This is an Ayurvedic oil formulation used in various skin problems. This oil is made from the extracts of Neem (Azadirachta indica). It is used in the treatment of various skin problems. This product has antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. These properties will help in fighting against skin infections. This product acts on skin problems without giving any kind of itching or any other side effects.
Sr. No. | Indian Name | Botanical Name |
1. | Neem | Azadirachta indica |
Description of The Ingredients
- Neem: This ingredient has laghu (light) property. It has tikta (bitter) and Kashay (Astringent) taste. Its Vipaka (Post digestion effect) is katu (Pungent) and sheet virya (cold potency). It is used in diseases like skin problems, diabetes, abscess, burning sensation, etc. it contains potassium margosate that is very helpful against skin disorders.
- Skin itching
- Burning skin
- Wounds
- Diabetes
- Skin inflammation
- Fever
- Malarial fever
- Syphilis
- Goiter
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Erysipelas
- Ringworm infection
- Urticaria
- Scabies
- Graying of hair
- Baldness
Apply locally on the affected area
- Use this oil under the advice of doctor
- Don’t use this oil on excess amount
This oil is very wonderful in providing relief in skin problems. This product is free from any kind of chemicals and additives. We all are aware of skin problems. Skin problems are also a concern from a cosmetic point of view. So it is very important to take care of skin without harming it further. For better and effective results you must use Neem oil from Planet Ayurveda.
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