Vidangarisht is an Ayurvedic preparation which is available in syrup or decoction form. It contains an extract of various herbs. The formulation is potent enough to pacify all three doshas and gives very good results in parasitic infestation in intestines. It is called as Arishta in Ayurveda and it hasVidanga as its key ingredient along with other herbs. The vidangarisht is basically a vermifuge which means it is used to destroy and expel parasitic intestinal worms and prevents recurrence of worm infestations. The decoction also has laxative properties. In this article we will mainly focus on ingredients, action, method of preparation, medicinal uses and dosage.
The arishta are formed or prepared by the process of fermentation. So basically it can be understood that the arishta is a naturally generated alcohol. Thus this alcohol acts as the medium for active ingredients of the herbs to dissolve in it. Even though they are having naturally generated alcohol but are still safe to be consumed. A wide variety of arishta are used in management of a wide range of diseases. These are having a really good effect and vidangarisht is one of them. Vidangarisht is mainly used to get rid of intestinal parasites and is the best formulation which is having really great results as an anthelmintic.
- Vaividang (Embelia ribes) – 5 Part
- Kutaj bark (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – 5 Part
- Pippali mool (Piper longum) – 5 Part
- Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) – 5 Part
- Amla (Emblica officinalis) – 5 Part
- Indrayav (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – 5 Part
- Patha (Cissampelos pareira) – 5 Part
- Alua (Aloe indica) – 5 Part
- Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) – 1 Part
- Badi elachi (Amomum subulatum) – 2 Part
- Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) – 2 Part
- Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala) – 2 Part
- Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata) – 1 Part
- Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla) – 1 Part
- Black pepper (Piper nigrum) – 8 Part
- Pippali (Piper longum) – 8 Part
- Sonth (Zingiber officinale) – 8 Part
- Dhatki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa) – 20 Part
- Gur (jaggery) (Saccharum officinarum) – 300 Part
- Water (Aqua) – 2083 Part
Reference – Sharangdhar Samhita
Ingredients Description
- Vaividang (Embelia ribes) – Vaya vidanga also called as vidanga belongs to vidanga kula and also has sanskrit names chitra tandul, jantunashan, vatari, jantughna and many more. The vidang has inherent properties like katu (pungent) and ushna veerya (hot potency). Due to its hot potency the herb is having kapha and vata pacification effects. If used externally it has bactericidal, kushtaghna and shiro virechana. It is very helpful in dental caries and toothache. The herb is called a nervine tonic as when it is administered with hot milk and garlic then it has a very good effect in brain related disorders. In the digestive system vidang has deepan, pachan and anuloman. Due to its purgative property it tends to flush out all the parasites from the intestines with fecal matter.
- Kutaj bark (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) belongs to Kutaja kula and Apocynaceae family. The English name for this herb is kurchi and in Sanskrit it is called kutaja, shakra, vatsaka and koti. Conessine, which is a steroid alkaloid found in apocynaceae family plants, is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition it also acts as an H3 receptor antagonist. In Ayurveda it is described that kutaja is having healing properties and is very well potential in pacifying pitta dosha. It has ruksha guna, tikta and kashaya rasa along with katu vipaka. Kutaja acts as a deepena herb which means it increases the diminished digestive fire and thus helps in getting rid of parasitic infection. It also helps in subsiding any internal intestinal swelling.
- Pippali mool (Piper longum) – Piper belongs to pippali kula and is known by various names like magadhi (from magadh), krishna (black), vaidehi (from videh– north bihar), chapala (giving instant action), kana (having kan or grains), ushna (hot), upkoolya (grows near water). It has inherent properties like laghu (light), tikshna (sharp) and snigdha (unctuous). The rasa (taste) of long pepper or pippali is katu (pungent) and its vipak (after digestion effect) is madhur. It possesses anushnasheeta veerya which means it has neither hot or cold effect on the body. Piper longum bears kapha and vata dosha shamak properties which means it pacifies kapha and vata dosha. This herb in particular has a very good effect on the digestive system as it stimulates the digestive fire, is very helpful in enhancing rakta dhatu agni which means it also has its effects on the circulatory system. But its main effect is generally seen on kapha dosha where it helps by cutting all the accumulated mucus and hence opening the minute channels.
- Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) – Rasna belongs to bhringraj kula and compositae family. In sanskrit it is called as uktarasa, rasya, rasana, elaparni, surasa, atirasa and rasani. Botanically, it is a shrub which is habitat of areas like kashmir, uttar pradesh and himalayan regions. It possesses numerous properties for example it is having vata pacification properties, kapha pacification properties, has a great effect on digestion, is antiasthmatic and also causes uterine contractions. The herb is capable of relieving flatulence, abdominal pain or colic and helps in relieving indigestion.
