Tinnitus (Ringing Ears)

TinnitusTinnitus is a Latin term inherited from tinnitus means “tinkling “. Tinnitus is the medical term for ringing in the ears.


Tinnitus is primarily a neurological phenomenon that is linked to the sense of hearing. A tinnitus patient hears sounds that are not caused by external sources. Unlike schizophrenics and other people with delusions as hear sounds, tinnitus is a physiological disorder, and sounds cannot be “conjured away” with help from a psychologist. Tinnitus is a physical problem!

Those who have tinnitus may experience different degrees of intensity, and the sound may have different characteristics. How tinnitus appears depends on the cause.

In recent years, we have seen that even very young people develop tinnitus as a result of headphones and concerts, noise in kindergarten, school or professional life, or reckless use of cotton swabs, and physical damage to the inner ear.

Many people who have tinnitus learn to live with it, not knowing that there are actually managements that can make a full recovery. It is estimated that about 1 in 4 who suffer from tinnitus visit the doctor. Therefore, there are three of four people who choose to ignore problems with tinnitus. This is unfortunate since tinnitus can worsen and provide more extensive problems later. One must do something with the problems now; do not wait until it is too late!

Tinnitus and ringing sound the sound (or noise) one experiences when one has tinnitus in many cases a steady hissing or “hiss “. In other cases, the pulsating, or a sound that only occurs periodically.

Tinnitus can be a monotonous sound, or can be perceived as both a light and dark sound simultaneously. The sound may occur in only one ear , both ears , or in some cases one may have difficulty identifying which ear the sound is coming from (a feeling that tinnitus comes from somewhere ” inside the head”).


Ayurvedic system of medicine is an ancient Indian system of medicine that uses the inherent power of herbs to help diseases in a natural and healthy way. We in Ayurveda believe that the body is controlled by three different energies which are Vada, Pitta, and Kappha. These energies maintain the balance in our bodies and any imbalance in these energies may disorient the body system.

The Ayurvedic herbs help remove stress and anxiety from our daily lives in a natural and herbal way. They are completely safe and help in attaining an easy, stress free life. All the medical conditions and psychological stress related conditions are helped in a better way by using Ayurvedic herbs.



The Brahmi herb is famous for its magnificent properties. It is a wonderful tranquilizer. It increases the brain functioning. A few of its astonishing effects have been proved on conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It is used by physicians for stress, post-natal depression, anxiety, ADD and epilepsy. Owing to its vast sphere of actions, it is a major constituent of a variety of products like health tonics, memory tonics, etc. Stress, anxiety, menstrual disturbances, hair loss and fatigue are a few conditions where the herb has shown positive effects. Another wonderful action of the herb is on the nervous system wherein it works to increase the coordination between the nervous system components thereby increasing the brain functioning. It is therefore used as a brain tonic. For its action on controlling the anxiety of the nervous system the Ayurvedic herb is used as a tranquilizer.

The actions of the Brahmi herb over the brain area make it a wonderful tonic to help enhance the mental capabilities of the individual. It affects both the short and the long-term memory. It promotes a relaxed state of mind and nerves, spreading calmness. It takes care of the tension caused headaches, feeling of anxiety and depression. The herbal product is highly recommended for people suffering from ADD as it helps them analyze clearly. Brahmi is used in Brahmi capsules and Medhya churna.


The ancient Ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha is a multiple benefit herb. It has beneficial effects on human body in a natural way. Ashwagandha helps in cases stress, memory loss and many more chronic ailments. A look at these disorders tells us that they are all related to our life style. The increase in stress and manifold decrease in a healthy diet and lifestyle leads to stress induced disorders including many neurological disorders. People usually complain of stress, fatigue, memory and bodily weakness. Most of us face issues of low stamina and endurance power.

Ashwagandha herb plays a vital role in such cases. It is a great antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to promote overall well-being of the body and nourishes it with strength and immunity. Apart from these, the herbal product has potential powers to nourish the brain to make the functioning of the brain quicker and sharper. It has dynamic results on the male sexual system as it facilitates quicker and longer lasting erections. Ashwagandha herb is an indispensable part of many of our formulations owing to its benefits. Ashwagandha capsules and Medhya churna are prepared using Ashwagandha.


Zingiber works wonderfully on the nervous and emotional ailments. The results are on the overall body system. The appetite is boosted, the brain functioning becomes sharper, and the memory becomes stronger. It acts well for weakness of body and mind, stresses of daily life, and improper brain functioning. It also has multiple effects on other organs. Zingiber is used in Medhya churna.


Gotu kola herb is an herb rich in nutrients. It is a wonderful herb that acts brilliantly on concentration power and helps cases of lack of concentration. This herb Gotu kola helps in the nerve related diseases. It helps in nervous exhaustion due to stress and anxiety. The case of neuropathy due to diabetes is relieved using Gotu kola capsules. It is a very effective herb in providing body vitality. The herb is used to prepare Gotu kola capsules.


The root of this herb is used to relieve a number of nerve related disorders and increase speech coordination, speech ability. It helps to increase memory power and coordination. The retention power increases manifold. The Medhya churna has this herb in it.


This plant bears beautiful white flowers. It helps the mind to recollect and remember things in an effective way. It is useful in relieving stress, improves mind ability and controls blood pressure. In India it has been given to children to increase their memory especially during exams. Medhya churna has this herb.