Improper digestion is the main cause of many health related issues. If a person is having digestion related issues then his psychological condition also gets affected. Conditions like piles, gulma or worms in the GIT all these problems can cause much disturbance in the life of a person. These types of conditions have a cure in ayurveda by using many medications and one of the medicines which is helpful in treating it is kankayan vati which is a classical formulation and really effective for treating digestive tract disorders as it is said that “The greatest wealth is health” and our health start from our gut when our digestion is healthy we will be healthy.
Ingredients Used in Kankayan Vati
Each tablet is of 500 MG
Main Ingredient:-
Following are the ingredients in this formulation which are mentioned below:
- Shuddha hingu (Ferula asafoetida)
- Yavkshar (Hordeum vulgare)
- Amalvetas (Garcinia pedunculata)
- Karchur (Curcuma zedoaria)
- Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa)
- Dantimool (Baliospermum montanum)
- Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica)
- Arharmool (Cajanus cajan)
- Shunthi (Zingiber officinale)
- Vacha (Acorus calamus)
- Nishoth (Operculina turpethum)
- Ajmoda (Carum roxburghianum)
- Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi)
- Shwet jeera (White variety of Cuminum cyminum)
- Maricha (Piper nigrum)
- Dhaniya – Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
Ref. Ayurvedic Text – [ Bhaishajya ratnavali / Chapter of Gulma ]
Description Of The Ingredients
All the ingredients have a different way of action and different medicinal properties and in combination it produce certain medicinal properties and effects on the bodies according to the ingredients in it so it is important to know the medicinal properties of each ingredient which are mentioned below:
- Shuddha hingu (Ferula asafoetida): In ayurveda it has been classified in groups like deepniya (Herbs which improve digestion), shwasahara (Herbs which are useful in respiratory conditions), sanjanasthapan (Herbs which restore consciousness) etc. hingu has a pungent taste and light to digest so it will help in digestion related issues, and have an unctuous and piercing nature. Vipaka of hingu is pungent with the hot potency. It helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha also increases pitta dosha.
- Yavkshar (Hordeum vulgare): It is an alkali preparation with the yava which has sweet taste, dry and mridu (soft) in nature. Has a cold potency and yavakshara has pungent taste conversion after digestion. It has medicinal properties like kapha pitta hara (Pacifies kapha and pitta dosha), lekhaniya (Scrapping), medohara (Removes fat from body), Medhyavardhaka (Increases intelligence). It can be used in bloating, abdominal pain, malabsorption syndrome etc.
- Amalvetas (Garcinia pedunculata): Fruit of the amlavetasa is used for making this formulation, as its name suggests it has amla (Sour) taste and also taste conversion after digestion is sour. Amlavetas have hot potency and help in balancing the vata and kapha dosha and also increase the pitta dosha. It is very helpful in treating severe constipation, abdominal colic, cardiac disorders etc.
- Karchur (Curcuma zedoaria): Rhizome part of the is used for making this formulation, It has pungent, bitter and astringent in taste. Shati is light to digest and sharp in nature. After digestion it will undergo pungent taste conversion and potency of this herb is hot so will help in treating all the digestive disorders. It helps in reducing the vitiated kapha and vata dosha. It can be used in conditions like joint pain, IBS, diarrhea, and helps in treating the wounds.
- Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa): In ayurveda it has been classified in groups like shwasahara (Group of herbs treating asthma or dyspnea), hikkanigrahan (Herbs used to treat hiccups) etc. It has a bitter and pungent taste with properties like light to digest and strong and piercing in nature. Pushkarmoola has hot potency and undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. It helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha.
- Dantimool (Baliospermum montanum): Acharya charak has classified danti in subgroups which are bhedniya (Herbs help in pugation), mulini dravya (Herbs whose root part is mainly used). It is a pungent taste predominant and heavy to digest with strong and piercing nature. Danti balances kapha and pitta dosha in the body and prabhava (effect on the body) is purgative. It is helpful in treating the worm infestation, infected wounds, piles, abdominal colic and helps improve digestive strength.
- Chitrakmool (Plumbago zeylanica): This herb is known as a powerful digestive and carminative herb which can be used in various digestive disorders. Root of chitraka is used for making this formulation. Chitraka is deepniya (Digestive), shoolprashmana (Pain relieving), arshoghni (Treats piles), lekhaniya (Have scraping properties). Chitraka has a pungent taste and is hot in potency which balances vata and kapha dosha due to its hot property. It is useful in the intestinal worm infestation and it is grahi which means it absorbs excess amount of moisture from the intestines.
- Arharmool (Cajanus cajan): Its seeds are used which can be used in conditions like jaundice, stomach ache, diabetes mellitus, hemorrhoids, inflammation, wounds etc. It has medicinal properties like diuretic and sedative so it will help in eliminating the excess water from the body and due to sedative effect will calm down the brain and nervous system.