- Amla (Emblica officinalis) – The guna or qualities that amla bears are heaviness and coolant properties along with five tastes that are sour, bitter, astringent and pungent except salt. Sour is the dominant taste. It has madhura vipaka and sheeta potency. It is tridosha nashak and vata nashak by sour taste, pittanashak by madhur taste and sheeta potency and kapha naashak by ruksha property and kashay taste. Mainly, it is pittanashak but also has tridosha ghana effect. If used externally it behaves as a refrigerant, is a known hair tonic and also enhances complexion. Internally, it strengthens the nervous system, bone marrow and sense organs. Amla also bears digestion enhancement properties and in large doses it is a laxative. In the reproductive system it has fantastic effects as it acts as an aphrodisiac and also has hemostatic properties. Generally, its leaves, fruit and leaf juice is used.
- Indrayav (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – Indrayava is basically the seeds of the kutaj plant. They have excellent properties of healing and their decoction is very helpful in healing ulcers. Especially, externally dressing wounds with indrayava is really very beneficial. Rest of its properties are similar to the kutaj plant.
- Patha (Cissampelos pareira) – Patha is called a velvet leaf in English and belongs to guduchi kula. The family to which patha belongs is menispermaceae. The seeds of this plant are of a very specific shape like the moon and are often called moon shaped. In Sanskrit it is known as patha, ambashtha, pracheena, shreyasi, deepani, varatiktata, tikta pushpa and devi. The other variety of this plant is called as rajapatha which has a bit bigger leaves. The properties of patha are laghu (laghu), tikshna (sharp) and tikta rasa (bitter taste). The potency of this herb is hot and has tridosha shamak (vata, pitta and kapha) or pacification properties. On the digestive system it is having a very great impact as it is an appetizer, has digestive effects, acts as an laxative and also has anthelmintic properties.
- Alua (Aloe indica) – Alua is commonly known by the name kumari or ghritakumari. It belongs to the liliaceae family and rasona kula. Predominantly it is found in hot areas but can also be grown in almost all the areas. The herb has a lot of medicinal properties and has its importance in various disorders. It has inherent properties like unctuous and dense consistency. In addition it has a bitter and sweet taste and pungent post digestive effect. It is having behaniya prabhava and can be used for pacification of all three doshas. In large doses it also works as a krimighna which means it shows anthelmintic properties.
- Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) – Lodhra belongs to lodhra kula and symplocaceae family. It’s latin name is Symplocos which means connection and racemosus means like a cluster of grapes. In Sanskrit lodhra is known as shabr, galav, hema and tilwaktaru. In English it is called a lodh bark tree. The herb has ruksha and laghu (dry and light) guna (inherent properties), kshaya (astringent) taste, katu (pungent) vipak and sheeta potency. Due to its kashaya and sheeta guna it is best for the pacification of kapha and pitta and also in diseases occuring due to aggravation of these doshas. Lodhra is very beneficial in decreasing the swelling or inflammation.
- Badi elachi (Amomum subulatum) – It is called a bigger cardamom and in Sanskrit it is called as bruhadela, sthula, bhadraila, bahula and prithvika. It is generally found in eastren parts of the himalayas especially in Nepal and Sri lanka. The badi elaichi is an excellent appetizer, digestive and carminative. The herb is used in anorexia, nausea, vomiting,thirst, loss of appetite, colic, liver disorders and piles too. The herb is an excellent tridosha pacifier.
- Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) – Dalchini is called as twak in Ayurveda. A very common herb which is found in indian as well as in western kitchens. It is known by the names like shalaka, saihala, tanutwak, valkala, vanya and surasa. The properties of dalchini include its guna (inherent properties) like laghu (light), ruksha (dry) and tikshan (sharp). The rasa or taste of cinnamomum are katu (pungent), tikta (bitter) and madhur (sweet), and its potency ushna (hot). Due to these properties the twak is very useful in anorexia, amadosha, abdominal pain and even in hemorrhoids. Its antiprotozoal effect is seen in enteric fever.
- Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala) – Tejpatra belongs to the karpur kula and lauraceae family. The tejpatra is basically the leaf of dalchini tree and is an extensive kapha pacifier. It has hot potency, is a great appetizer, diuretic, vataghna and stimulant too.
- Kanchnar (Bauhinia variegata) – Kanchnar belongs to shimbi kula and putikaranja is its upkula. In Sanskrit the herb is known by the names like kanchnar, pakari, kovidar, dalak, chanari, peet pushpa and girij. The herb is believed to have kapha shamak effect due to its dry, light and sharp guna, it is pitta shamak due to its cold potency and hence it is used in kapha pitta diseases. Externally it has wound cleaning and healing effect but internally it has a very great impact on digestive system, circulatory effect, respiratory system, urinary system, reproduction system and even on skin. The herb strongly has anthelmintic properties due to astringent taste but can accuse nausea if taken in high doses.
- Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla) – The herb belongs to the nirgundi kula and verbenaceae family. In Sanskrit it is called priyangu, phalinee, parnabhedini, peeta, mangalaya and shreyasi. The properties of priyangu include guru (heavy), ruksha (dry) along with bitter, astringent and sweet taste. The potency of this herb is cold and it also has tridosha pacification properties.
