Jai mangal ras is an ayurvedic herbomineral preparation which means it is made using mineral compound and herbal decoction. It is in tablet form due to which it is easy to take and is very effective in treating every kind of fever which can be of acute, chronic, pyrexia of unknown origin, fever which has got its root in the tissues of the body. It is a classical formulation which has been time tested by the acharyas and then compiled in a book.
Ingredients used in Jai Mangal Ras
It is made using the following ingredients which are mentioned below:
Drava dravya : These are the herbs and minerals whose powder form or raw form is used in this formulation
- Hinguloth parada (Combination of mercury and sulfur)
- Shuddha gandhak (Purified sulfur)
- Shuddha suhaga (Purified borax)
- Tamra bhasama (Copper calx)
- Vang bhasma (Tin calx)
- Swarnamakshik bhasma (Copper pyrite calx)
- Saindhav namak (Himalayan pink salt)
- Marich (Piper nigrum)
- Swarna bhasma (Gold calx)
- Kanta Loha bhasma (Iron oxide calx)
- Rajat bhasma (Silver calx)
Kwath dravya : Thesis are the herbs whose decoction is made and used for making this formulation
- Datura patra swarasa (Datura stramonium)
- Nirgundi patra swarasa (Vitex negundo)
- Dashmool (Group of 10 herbs which are – Bilva, Agnimantha, shyonak, patla, Gambhari, Brihati, kantakari, Shalparni, Prishnaparni, Gokshura)
- Chirayata (Swertia chirata)
Ref. Ayurvedic Text – [ bhaishajya ratnavali: jwaradhikara:1043-1051 ]
Description of Used Ingredients in Jai Mangal Ras
Each ingredients have special qualities which helps in the combined effect of the medication:
- Hinguloth parada – Parada has rasayan qualities and helps in balancing all the three doshas of the body, It is used in the combination of mercury with sulfur which is known as the hingul and it can be converted in the powder form as pure mercury is in the liquid form. It is yogavahi which means it is able to go into the minute channels of the body and acts as a catalyst for other medications and herbs. It is helpful in digesting the aama dosha of the body which is also known as the toxins of the digestive system which are transported to the other parts of the body.
- Shuddha gandhak – Purified sulfur is used in this formulation and it has a pungent, bitter and astringent taste with flowy properties. Potency of the gandhak is hot and is helpful in digesting the ama dosha from the blood and purifies blood and it also acts as a rasayan (Rejuvenating agent) so can be used itching, skin disorders, in sepsis, emaciation, geriatric condition, fever. It is also said in ayurveda that there is no best compound other than sulfur in ayurveda in the group of uprasa.
- Suddha suhaga – It comes under the group of kshar varga so it is alkaline in taste and dry, sharp and heavy to digest. Potency of the suhaga is hot. It acts as a lekhniya agent so it will scrape out all the doshas which are collected in the channels. It can be used for purgation so will eliminate the toxins from the body. Suhaga is best expectorant, digestive fire stimulant, and also acts as a tissue rejuvenation compound. Can be used in the vata dosha disorders and also it is used in kidney stones and diarrhea.
- Tamra bhasma – Tamra bhasama is made from the copper by the process of purification. It is pungent, astringent, bitter and sweet in taste and sweet taste conversion after digestion. It has properties like light to digest and absorb so it will be fast acting, it is a digestive fire stimulant so it will be helpful in digesting the ama dosha (Accumulated toxins from the body). It can be given in fever, anemia pain and other digestive tract disorders.
- Vanga bhasam – Vanga bhasma is bitter, sour, pungent, and astringent in taste also it has some salty taste in it. It is dry in nature, cold and light to digest with flowy properties. Potency of the vanga is hot. It is used in various conditions like helps in increasing the digestive fire, helps in eliminating the fat from the body and helps in tissue rejuvenation of the body. It is very useful in treating pitta disorders so helpful in treating burning sensation of the body, poisoning, and increases intelligence. It is also helpful in eliminating the kapha dosha from the body.
- Swarna makshik bhasma – It is a medication which is prepared by the minerals like copper and iron pyrite. It is used in the treatment of many disorders like jaundice, acidity, bleeding piles, anemia, fever which can be chronic or acute. This bhasma is helpful in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha, so helpful in treating the disorders which originate due to the pitta and kapha origin.
- Saindhav namak – This is also known as the rock salt and it is helpful in deepana (Appetizer), pachan (Digestive), oily and emollient (Snighdha). It enhances the taste of the food and medication. Also saindhav is cooling in nature. It helps in balancing all the three doshas of the body. As it is deepan pachan so it will absorb the toxins (Ama) from the digestive tract and helps in treating the conditions arising from the ama dosha. It acts as an antacid due to which it helps in decreasing the acid production in the stomach.
- Marich – Maricha is pungent to taste, digested easily as it is light to digest, strong and piercing in nature also sookshma properties due to which it enters the minute channels of the body. Helps in improving the taste and relieving anorexia. It helps in decreasing the sputum production and acts as a deepan pachan agent. It is used in the treatment of recurrent fever. Due to its scraping effect it helps in cleaning the intestines. Peppercorns are used for making this formulation.
