It is a large, deciduous spreading climbing shrub with elongated twining branches. The branches bear smooth, heart-shaped leaves. Leaves are simple, alternate, long petioles up to 15cm long. The bark is gray, creamy white, deeply cleft spirally and longitudinally. The wood is soft, porous and white when cut quickly assumes a yellow pint. Long thread like aerial roots arise from the branches of this plant. Flowers are unisexual, appearing when plant is leafless, greenish yellow on axillary and terminal racemes. Fruits aggregate of 1-3, ovoid with sub terminal style, scarlet or orange colored.
Tinospora Cordifolia also known as Amrita, Gudichi or Giloy. In Ayurveda Tinospora cordifolia is considered to be one of the most divine herbs. In Ayurvedic preprations Guduchi is an Indian medicinal plant that has been used for the treatment of various ailments like fever, general weakness, asthma, snake bite, dyspenia, dysentery, jaundice, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, gout, skin diseases, urinary diseases, anemia, impotency etc. Stem of this plant has medicinal properties in it, leaves are beneficial in liver diseases. Giloy Sat is very beneficial in fever. It arrests AMA formation in body hence improves digestion and absorption. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action.
Chemical compounds like columbin, tinosporaside, palmatine, istrorhizine, berberine, tinocordifolioside, disaccharides, phenylpropene, choline, tinosporic acid, tinosporal and tinosporon etc. are isolated from this plant which has amazing medicinal properties in it.
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Family: Menispermacea
- Order: Ranunculales
- Division: Tracheophyta
- Sub Division: Spermatophytina
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- Genus: Tinospora
- Species: T. Cordifolia
This herbaceous shrub of family menispermaceae is mostly found in tropical areas of India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. This is a glabrous, succulent, climbing shrub also found in Burma. The plant is distributed throughout the tropical region of India up to 1,200 m above sea level from Kumaon to Assam, in north extending through West Bengal, Bihar, Deccan, Konkan, Karnataka and Kerala. It is a fairly common plant of deciduous and dry forests, growing over hedges and small trees.
- Latin Name – Tinospora Cordifolia
- Hindi Name – Giloy
- Sanskrit Name – Guduchi
- English Name – Tinospora
- Tamil Name – Shindilakodi
- Punjab Name – Gllow
- Marathi Name – Guduchi, gulvel
- Gujarati – Galac, garo
- Telugu – Tippa-teega
- Malayalam – Amruthu, Chittamruthu
- Nepali – Gurjo
- Taste (Rasa) – Bitter & Astringent
- Main Quality (Guna) – Heavy (Guru), Unctuous (Snigadh)
- Potency (Virya) – Hot (Ushna)
- Resultant (Vipaka) – Sweet (Madhur)
- Therapeutic Effect (Prabhava) – Rejuvenative, Immunomodulator and Adaptogen
- Dosha Karma (Effect on Humors) – Pacifies Tridosha (Vata, Pitta & Kapha)
- (Effects on Organs) – Stomach, Intestines, Liver, Heart, Blood, Skin
It balances Tridosha (Vata, Pitta & Kapha).
- This ayurvedic drug is mentioned in various classical texts like Sushurta Samhita, Charak Samhita, Ashtang Hrudaya, Bhava Prakash and Dhanvantari Nighantu.
- In Sushurta Samhita, it is mentioned under “ Tikta-Saka Varga” & is used in treating Kustha (leprosy), Svasa (asthma), Maha-jwara ( a type of fever) and Aruchi (anorexia)
- In Charak Samhita and Ashtang Hrudaya it has been used in treating Jvara (fever), Kamala (jaundice) and Vat Rakta (gout) etc.
- In Bhava Prakash Nighantu it is considered as bitter tonic, astringent, diuretic also helpful in skin disorders, jaundice, dysentery, diabetes and chronic diarrhea.
- In Dhanvantari Nighantu it is mentioned for cure of bleeding piles, promoting longevity, erysipelas and curing itching.
The Bhavprakash nighantu, edition of 2010: verse 1-10, page no- 269-271.
In Ancient times, in Ramayana origin of Giloy is mentioned. Guduchi is also known as Madhuparni, Amrita, Amritvalari, China, Chinruha, Jivanti, Vatsanadi, Tantrika, Soma, Somvali, Kundali, Dhira, Rasayani etc. Giloy is Katu, Tikta and Kashaya in Taste, Its Vipaka is sweet. It is rasayna, sangrahi, hot potency, light, power booster, balances tridosh. It treats diabetes, cough, cold, piles, urine infection and heart disorders.
The Bhavprakash nighantu with elaborated Hindi commentary by Padmashri prof. K.C. Chunekar, edited by Dr. G.S. Pandey: verse 1-10, edition of 1998: page no-269-271.
- Fever & Infection – Guduchi has potent antipyretic action and has good immune-modulatory action. It reduces fever and infection in body. The mixture of giloy satva 500mg, praval pishti 500mg, godanti bhasm 500mg, tulsi 1000mg should be taken in proper proportion. Giloy satva is very beneficial.
- In various Skin Diseases – Guduchi acts on itching, redness, swelling, tenderness, very good remedy in acne, urticaria, pimples with pain and tenderness. Giloy with neem leaves, chirayata and turmeric powder is used for best results.
- It is used in gout, rheumatoid arthritis & increased uric acid levels- Guduchi acts on AMA toxins, improves metabolic activities which reduces uric acid. Dried powder one gram is used along with other herbs.
- Useful in Pancreatitis – Giloy reduces inflammation and abdominal pain, acts as detoxifier, reduces toxins from body, inhibits pancreatic amylase activities hence reduces inflammation. Giloy stem powder 1-3 gm, giloy stem water 50 to 100ml, giloy stem juice 1 to 5 ml, giloy stem extract 125 to 500 mg, giloy satva 250 to 1000mg, giloy leaves powder 1 to 3gm, giloy leaves juice 2.5 to 10ml should be used in various diseases.
- Interstitial Cystitis disorder – Giloy churna, Giloy satva, Giloy juice, Giloy decoction is very beneficial in interstitial cystitis.
- Antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects of Giloy – Tinospora leaf, stem, root helps in reduction of blood glucose level, fatty acids, cholesterol etc. in body.
- Antioxidant activity- Tinospora has the ability to scavenge free radicals generated during aflatoxicosis. The leaf contains anti -oxidant and saponarin.
- Anticancer effect – Tinospora has chemopreventive potential which induces hepatocellular carcinoma.
- Anti- HIV effects – Anti-HIV effects of TCE was revealed by reduction in eosinophil count, stimulation of B lymphocytes, macrophages and polymorphonuclear leucocytes and hemoglobin, thus helps in management of the disease.
- Anti – osteoporotic effects – Tinospora cordifolia has been shown to stimulate the growth of osteoblasts, increasing the differentiation of cells and also increasing the mineralization of bone.
Tinospora Cordifolia is found in the following Planet Ayurveda’s Products:
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