- Black pepper (Piper nigrum) – Pepper is called maricha in sanskrit. It belongs to the pippali kula and piperaceae family. In english it is called as black pepper and in sanskrit it has many other names like yavaneshta (which means it is used in western countries instead of red or green chillies), vrittaphala, katuka (due to its katu (pungent) rasa (taste). It has inherent properties like laghu (light) and tikshna (sharp) and possesses ushna (hot) veerya (potency). Due to its ushna veerya it acts as an vata pacifier and due to its katu rasa, laghu and tikshna properties it is the best kapha pacifier but aggravates pitta dosha. If used internally then it is very clear in classical texts that it also has effects on the digestive system as due to its ushana and tikshna guna it stimulates salivation. Moreover, it has liver stimulating properties and stimulates secretion of digestive enzymes too.
- Pippali (Piper longum) – Pippali belongs to pippali kula and has synonyms like magadhi (from magadh), chapala (giving instant action), kana (having kan or grains), upkoolya (grows near water). Pipali has Guna or inherent properties like laghu (light), tikshna (sharp) and snigdha (unctuous). The taste of long pepper or pippali is katu (pungent) and its vipak (after digestion effect) is madhur. Pippali is having anushnasheeta veerya which means it is not having either hot or cold effect on the body. Piper longum has kapha and vata dosha pacification properties.
- Sonth (Zingiber officinale) – Ginger belongs to haridra kula and its family is scitaminaceae. Ginger is found in two forms either fresh or dry. In dry form it is called shunthi. In fresh form it has inherent properties like tikshna (sharp), guru (heavy) and ruksha (dry) but in dry form it has laghu (light) and snigdha (unctuous) properties. The rasa (taste) in both states is the same, that is katu (pungent), veerya (potency) is ushna (hot) and vipaka (after digestion taste) is madhur (sweet). On internal use it stimulates nerves and improves impulse transmission, has an excellent effect as an appetizer, antiflatulent and antispasmodic herb. Due to its kapha pacification properties it has a great effect on the body as it opens the blockage in micro channels. It ameliorates vata diseases, swelling and increases strength. Due to its hot properties it is not recommended to be used or should be less used in summer or autumn season.
- Dhatki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa) – Dhataki is called as downy grislea in english and in sanskrit it is known by the names as dhataki, vahnipushpi, tamrapushpi, dahani, parvati, kumuda, madani and pramadani. It is generally found all over India but preferably on hilly areas. The herb is believed to be pitta and kapha shamak. If used internally, then on the digestive system, due to its astringent properties, it has a very good effect.
- Gur / Jaggery (Saccharum officinarum) – Gur is a very good fermentation agent and also helps in the enhancement of digestion. It aids glucose control and weight loss.
- Water (Aqua) – Water here as an ingredient is basically the medium. As mentioned before that arishta are in liquid form, so no liquidity can be there without water.
Method Of Preparation
- Vaividang, Kutaj bark, Pippali mool, Rasna, Amla, Indrayav, Patha , Alua each having a quantity of five pal is taken.
- Then they are mixed in eight drona of water.
- The mixture is then heated, till it reduces to one fourth of its actual quantity.
- Then it is withdrawn from the flame and is kept aside till it cools down.
- After cooling, 300 pal of honey, 20 pal of Dhatki pushpa, twak, tejpata, elaichi, 2 pal of priyangu, kanchanar and one pal of lodhra and 8 pal of sonth, pippali and maricha is added.
- After this the mixture is added into a mud pot whose inner walls are painted or coated with ghrita or ghee.
- Finally the pot opening is covered with a cloth and it is kept aside for fermentation.
- Then after, it is filtered and stored in a bottle.
Main Action
Anthelmintic, Abscess, urinary stones, vata vyadhi, prostate enlargement.
Medicinal Uses
- Classical texts suggest that it is a really great formulation for all types of abscess.
- The stiffness in muscles, especially lower legs and thighs is relieved.
- It is helpful in urinary calculi or kidney stones.
- A great formulation for fistula in ano, which is known by the name bhagandar in Ayurveda.
- It has a digestive and carminative effect.
3 teaspoon twice a day with an equal amount of water or as directed by your physician.
- The formulation can be given in children as well as in adults.
- It is to be given under expert advice.
- In lactating and pregnant women its use must be done with Ayurvedic expert advice.
Vidangarisht is one of the most ancient and very popular formulations in Ayurveda. The formulation is very well known for its results in various digestion related disorders and is known best for its anthelmintic effect. The vidangarisht gives really great results in children as well as adults when it comes to the erosion of intestinal parasitic infestation. The formulation basically acts as a deworming agent and also bears anti-inflammatory as well as analgesic properties. It also promotes body strengthening as it nourishes the muscles and is a good choice for hypothyroidism too.
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