- Swarna bhasma – Swarna bhasma is made from the gold which is powdered and processed after which its particle size reduces and becomes in the colloidal form. Taste of the swarna bhasma is astringent, bitter and sweet in taste. It is heavy to digest, oily and slimy in nature with cold potency and sweet taste conversion after digestion. It is helpful in decreasing the aging process, increases prosperity and increases the glow and intelligence of a person. It has strong rejuvenating properties and treats disorders which are arising due to all three doshas.
- Kanta loh bhasma – This medication is best medication for the treatment of liver diseases, cramps in the muscles, acts as a painkiller, helps in increasing digestion and absorption of the ingested food. It contains agents which reduces the oxidative stress in the body though helps in modulating the immune system and treats immune disorders.
- Rajat bhasma – Silver calx is astringent and sour in taste, potency is cold and has a sweet taste conversion after digestion. It is a very effective scrapping effect, aphrodisiac effects. It is helpful in nourishing the brain and body of a person and increases the oaja of the body and helpful in improving the overall health of a person. It helps in eliminating the pitta dosha from the tissues of the body.
- Datura – Datura is a plant based poison but when used in limited quantities it has medicinal properties like digestive fire stimulants, increases the glow of the person. It has hemostatic properties and enhances the mood of the person. Increases the kapha and pitta dosha from the body so it can treat conditions like dyspnoea, cough, fever, psychosomatic disorders, skin diseases, itching on the skin also it is abhishyandi means blocks the channels of the body and digests the toxins of the body.
- Nirgundi – Nirgundi is classified in the group of herbs like vishghana (Eliminating the effects of poison), krimighna (Anti-worm group of herbs). Taste of nirgundi is pungent and bitter with the pungent taste conversion after digestion. Nirgundi is light to digest and causes dryness in the body. It balances the vata and kapha dosha in the body. It is helpful in treating skin disorders, anorexia, useful in ama digestion and carminative in nature. Leaves of the nirgundi plant are used for the making of this formulation.
- Dashamoola – In ayurveda dashamoola is the group of 10 herbs which is the combination of brihat panchmool and laghu panchmool which consist of bilva (Aegle Marmelos), Agnimantha (Premna Mucronata), Shyonak (Oroxylum Indicum), Patla (Stereospermum Suaveolens), Gambhari (Gmelina arborea), Brihati (Solanum indicum), Kantakari (Solanum Xanthocarpum), Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum),Prishnaparni (Uraria picta), gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) all these herbs are best for the treatment of the vata dosha and balances all the other doshas in the body. Provides the strength of the body and improves the functions of organs which are associated with the vata. Dashamoola has medicinal properties like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic and antioxidative actions. It is effective on the dhatus which are rasa (Plasma), mamsa (Muscle), asthi (Bones).
- Chirayata – Chirayata is helpful in pacifying the pitta and kapha dosha from the body and cools down the body. It is very helpful in the treatment of chronic fever and helps in reducing the inflammation from the body. Improves skin health, reduces excess sleepiness. Chirayata is very helpful in improving digestion and absorption of the body.
Method Of Preparation
Following method of preparation is used for making the jai mangal ras:
- First make the kajalli of parad and gandhak in a kharal (Mortar and pestle) and then all the other ingredients are put in this kajalli and then mixed for some time in this mixture.
- After that datura leaves juice, nirgundi juice, dashamoola decoction and chirayata decoction is put in this mixture
- 3-3 bhavnas are given from these juices and decoction one by one and after it becomes semi solid consistency then tablets are carved out from this mixture.
Medicinal Properties
Jai mangal ras has a bitter taste so it will help in treating the pitta related disorders and it has rasayan gandhi smell and tablets are of black color. It balances all the three doshas of the body. It helps in rejuvenating the tissues of the body so it will have a rejuvenating and anti-aging effect. It acts as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, also known as the best anti-pyretic. Jai mangal ras is digestive, carminative and helps in good assimilation of nutrients. Helps in treating the infection of the body. It helps in tissue rejuvenation and also helps in digesting the ama dosha from the body.
Dosha Karma
It helps in balancing all the three doshas but mainly pacifies pitta dosha.
It can be given in the dose of 125- 250 mg with cumin seeds or honey two times a day before or after food.
Classical Indications
In classical texts it is used to treat fever which can be acute or chronic and according to ayurveda 7 types of dhatugata jwara
Jai mangal ras is very useful in the treatment of the following disorders which are mentioned below:
- Fever (All types of chronic and acute fever)
- Dhatugata jwara
- Weakness
- Malaise
- Indigestion
- Clearing the channels of the body
- Low immunity
- Heart, brain and lungs disorders etc.
Side Effects
As this medication is a ras aushadhi preparation and contains heavy metals so it should be taken under the guidance of strict medical supervision. Overdose or taking this medication for a long time can cause gastritis, nausea and vomiting. It should be avoided by pregnant and lactating women.
Jai mangal ras is an ayurvedic classical medication which comes under the classical ayurvedic formulation and is very effective in treating the disorders which are due to increase of the pitta dosha and mainly in treating pyrexia. Jai mangal ras is provided by the Planet ayurveda and planet ayurveda’s jai mangal ras is pure and authentic also made with the authentic procedures and herbs.
Note :- This is pure classical Ayurvedic medicine and should be strictly consumed only after prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor and to be taken under medical supervision only.
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