Shatavari ghrit is a classical ayurvedic formulation made up with certain ingredients but the main ingredient in shatavari ghrita is shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a great ayurvedic herb that is very effective in a number of health conditions like maintain reproductive health of both men and women, helpful for lactating mothers, induce good sleep, calms mind though reduces stress, anxiety and other mind affecting health issues. It is best in balancing hormones so can be given in various conditions related to hormonal imbalance. Also it is a wonderful herb for weight maintenance. As per ayurveda it acts as a great rasayana (rejuvenator) and vajikarana (aphrodisiac) aushadhi (ayurvedic formulation).
Ingredients Used in Shatavari Ghrit
Sr. No. | Herb Used | Latin Name | Quantity |
1. | Shatavari | Asparagus racemosus | 256 Part |
2. | Jeevak | Microstylis muscifera | 1 part |
3. | Rishyabhak | Microstylis wallichii | 1 Part |
4. | Meda | Polygonatum cirrhifolium | 1 Part |
5. | Maha meda | Polygonatum cirrhifolium | 1 Part |
6. | Kakoli | Lilium polyphyllum | 1 Part |
7. | Kshir kakoli | Fritillaria roylei | 1 Part |
8. | Munaka | Vitis vinifera | 1 Part |
9. | Mulethi | Glycyrrhiza glabra | 1 Part |
10. | Mudgaparni | Phaseolus trilobus | 1 Part |
11. | Mashparni | Teramnus labialis | 1 Part |
12. | Vidarikand | Pueraria tuberosa | 1 Part |
13. | Lal chandan | Pterocarpus santalinus | 1 Part |
14. | Mishri | Saccharum purificitum | 8 Part |
15. | Go Dugdha (Cow’s Ghee) | 128 Part | |
16. | Go Ghrita (Cow’s Milk) | 256 Part |
Description of The Ingredients
- Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus): This is the main ingredient of shatavari ghrita. As mentioned above it is a great Rasayana (Rejuvenator) and vajikarana (improve reproductive health). Shatavari possess sweet and bitter taste, heavy and oily qualities, sweet taste after digestion, and cold potency. Dosha karma effect of shatavari- it pacifies vata and pitta dosha. Due to these effects it helps in purifying blood, improves breast milk production, provides good vision, reduces abdominal tumours, relieves diarrhoea, useful in haemorrhoids and chronic respiratory issues.
- Jeevak (Microstylis muscifera): Jeevak is one among ashtavarga herbs. This herb is considered as a great vajikarana (aphrodisiac) and rasayana (rejuvenator) due to its madhura (sweet) taste and cold potency and it balances vata and pitta dosha. Its therapeutic uses include bleeding disorders, emaciation, burning sensation, neurological problems, general debility, skin diseases and many more.
- Rishbhak (Microstylis wallichii): Due to its sweet taste and cold potency it promotes overall strength of body and nourishes the body tissues. It also consists of aphrodisiac property due to this it helps in promoting sperm count.
- Meda (Polygonatum verticillatum): Mainly the rhizomes of the plant are used in promoting strength and acts as a nervine tonic, increasing milk production in lactating mothers by balancing pitta and vata dosha and increasing kapha dosha.
- Maha meda (Polygonatum cirrhifolium): It possess cold potency and sweet taste which make this herb effective in different actions like vatahara (pacifies vata dosha), shukravara dhaka (increase semen production), pittahara (pacifies pitta dosha), kapha vardhak (increases kapha dosha).
- Kakoli (Roscoea purpurea): This herb possesses vata and pitta pacifying properties which helps in body debility, arthritis, fever, diabetes, urinary problems and other pitta pacifying properties.
- Ksheer kakoli (Lilium polyphyllum): Mainly the bulb part of ksheer kakoli is used for medicinal purposes. It is a vata and pitta pacifier and mainly effective in alleviating urinary problems, blood disorders, burning sensation, fever, excessive thirst.
