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Ingredients Of Sariva Churna

S. No. Herb Used Latin Name Part Used QTY
1. Sariva Hemidesmus indicus Roots 100 gm

Product Details

  • Package Type: Herbal Powder.
  • Package Quantity: 100 gm. Bottle.
  • The product is free from chemicals, preservatives, yeast, pesticides, microbes, heavy metals, fillers and starch etc.

About Sariva / Anantmool (Hemidesmus Indicus)

Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) is also known as Indian Sarsaparilla. This powder contains the main ingredient Hemidesmus indicus, which belongs to the Asclepidaceae family. This herb has the great medicinal properties in Ayurveda for the treatment of various health ailments such as anorexia, menorrhagia, skin disorder, and gastritis etc.

Hemidesmus indicus herb is distributed in the tropical and sub-tropical region of India especially in upper Gangetic plains, Madhya Pradesh, Bengal, and South India. The herb grows in loam to slit-clay with the appropriate amount of humus. Alkaline soil with pH of 7.5-8.5 is best suitable for its growth. The plant can be propagated through the stem and rootstock. The cutting of rootstock has better survival rate than stem cuttings. Hemidesmus indicus or Anantmool is a semi-erect and prostate shrub with woody and fragrant rootstock. The stems of plants are slender, numerous with thick nodes on it. Leaves are simple, very variable, opposite and with a short petiole. They are variegated, white above and silvery-white pubescent beneath. Flower are greenish purple in color. The stem and branches of plant twine anticlockwise and roots contain the camphor-like smell.

Classification Of Hemidesmus Indicus

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Family: Apocyanaceae
  • Genus: Hemidesmus
  • Species: H. indicus
  • Other names:
  • English name: Indian Sarsaparilla
  • Hindi name: Anantamul, Sugandi Pala
  • Telugu name: Sungandhipala, Muttavapylagamu
  • Tamil name: Nannari
  • Kannada name: Anamtamula
  • Malayalam name: Nannaari
  • Marathi name: Upalsari, Anantavel
  • Unani name: Ushba
  • Bengali name: Anantamul
  • Ayurvedic name: Sveta Sariva, Anantmool

What Are The Major Chemical Constituents Of Hemidesmus Indicus?

The plant contains a chemical such as B-sitosterol, hemidesminine, hemidesmin-1, hemidesmin-2, H. indicus- Hyperoside, rutin, desinine and hexatriacontance.

  • Flower contains: hyperoxide, isoquercitin and rutin
  • Leaves contains: tannins
  • Roots contains: Coumarino-lignoids hemidesminine, ?-amyrin, ?-amyrin, ?-amyrin acetate, lupeol, lupeol acetate.
  • Other constituents such as terpenoids, steroids, polyphenolics, coumarino-lignoids, and flavonoids.

What Are The Medicinal Properties Of Anantmool (Hemidesmus Indicus)?

  • Rasa (Taste): Madhura (sweet), Tikta (bitter)
  • Guna (Qualities): Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (oily)
  • Vipaka:  Madhura (Sweet) (After digestion undergoes sweet taste conversion)
  • Veerya: Sheeta (coolant)
  • Effect on Tridosha: It balances all the three doshas i.e. Kapha, Pitta and Vata.

What Are The Main Indications Of Hemidesmus Indicus?

  • Useful in skin disorders
  • Fever
  • Treat itching and pruritis
  • Treat diarrhea and dysentery
  • Improves low digestion strength
  • Treat a cough, cold and asthma
  • Improves sperm quantity and quality
  • Relieve bad odor
  • Treat anorexia
  • Useful in nasal bleeding, and menorrhagia.
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Diabetes

What Are The Health Benefits Of Sariva Churna?

1. Antiarthritic Activity

The roots of Hemidesmus indicus contains terpenes, sterol and various phenolic compounds which has great anti-arthritic activity. It provides relief from arthritis pain and inflammation.

2. Anti-microbial Activity

Hemidesmus indicus is the Indian herb which provides protection against various bacterial and fungal infections. It shows great inhibition towards Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli. In the various studies, it has been found that the acetone, ethyl acetate, and methanol fraction of Hemidesmus indicus demonstrate high activity against extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing bacteria. The chloroform extract of Hemidesmus indicus shows promising activity against H. pylori.

3. Treats Diarrhea

Hemidesmus indicus helps to increase the water absorption in the intestine and ultimately helps to cure the diarrhea problem. It also helps to maintain the sodium-potassium exchanges in the jejunum.

4. Antioxidant Activity

Hemidesmus indicus root extract contains many flavonoids and phenolic antioxidant compounds which significantly reduce the oxidative stress and toxicity caused by Doxorubicin, an antibiotic which is used during cancer treatment. This drug decreases the activity of sodium-potassium ATPase and also decrease the level of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, CAT, and GPx in the heart tissues. Hemidesmus indicus helps to overcome all these problems and protect your heart from oxidative damage due to free radicals.

5. Stomach Ulcer

Sariva churna neutralize the abnormal acid secretion in the gut and maintain the stomach functioning by its cooling effect. During stomach ulcer, it can prevent the excessive bleeding. The Hemidesmus indicus powder is useful to treat ulcerative colitis and severe gastritis.

6. Blood Purifier

Sariva churna has remarkable blood purifying activities due to which it neutralizes the viper venom-induced lethal, coagulant, and inflammatory activity. Lupeol acetate extract from roots of Sariva neutralizes the lethality.

7. Manage anemia

Sariva churna increase the production of Red blood cells in the body. The juice containing the essence of Sariva augments the production of RBC.

8. Treat Venereal Disorders

Sariva churna flushes out the toxins from the reproductive system of both male and female. It eradicates and provides protection against microbial diseases such as leucorrhoea and gonorrhea.

9. Antipyretic

The roots of the Sariva helps to pacify the vitiated pitta dosha, which is the main factor behind fever. So it treats the fever.

10. Wound Healing Property

Hemidesmus indicus possess remarkable wound healing properties. The roots extracts of Hemidesmus indicus helps to heal the chronic wound of diabetic and cancer patient.

Recommended Dosage

1 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water half an hour after your meals.