya rasa. The veerya of this herb is ushna which means its potency is hot. But the fruit of daru haridra is sweet and sour in taste and bears sheeta veerya. Discussing its properties then it is a very well known for its kapha pitta pacification property. In the reproductive system, daruharidra has an anti-inflammatory effect. It generally reduces the uterine inflammation and controls vaginal discharges. It has a very good effect as a digestive stimulant, appetiser and if given in large doses as a laxative.
- Hingu – Ferula asafoetida
Hingu bears many effective properties like it helps in managing infections whether bacterial, fungal or microbial. It also bears anticancer properties. Due to the presence of sulphur compounds, hing has a distinct pungent odor and bitter taste. It is really effective in treating menstrual problems in females and also has analgesic properties. The extract which is collected from the dried stem and leaves is known to have an aphrodisiac effect in both men and women. It is also given in patients of hysteria.
- Katuki – Picrorhiza Kurroa
The english name of katuki is hellebore. If discussed about its appearance then katuki have a hard trunk and radish roots. Its leaves are serrated with long round tips. It has ruksha and laghu guna, tikta rasa, katu vipaka and sheeta veerya. It is kapha pitta shodhak and is really helpful in all the disorders which are having kapha or pitta aggravation as their predominant cause. Due to its bitter taste, it can stimulate taste buds if given in small doses and is also an appetite enhancer. It is piitavahastrotogami and raktavahastrotogami which means it purifies blood and also helps in reducing inflammation.
- Utpala – Nymphaea Caerulea
Utpala is known as blue lotus flower which is basically a psychoactive plant. It is known by names like egyptian lotus, blue water lily and sacred blue lily. It is a traditional medicine which has been used for thousands of years for its aphrodisiac effect, aids sleep and relieves anxiety. It contains apomorphine and nuciferine. Apomorphine is a psychoactive alkaloid which can also be used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Utpala is known to have an anti motility effect, helpful in bleeding disorders and nourishes all the seven dhatus.
- Kumuda – Nymphaea Stellata
Kumud belongs to the kamal kula and nymphaeaceae family. It is generally known as white lotus. It is a common plant found in the lakes of india. It has madhur, tikta, kashaya rasa, sheeta veerya and has pittashamak effect. The paste of this herb if taken with milk is potent of preventing abortion. Moreover it is effective in bleeding disorders like excessive menstrual bleeding, increased thirst and burning sensation.
- Draksha – Vitis Vinifera
Draksha belongs to draksha kula and vitaceae family. In english, draksha is called grapes. In english, it is called charuphala, krishna, tapas priya, rasala, amrutphale, phalottama and madhurasa. Drasha is having snigdha and guru inherited properties along with madhur rasa and sheeta veerya. If used internally, it is useful in excessive thirst, bleeding disorders, burning sensation and gout. Moreover, it is helpful in dysuria, burning micturition and wasting. Draksha typically helps in pacification of vata and pitta dosha. In addition, it has an effect on shukra dhatu and rakta dhatu. This also has laxative properties and body purification effects.
- Kakoli – Lilium polyphyllum
Kakoli belongs to astavarga and is used in the traditional system of indigenous medicine. According to many research studies, kakoli is capable of enhancing the immune system and hence is given the title of immunomodulator. It is known to enhance the white blood cell count and is really effective in various types of gynecological disorders.
- Ksheer Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
This is an endangered herb, which also belongs to ashtavarga. This herb has an anti asthamatic effect and is really beneficial in vata related immune disorders. Ksheer kakoli is used in many ghrita and oil preparation as an ingredient. Ksheer kakoli also has an immunomodulatory effect thus making the body’s immune system stronger to fight diseases and infections.
- Shwet Chandan – Santalum Album
Shwet chandana belongs to the santalaceae family. Its english name is sandalwood and in Sanskrit it is known by various names like shrikanda, gandasara, chandra yuti, sheetala, sarvpriya and raja yoga. Chandan has guru and ruksha as its inherited properties and bears tikta and madhur taste. It also has sheeta veerya which means it has a cooling effect on the body. Shwet chandan is said to have pittashamak and kapha shamak effect on the body and is also useful in disorders which are having predominance of kapha and pitta. If applied externally, its paste is a refrigerant, deodorant and complexion enhancer. Chandan is useful in many disorders of skin and is also very beneficial in burning sensation of different organs, dermatoses caused by pitta. It is helpful in skin discoloration also. Due to its cooling effect, it is the best medicine for foul smelling and purulent menstruation. It is also very effective in leucorrhoea and menorrhagia in females. In addition it also has its effect in shukrameha.
- Raktachandana – Pterocarpus Santalinus
Raktachandan belongs to shimbi kula and family leguminosae. In Sanskrit, raktachandan is known as kuchandan, lohit, harichandan, raktasar, tamrasar, kshudra chandan, arka chandan, ranjan, pravalphala and surakta. The raktachandan has guru and ruksha inherited properties along with madhur and tikta rasa. Its vipaka is katu and veerya is sheeta. It also has a cooling effect on the body and has kapha shamak and pitta shamak effect. Externally, application of raktachandan relieves oedema caused by kapha and pitta dosha. Rakta chandan has refrigerant and hemostatic properties. It is very useful in bleeding disorders, vomiting and even in fever which might have association with diarrhea.