- Munnaka (Vitis vinifera): This herb promotes digestive health and relieves acidity issues due to its pitta pacifying properties.
- Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Mulethi holds vata and pitta pacifying properties and acts as a great expectorant. So due to these properties it helps in curing cough, bronchitis, chest injuries and tuberculosis like conditions. Also possesses some wonderful effects like brain tonic, blood purifier, promotes longevity of life, alleviates dysuria and many more conditions.
- Mudgaparni (Vigna trilobata): This herb comes under madhyama panchmool. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing swelling and edema. Also it is a great absorbent and helps in diarrhoea and IBS like conditions.
- Mashaparni (Teramnus labialis): It is considered to have highly nutritious effects that helps in curing fatigue and bleeding disorders issues due to its vata and pitta pacifying properties and also helps in getting rid of muscle wasting due to its kapha increasing properties.
- Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa): As vidarikanda includes sweet taste, heavy to digest and oily qualities along with cold potency so it is very beneficial in improving general health of the patient.
- Lal chandan (Pterocarpus santalinus): The main property of lal chandan is cold potency so it is mainly helpful in pittaja conditions like burning sensation, excessive thirst, vomiting, bleeding disorders, etc.
- Go dugdha (cow’s milk): Cow considered as hallowed in India and cow’s milk is admired as an invaluable gift that comes undeviating from the Goddess. From ancient times ayurveda has given high value to cow’s milk for the tonifying and building qualities along with its ojas (immunity) strengthening properties due to its madhura ras (sweet taste) and cold potency. It also has a unique quality of balancing) vata and pitta dosha.
- Go ghrita (cow’s ghee): Cows ghee includes very effective properties of tridosha pacification due to this wonderful property it helps in preventing and curing from vataja, pittaja and kaphaja health conditions. The efficacy of ghee in pitta dosha is best. Pitta dosha is highly aggravated in the afternoon so use of ghee whether internally or externally in pitta dosha must be in the afternoon, helps in pacifying pitta dosha due to its cooling effect. Vata dosha is aggravated on peak in the evening so use of ghrita in evening for vata dosha is much effective. Same as both pitta and vata dosha, kapha is more aggravated in the morning so ghee can be used in the morning to alleviate the kapha dosha symptoms. Health conditions in which ghrita is beneficial are anxiety, stress, sleep disturbances, digestive issues, nourishes all the seven dhatus (seven tissues of the body) and provides great immunity.
Method Of Preparation
- Take shatavari juice or decoction 256 parts, cow’s milk 256 parts, cow’s ghee 128 parts and jeevaka, rishbhaka, meda, mahameda, kakoli, kshir kakoli, munnaka, mulethi, mudgaparni, mashaparni, vidarikanda and lal chandan all 1 part and make kalka of these ingredients. Now mix shatavari juice or decoction, cow’s ghee, cow’s milk and kalka together and do ghrita paak (ingredients processed with ghee).
- When the above step is done then strain it and add mishri and honey into it in the quantity of 8 parts.
Medicinal Properties
Shatavari ghrit effectively acts as a great rejuvenator and aphrodisiac. As it possesses vata and pitta pacifying properties it helps in purifying blood, improves breast milk production, provides good vision, reduces abdominal tumours, relieves diarrhoea, useful in haemorrhoids and chronic respiratory issues. It also promotes good hormonal levels and prevents all types of health issues faced by women in accordance with hormonal imbalance. Regardless of all these properties it improves overall general health and helps in maintaining weight by nourishing seven dhatus (seven tissue components of the body). Especially due to its vata pacifying property it is quite helpful in calming the mind and easing the sleeping problems along with providing rid of anxiety and depression issues.
Dosha Karma (Effect on dosha)
It pacifies vata and pitta dosha and slightly induces kapha dosha.
3-6 gms by mixing along with honey or as prescribed by the physician.
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