Introduction: Vasaka
Vasaka is a medicinal plant (herb) which is widely used in a number of alternative systems of medicine, including Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha medicine, and Unani medicine. The plant is known for its expectorant properties, and is chiefly used for the management of chronic bronchitis, cough, breathlessness, tuberculosis, and asthma.
Vasaka is a perennial undershrub which grows wildly in several regions of India, particularly in the sub-Himalayan area. The plant is also native to other countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.
The botanical name of Vasaka is Adhatoda vasica Nees. Its English name is Malabar Nut. The plant belongs to the Acanthaceae family.
Vasaka is known by different names in languages. Some of these names are: Vrsa, Atarusa, Vasa (Sanskrit); Aduss, Arusa (Hindi); Aduso, Ardusi (Guajarati); Adhathodai (Tamil); Vasa, Addasaramu (Telegu); Adulsa (Marathi); Adusa, Vasok (Bengali); Adusogae (Kannada); Vamsa, Bhekkar (Punjabi); Basanga, Arusa (Oriya); Titabahak (Assamese); Adugoge (Konkani); and Bansa (Persian).
The parts of the Vasaka plant used for medicinal purposes are the leaves, flowers, stem bark, and root.
The chemical composition of Vasaka includes the presence of phytochemicals like alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, and phenolics. The leaves Vasaka are specifically beneficial for medicinal reasons because they contain a quinazoline alkaloid called Vasicine and an essential oil which are responsible for the bronchodilator properties of the plant.
Vasaka and Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda texts, the properties of Vasaka herb can be listed as follows:
- The Rasa (Taste) of Vasaka is Tikta, Kashaya (Bitter, Astringent).
- Its Guna (Physical property) is Laghu, Rooksha (Light, Dry).
- Its Virya (Potency) is Sheet (Cold).
- Its Vipaka (Post-digestion metabolic property) is Katu (Pungent).
The effect of Vasaka on the Doshas is: It balances the Pitta and Kapha doshas.
In ancient Ayurvedic texts, the Shloka describing the Vasaka herb is:

As per the Shloka, the Sanskrit names of Vasaka herb are Vasako, Vasika, Vasa, Bhishangmata, Sinhika, Sinhasya, Vajidanta, Aatrush, Aatrushak, Vrish, Tamr, and Sinhparn. The use of the herb is extremely beneficial for voice. The taste of the herb is bitter and astringent. It is a cardiac tonic which is light and has a cold potency. The use of Vasaka herb is beneficial for managing a number of health conditions including bleeding disorders, thirst, asthma, cold, fever, vomiting, diabetes, leprosy, and tuberculosis.
With regard to the medicinal significance of Vasaka, Ayurvedic texts have mentioned that the herb has the properties to clean out the excess of Pitta and Kapha, and can also promote the balance of Rasa and Rakta dhatus (plasma and blood tissue layers). Moreover, one of the advanced applications of Vasaka is its ability to manage Pitta-type disorders related to the blood.
Medicinal Properties of Vasaka
The Vasaka herb has wide-ranging medicinal properties because of which the herb is used in the preparation of several Ayurvedic formulations. Some of the medicinal properties of the herb are:
- Expectorant
- Bronchodilator
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Antitussive
- Antifungal
- Anti-viral
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-microbial
- Antihemorrhagic
- Antispasmodic
- Anti-allergic
- Anthelmintic
- Appetite stimulant
- Blood-purifier
- Mild Sedative
- Mild Anti-hypertensive.
Ingredients of Vasa Powder
S. No. | Herb Used | Latin Name | Quantity |
1. | Vasa | Adhatoda vasica | 100 gm |
Health Benefits of Vasa Powder
Vasa Powder is an excellent herbal product, prepared from Vasaka herb. Some of the proven health benefits of this powder are:
1. Managing Cough
Vasaka has the ability to manage cough and wheezing, particularly when a patient coughs up yellow sputum or cannot expel the sputum. The use of Vasa Powder can treat cough, relieve discomfort, and facilitate easy breathing.
2. Treating Bronchitis
Vasaka is considered a powerful herbal treatment for bronchitis. The use of Vasa Powder can unclog inflamed bronchial tubes, remove mucus deposits, and reduce chest discomfort and breathlessness.
