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Parkin Capsule is a polyherbal Capsule formulation which is useful in Neurological Disorders. Neurological Disorders are the electrical abnormalities of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves. Nerves, Brain and Spinal Cord together make up the Nervous System which is a large burden on the health of individuals Worldwide. There are various specific causes of neurological disorders which may vary but they include Lifestyle, Malnutrition, Nerve Injury and gluten Sensitivity. Neurological disorders can be divided into 2 types- Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System. It includes various diseases such as Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s Disease and traumatic disorders such as Head trauma, many bacterial growths are also responsible for the various infections of the Nervous System. Millions of people are affected worldwide with Neurological disorders as 50 million are affected by Epilepsy and 47.5 million are affected with Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of Dementia which is seen in today’s day-to-day life. In this article, we will discuss the ingredients and description of Parkin Capsules in detail.


Parkin Capsules is a patent Ayurvedic formulation of Planet Ayurveda which is in the form of a Capsule made up of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) which is helpful in improving the neural coordination and has Balya Properties. These ingredients together are helpful in controlling the symptoms of neural health effectively. The herbal product is made by Planet Ayurveda and is 100% pure without any addition of chemicals, Additives and preservatives. Hence these Ayurvedic Herbal Capsules are a completely natural Product.


Sr. No. Indian Name Botanical Name Quantity
1. Kapikacchu Mucuna pruriens 450 mg
1. Ashwagandha Withania somnifera 50 mg

Parkin Capsule is an Ayurvedic product which is formed from the pure extracts of Ashwagandha and Kapikacchu. The best quality herbs are used in the production of these Capsules. The herbs are collected from the cleanest and are grown in the best soil at a suitable temperature. The product is made with as little human interference as possible to guarantee its cleanliness. We provide our customers with the highest quality products. The Regular usage of Parkin Capsules which manage the symptoms of Neural diseases effectively.

How Herbs Are Beneficial In This Formulation

These Products are made using pure Extracts of the following herbs-

  1. Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera): Ashwagandha is a potent Ayurvedic herb which is available in all parts of India on a large scale –
  2. Classical Reference – Bhav prakash Nighantu 180/181

    This Shloka indicates –


    • Balada
    • Kusthagandhini
    • Varad
    • Varahakarni
    • Vaji

    Physical Properties

    • Rasa – Katu (pungent), Tikta (Bitter) and Kashaya (Astringent)
    • Guna – Laghu (light), Snigdha (unctuous)
    • Virya – Hot (Ushna)
    • Vipaka – Katu (Pungent)
    • Prabhav – Tonic and Aphrodisiac
    • Effect on Tridoshas- Pacify Vata and Kapha

    Benefits Of Ashwagandha

    • It is helpful in providing nourishment to all Dhatus and the tissues.
    • Helpful in improving the strength and immunity of the body.
    • Improves the body mass.
    • Is considered a good nervine tonic which pacifies the nervous system as Ashwagandha contains Resperine which blocks the adrenergic neurotransmission pathway and thus reduces the sympathetic nervous activity.
    • Has Anti-inflammatory property which provides relief from swelling and pain and thus promotes healthy joints.
    • Useful in managing Insomnia and Various sleeping disorders.
  3. Kapikacchu (Mucuna Pruriens): Kaunch Beej is a seed of Kapikacchu. This herb is usually found in the regions of India, Southern Africa and Australia.
  4. Classical Reference – Bhav Prakash Nighantu 123-125

    This Shloka indicates –


    • Ajada
    • Kandura
    • Langali
    • Vrsya
    • Vyanga
    • Sukasimbi

    Physical Property

    • Rasa – Madhur (sweet), Tikta (bitter)
    • Guna – Guru (heavy), Snigdha (unctuous)
    • Virya – Ushna (Hot)
    • Vipaka – Madhur (Sweet)
    • Prabhava – Vrushya (Aphrodisiac)
    • Effect on Tridoshas – Balances all the Tridoshas of the body

    Benefits Of Kapikacchu

    • Balya – Increases the immunity and strength of the individual.
    • Supports the overall nervous health.
    • Kaunch Beej has Tryptophan which enhances the conduction of nerve impulses and relaxes the mind. Tryptophan also acts as a neurotransmitter which treats anxiety and Insomnia.
    • Kaunch Beej has Phenolic acid and flavonoids which act as a decongestant making breathing easy and enhancing the function of Lungs.
    • The beans contain Levo Dopa which is useful in treating Parkinson’s and various other neurological disorders.
    • It is rich in iron and calcium which balances the hormone level and promotes the production of Milk.

Product Information

  • Product form – Capsule form.
  • Package type – Bottle pack.
  • Package quantity – 60 Capsules.


  • Adults – 1-2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
  • Children – 1 Capsule per day with plain water after meals.

The natural herbal supplement has no side effects if it is used for a long period of time. It is absolutely safe and it can be used according to your choice.

Parts Used

  • Seed
  • Root
  • Pod Hair

What Are Parkin Capsules?

Parkin Capsule is a 100% pure extract formulation which is made from the pure standardised extract of Ashwagandha and Kapikachhu in the form of Capsules. It is prepared and collected from the safest and cleanest environment. The Processing and Packaging of these capsules are available to customers in its original form.

How Can I Use Parkin Capsules?

  • Parkin Capsules is easily available and it is a pure veggie formulation which is very easy to consume with water.
  • This natural herbal supplement causes no side effects on the body and the regular usage of this supplement is completely safe. The withdrawal of these capsules is completely safe as it will not cause any side effects.


There is no side effect after consuming this herbal supplement but Pregnant and Lactating women must take care before using these products as it must be under the strict supervision of Ayurvedic Experts. So, it will be better to consult with an Ayurveda Expert before consuming any Ayurvedic Products.

How Long Parkin Capsules Take Time To Show Results?

Parkin Capsules is a complete, pure herbal product which does not cause any side effects. The Proper and visible results can vary from patient to patient and the delayed results depend upon the certain medical condition as many factors such as Medical History, health factors and various metabolic disorders of the person play an important role.

These herbal Remedies are natural, Long-lasting supplements which show the immediate results of various pharmaceuticals. To get the best benefits, it is highly recommended to use this product frequently.

How Long The Bottle Of Parkin Capsules Will Last?

A Single bottle of Parkin Capsules contains 60 Herbal Capsules. This Bottle lasts for 15-30 days depending upon the dosage Prescribed by the Doctor. For best results, one can take these capsules regularly.

Advantages Of Using Parkin Capsules By Planet Ayurveda

  • Parkin Capsules is a natural herbal supplement which is manufactured using pure extract without any artificial colour or preservatives.
  • It is made using Pure Veggie Capsule composition which is plant-based cellulose.
  • The Products are pure vegetarian.
  • Do not contain any added preservatives, flavours, or fillers.


Parkin Capsules is a patent Ayurvedic formulation of Planet Ayurveda which is in the form of a Capsule made up of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) which is helpful in improving the neural coordination and has Balya Properties. Natural health benefits from employing Ayurvedic treatments can be achieved without negatively impacting key organs. Every medication produced by Planet Ayurveda is devoid of chemicals, starches, preservatives, and fillers.


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