- Shunthi (Zingiber officinale): Wet rhizome of ginger is used for this formulation, it has pungent taste and is heavy to digest with strong and piercing nature. Vipaka of ginger is sweet with hot potency due to which it helps in balancing the kapha dosha. It is a very good deepan pachan agent that relieves anorexia. As it balances the kapha dosha so it will help in treating the disorders which are related to respiratory disorders.
- Vacha (Acorus calamus): Vacha in ayurveda has been classified under the subgroups like lekhniya (Herbs having scrapping effect), arshoghna (Herbs treating piles), asthapnopag (Herbs used in decoction enema), sheeta prashmana (Herbs used to relieve coldness). Vacha has a pungent and bitter taste with light and strong, piercing nature. It helps in balancing kapha and vata dosha due to the hot potency of vacha. It has a special effect on the body known as medhya (Improves intelligence).
- Nishoth (Operculina turpethum): This herb is used for the treatment of the kapha and pitta disorders and also it has a special effect on the body as it causes purgation. Trivrit has bitter and pungent taste and undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. It helps in losing weight and can be given in ascites. It is known as udavarta hara which means it relieves bloating, gas distension. It can also be used in treatment of hemorrhoids when administered with the triphala churna.
- Ajmoda (Carum roxburghianum): Ajmoda is light to digest, dry and piercing in nature so it can enter the deep tissues of the body. Ajmoda has a pungent and bitter taste with the pungent taste conversion after digestion. It helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha. It improves digestion strength, can cause mild burning sensation and helps in treating adhmana (Bloating, gaseous distension of abdomen) also anorexia.
- Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi): Ajmoda is light to digest, dry and piercing in nature so it can enter the deep tissues of the body. Ajmoda has a pungent and bitter taste with the pungent taste conversion after digestion. It helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha. It improves digestion strength, can cause mild burning sensation and helps in treating adhmana (Bloating, gaseous distension of abdomen) also anorexia.
- Shwet jeera (White variety of Cuminum cyminum): It is also classified under the group of herbs which helps in relieving abdominal pain (Shoolaprashmana), taste of ajaji is pungent and it is light to digest and drying in nature. Ajaji helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha while it increases the pitta dosha. Cumin improves the taste and digestive strength of a person. It acts as a natural aphrodisiac agent and carminative in nature. It improves strength and immunity of the person.
- Maricha (Piper nigrum): It has pungent taste, light, strong and piercing in nature also it is yogavahi means it enters the minute and deep channels of the body and undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. Potency of the marciha is hot and helps in balancing the kapha and vata dosha, increases the pitta dosha so it will be helpful in treating digestive tract disorders, intestinal worm infestation, It can relieve amenorrhoea and also in the management of obesity.
- Dhaniya-Coriander (Coriandrum sativum): Seeds of dhanyaka are astringent and bitter in taste, light in digestion, oily or unctuous in nature, it has sweet vipaka (Sweet taste conversion after digestion) and potency of dhanyak is hot which helps in balancing all the 3 doshas of the body. It improves digestive strength and improves taste so can be given in anorexia. It helps in relieving the burning sensation from the body.
Method Of Preparation
Following method of preparation is used in making the mentioned formulation;
- All the ingredients are taken except matulunga and they are grinded to form a fine powder. Powder of all these mixtures are mixed.
- Then in this mixture of powdered herbs, bhavna of matulunga swarasa is given till it becomes a paste-like consistency.
- Tablets of 1-1 gm are made and dried from this mixture.
Medicinal Properties
It has following medicinal properties mentioned below:
- It has hot potency
- Taste of this vati is katvamliya (pungent with sour taste)
- Smell of this formulation is hingu gandhi
- It acts as an anti-hemorrhoidal pill
- Appetizer
- Carminative
- Antispasmodic
- Digestive
- Anti-flatulent
Dosha Karma
- It helps in reducing kapha dosha, pacifying the vata dosha and increasing pitta dosha.
- Potency of the kankayan vati is ushna (Hot)
1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily or as directed by physician.
It can be taken with:
- Warm milk
- Ghee
- Gomutra
- Triphala decoction
- Madhya (Alcohol)
- Camel’s milk
Classical Indication
Classical it has been indicated in the following disorders:
- Gulma (Abdominal tumor)
- Arsh (Piles)
- Worm infestation
It can be indicated in the following disorders like:
- Piles which is not bleeding
- Severe constipation
- Loss of appetite and anorexia
- Pandu (Anemia)
- Bloating
- Flatulence
- Intestinal worm infestation
- Pain in the abdomen which is kapha or vata origin
- Feeling of the lump in the abdomen
Side Effects
- Dryness in the mouth
- Burning sensation in body or gut
- Vertigo or headache
- Sweating in excess
- Restlessness
Due to the following side effects it should only be taken after the advice of an expert ayurvedic doctor.
This is a medication which is easily available and can be used in treating many digestive tract disorders mainly the non bleeding piles. Kankayan vati is an classical ayurvedic formulation which is also provided by Planet Ayurveda and is made from the pure and authentic herbs and also following the authentic ways of manufacturing. It is free from any preservatives.
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