Dhatri Loha


Size (Per Unit) : 20 Tablets
Dosage : 1-2 tablets with lukewarm water or as directed by the physician.


Ayurveda is a branch of ancient science that hides many secrets in it’s classical books. Dhatri loha is one of those secrets which are hidden in the Ayurvedic texts. It is a classical preparation which is available in the form of tablets and is indicated in many conditions which are related to the alimentary canal and is also effective in some metabolic conditions like anemia. The medicine is used more in north Indian Ayurvedic treatment and has amla as its main ingredient. In this article we will discuss dhatri loha in detail, including its indication, detailed explanation of ingredients along with its method of preparation.


Dhatri loha is explained along with its ingredients and method of preparation in bhaishajya ratnavali. In the classical textbook it is explained under shoolaroga adhikar chapter thirty verse 142-147. Along with ingredients and method of preparation its indication, its appearance after preparation, smell and taste is also mentioned which makes it easier to study this formulation in detail. There are two kinds of dhatri loha which are explained in bhaishajya ratnavali.

Classical Indication

  1. Ama dosha
  2. Digestion stimulant
  3. Amlapitta
  4. Eye health enhancement
  5. Palitghna


  1. Amla Powder (Powder of Emblica officinalis)- 375 gms
  2. Loha Bhasma (Calcined iron) – 187 gms
  3. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)-  92 gms
  4. Bhavna Dravya – Guduchi Swaras (Extract of Tinospora cordifolia)

Reference:- Bhaishajya Ratnavali

Description Of The Ingredients

  1. Amla Powder (Powder of Emblica officinalis) – The guna or qualities that amla bears are heaviness and coolant properties along with five tastes that are sour, bitter, astringent and pungent except salt. Sour is the dominant taste. It has madhura vipaka and sheeta potency. It is tridosha nashak and vata nashak by sour taste, pittanashak by madhur taste and sheeta potency and kapha naashak by ruksha property and kashay taste.  Mainly, it is pittanashak but also has tridosha ghana effect. If used externally it behaves as a refrigerant, is a known hair tonic and also enhances complexion. Internally, it strengthens the nervous system, bone marrow and sense organs. Amla also bears digestion enhancement properties and in large doses it is a laxative. In the reproductive system it has fantastic effects as it acts as an aphrodisiac and also has hemostatic properties. Generally, its leaves, fruit and leaf juice is used.
  2. Loha Bhasma (Calcined iron) – The loha is the key ingredient of loha bhasma and when it is used in purified and calcined form in Loha bhasma. Loha bhasma includes triphala as one of its ingredients which includes Terminelia chebula (Haritaki), Terminalia bellirica (Bibhitaki) and Emblica officinalis (Amalaki). The use of cow’s urine is also done in the preparation of this formulation along with above mentioned ingredients.  These works in a wonderful way and hence makes this formulation powerful enough potent to work on numerous conditions. Loha bhasma is even recommended for many respiratory conditions as well. Triphala in this formulation, as an ingredient, helps in clearing out endotoxins from the body and improves digestion. Thus combining these both makes a very good and potent formulation which can  be used in digestive problems, respiratory problems and circulatory conditions as well.
  3. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)–  Glycyrrhiza is the one whose roots are sweet and glabra is the one whose texture is smooth and hairless. Mulethi belongs to the leguminosae family and shimbi kula. The herb has inherited properties like guru (heavy) and snigdha (unctuous). Moreover, it also has madhur (sweet) vipaka and sheeta veerya. It has vatashaman effect due to guru guna, snigdha guna and madhur rasa. Also due to madhur rasa it has pittashamak effect. Glabra is helpful in disorders which are having predominance of  vata  and pitta. Externally, it is really helpful as an analgesic, has antiinflammatory properties and can be locally applied on ulcerated wounds. Madhuyashti is an antiemetic but can cause vomiting if taken in excess. Its local application also reduces burning.
  4. Guduchi Swaras (Extract of Tinospora cordifolia) – Guduchi, which is also called giloy, amruta,  vishalya, chakra lakshana and tandrika. It has inherited properties like laghu and snigdha, bears tikta and kashay taste. Its veerya is hot but generally acts as required in the body. It mainly has tridosha shamak and pitasarak effect on the body.  Guduchi is raktavahasri togami  and guduchi satva is  effective in cardiac debility, blood disorders, gout and anemia as well. It is effective in diabetes, urinary bladder disorders and is used in skin disorders like dermatoses. The herb has fantastic effect on almost all the metabolisms of the body hence is responsible for immunity enhancement.

Method Of Preparation

  • Amla powder, loha bhasma and mulethi should be  put in a mortar made up of stone and  mardan is done.
  • Then after mardan guduchi swaras bhavana is given for seven times.
  • These seven bhavna must be done in a total span of seven days. Giving one bhavna once a day.

Medicinal Properties

The formulation has many medicinal properties. Below are the following specific properties:

  1. Ama dosha is an accumulation of toxins in the body. This formulation helps in cleaning these endotoxins from the body.
  2. It stimulates digestion and enhances immunity by balancing all the three doshas in the body.
  3. The formulation is very good in increasing the amount of hemoglobin as it contains loha bhasma which has very impressive results in low blood Hb.
  4. Due to amalaki and guduchi it is very effective in amla pitta as it pacifies pitta very well and thus has a cooling effect on the body.
  5. As it contains amalaki, it is a very good source of vitamin C which makes a potent formulation to be used in eye health enhancement.
  6. In jaundice even the formulation has very good and effective results.


  • Improving eye health and effective in eye disorders
  • Helps in alimentary canal disorders
  • Manages jaundice
  • Endotoxin accumulation
  • Disturbed digestion


1-2 tablets (as per guided by physician) along with lukewarm water.


It is better to be avoided in pregnant females and children.


Dhatri loha as its name suggests has dhatri, also known as amla, as its main ingredient. The formulation is quite effective in managing symptoms related to gastrointestinal system, blood related disorders like anemia, reduces endotoxin accumulation and also manages jaundice. Moreover it also has importance in eye health maintenance. This formulation has a very good effect in maintaining the overall body’s immunity.

Note :- This is pure classical Ayurvedic medicine and should be strictly consumed only after prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor and to be taken under medical supervision only.


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