3. Treating Asthma
The use of Vasaka is recommended in asthma because its anti-inflammatory actions can reduce the inflammation in lungs and air passages. Vasa Powder can manage the adversities of asthma and support the breathing process.
4. Treating Infections
Due to its anti-viral properties, Vasaka can treat infections, particularly viral infections which can result in breathing difficulties. The use of Vasa Powder can lower body temperature and help patients in expelling thick nasal discharges.
5. Managing Sinusitis
Vasaka has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which can be beneficial for managing painful and irritating conditions like Sinusitis. Vasa Powder can help the release of pus or fluid which gets accumulated in the sinuses.
6. Relieving Sore Throat
Vasaka can treat common problems like sore throat, throat pain and tonsillitis, which usually occur during season change. The anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial actions of Vasaka can relieve pain, redness, and inflammation of the soft palate.
7. Treating Ulcers
The use of Vasaka is beneficial in treating peptic and duodenal ulcers because it is known for its properties as an anti-inflammatory and non- steroidal drug. Vasa Powder can reduce swelling, and manage ulcers.
8. Reducing Acidity
Vasaka is a very beneficial herb for ensuring good gut health. The use of Vasaka can help reduce acid formation in the stomach and treat acidity as well as other problems like gastritis and dyspepsia.
9. Treating Joint Pain
The pain and inflammation of joints can be managed with Vasaka because the herb can reduce uric acid levels. Since elevated levels of uric acid can cause joint pain, the use of Vasa Powder is beneficial for managing such pain.
Along with the above-mentioned health benefits, the use of Vasaka is beneficial in some other conditions also. These conditions include:
- Fever
- Mouth problems
- Memory loss
- Vomiting
- Eye problems
- Skin ailments
- Jaundice
- Leucoderma
- Kidney malfunction
- Leprosy
- Excessive menstruation
- Bleeding piles
- Diarrhoea and dysentery
- Blood disorders
- Lung disorders.
Product Details
- Product Type: Herbal powder
- Product Quantity (in gms): 100 gms.
- Dosage: As directed by the physician.
Vasa Powder is a 100% pure and natural herbal powder. The preparation of this herbal powder does not include the use of any chemicals, preservatives, binders, fillers, additives, or artificial colors.
Classical Reference

Side Effects and Precautions
The use of Vasaka does not have any known or serious side-effects. However, it is important to take the following precautions while using Vasa Powder:
- Vasa Powder should be avoided by pregnant women and children.
- Excessive consumption of Vasa Powder should be avoided.
- Vasa Powder should not be taken with other medicines which have expectorant or antispasmodic effects.
- Vasa Powder should not be taken without the recommendation of an Ayurveda practitioner.
Q 1. Is the use of Vasaka beneficial for managing respiratory disorders?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka herb supports a healthy respiratory system and has the ability to manage respiratory disorders.
Q 2. Can Vasaka remove sticky phlegm?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka promotes the removal of stick phlegm and supports the expansion of lung pipes.
Q 3. Does Vasaka have anti-allergic properties?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka has proven anti-allergic actions which are beneficial for managing common cold and skin disorders.
Q 4. Can Vasaka remove the heat from the body?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka supports the removal of heat from the body because of its Sheet (cold) potency.
Q 5. Does Vasaka possess beneficial concomitant properties?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka possesses concomitant properties — like antioxidant properties — for supporting the digestive, cardiac, and nerve functions. It is also known for its expectorant and soothing actions.
Q 6. Can Vasaka treat chronic asthma?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka has traditionally been used as an effective treatment for chronic asthma.
Q 7. How is Vasaka most commonly used in India?
Ans: Vasaka is most commonly used in India as an expectorant and cough-reliever (antitussive).
Q 8. Can Vasaka treat dental problems?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka is used for the management of dental problems like pyorrhea, toothache, bleeding gums, and chronic catarrh.
Q 9. Is Vasaka beneficial for treating digestive problems like constipation?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka assists the digestive process and also acts as a mild laxative. So, the use of Vasaka is beneficial for people suffering from digestive problems like constipation.
Q 10. Does Vasaka have anti-dyspepsia properties?
Ans: Yes. Vasaka can manage the symptoms of dyspepsia or gas, like bloating, burning sensation, discomfort, and an uneasy feeling of fullness.