- Sharkara – Jaggery powder
It acts as a detoxifier and helps in cleansing the liver by flushing out toxins from the body. Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants which prevents accumulation of free radicals. It also helps in boosting resistance against infections and hence building a stronger immunity.
- Shatavari Juice – Asparagus Racemosus juice
Shatavari is a herb which is boon for every female and considered as the queen of herbs. It has an immunity boosting effect and helps in relieving cough and also helps in treatment of diarrhea. It has guru and snigdha guna, rasa is madhur and tikta and has sheeta veerya. It is vata pitta shamak which means it pacifies vata and pitta. Because of its shamak action and balya action it is of great use as an oil for massage, vata disorders and weakness. Shatavari also acts as an foetal tonic and also has aphrodisiac action. It works as a rasayan in threatened abortion, menorrhagia, supressed lactation and low sperm count. This herb also acts on rakta dhatu and alleviates bleeding disorders. In addition it also has cardio tonic properties. Shatavari enhances milk production in lactating mothers.
- Ghrita – Ghee
Ghrita is an oily liquid which remains in semi solid form at room temperature, it remains granular in texture, yellow to white in colour has a rich odour and pleasant taste. According to AAcharya charak it bears unctuous property. Ghrita promotes memory, intelligence, agni, semen, ojas, kapha and medas; alleviates vata, pitta, poison, insanity, phthisis, inauspiciousness and fever. It is the best of all fats, is cold, madhura rasa, madhura vipaka, has thousand potentialities and so, if used properly according to prescribed methods, exerts thousand types of action. Old ghrita alleviates intoxication, epilepsy, fainting, phthisis, insanity, poison, fever and pain in the female genital tract, ear and head.
- Ksheera – Cow Milk
Cow milk is sweet in taste (swadu paka), heavy to digest and has a calming effect on body and mind. It helps in enhancement of ojas which is a factor responsible for immunity of the body or is ojovardhaka. Cow’s milk is known as dhatu vardhak and acts as a natural aphrodisiac agent. It helps in cell rejuvenation and increases life expectancy. Cow’s milk helps in improving intelligence, strength and increases breast milk in a feeding mother. It is also known to assist easy bowel movements, relieves excessive thirst and hunger. Ksheer is very effective in urinary system disorders, bleeding disorders like heavy menstrual bleeding. According to acharya, cow’s milk has jeevaneeya (enliving), rasayan (rejuvenating), medya (brain tonic), balya (improves strength and immunity), stanya (improves lactation) and sara (laxative) properties.
Method of Preparation
- First and foremost, murchana of cow ghee is done.
- Then after all the herbs are crushed and mixed. After this there paste is formed.
- The paste of all herbs is then added to murchit cow’s ghee and milk is also added. Heat till the milk dries.
- Once milk is dried, add juice of Asparagus racemosus. Again heat until the juice dries.
- Then add water similar to the quantity of milk. When the whole water dries then check the mixture for any water residues and then the mixture is removed from the stove.
- Strain the grits using cloth.
- Store it in a glass jar in a cool and dry place.
Medicinal Properties
Due to many of its ingredients it is a libido enhancer in both males and females.
- As it can be consumed during the pregnancy and has properties of ashwagandha, meda like ingredients stuffed in it, it helps in building very strong immunity of the fetus and also the born child will possess higher intelligence as compared to other family members.
- Maximum of it’s ingredients has qualities which can help in managing and treating many gynecological properties.
- Even a female having history of recurrent abortions, should consume it. This formulation makes uterine muscles strong and is helpful as a uterine tonic. During an ongoing pregnancy it avoids threatened abortion.
- The formulation is very helpful in overcoming many male reproductive conditions like early ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and low sperm count.
- Male reproductive issues like early ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and low sperm count.
- In all gynecological disorders (irregular periods, excessive bleeding in periods, pain before, during and after periods)
- Females who as history of Threatened abortion
- Acts as an uterine tonic
- Can be given in pregnancy
- Low immunity
2 tsp twice a day after meals.
The administration can be done with hot milk or hot water.
Keep it away from the reach of children.
As the human body has originated from the universe, those rules which apply to the universe must also apply to the human body. These rules include the most basic rule: the origin and decay. Human body starts decaying as a result of bad habits and food due to which the origin of many diseases take place inside it. So it’s our duty to preserve this body for good, eat healthy and allow good habits in our lifestyle. Ayurvedic herbs and formulations prepared using them can help you in preventing and correcting many conditions. In case of any query kindly visit
Note :- This is pure classical Ayurvedic medicine and should be strictly consumed only after prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor and to be taken under medical supervision only.
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