

Original price was: Rs.1,350.00.Current price is: Rs.1,215.00.



AT Complex Capsules are polyherbal Capsules which contain standardised extracts of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) and Amla (Emblica Officinalis). AT Complex Capsules are rich in Antioxidants so they prevent and reduce the risk of many health diseases such as Heart Diseases and various types of Cancer. Anti-oxidants are the compounds which slow down the damage which is caused by free radicals. All the free radicals are based on a single mechanism, which is electron hunger caused by an unpaired electron in the orbital which damages the biological molecules in many ways. These appear first by damaging the cells of the body and then further damaging tissues which further damages the entire body system. A very large number of antioxidants interfere with the functioning of the cells which disturbs the normal signalling and thus leads to various health issues such as Cancer, Vision Loss and other Chronic Conditions. It shows a great contribution to many inflammatory diseases such as Ischemic disease, Emphysema, Gastric Ulcers and Neurological disorders. Further in this article, we are going to discuss its Ingredients, various Uses and the description of each ingredient in detail.


AT Complex Capsules is a patent Ayurvedic formulation which is manufactured by Planet Ayurveda and is made of Rosehip Extract (Rosa Canina), Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica) and more which are helpful in reducing the formation of any kind of infection in the body and diminishes the various degenerative changes in the body. AT Complex Capsules are 100% pure and free from any kind of chemicals, additives and preservatives. These are a completely natural source which causes no side effects on the body.

Sr. No. Ingredients Latin Name Quantity
1. Rosehip extract Rosa canina 100mg
2. Moringa Moringa oleifera 100mg
3. Amla Phyllanthus emblica 200mg
4. Grapes Vitis vinifera 100mg

AT Complex Capsules are Pure Ayurvedic Products which are extracted from Amla, Grapes, Moringa and Rose Hip Extract. These Capsules use the best Quality herbs which are collected from the cleanest environment and grow in the best soil under suitable temperatures. It is made with very little interference from humans to maintain its cleanliness. Planet Ayurveda provides the highest quality products without any chemicals to customers.

Ingredients Description

1. Rose Hip

Rose Hip (Rosa canina) is commonly known as Dog Rose which is commonly found in Europe, Northwest Africa and Western Asia. It is a deciduous shrub whose flowers bloom in June-July with sweetened Flowers and are pale Pink in colour. The Extract of Rose Hip is rich in Antioxidants as it contains very high levels of Carotenoids, Polyphenols and Vitamins C and E.


  • Rose Hip has Anti-inflammatory properties as it contains Polyphenols which are believed to ease the inflammation and damage of joints
  • Has Anti-diabetic and Anti-Cancer Properties.
  • Rose Hip contains Flavonoids which are useful in trapping the radicals and stopping further chain reactions.
  • Rose Contains Carotenoids which are a natural pigment that plays an important role in the illness of the Brain. Beta Carotene is a  potent antioxidant and dietary precursor of vitamin A that may support the maintenance of cognitive function and mental wellness

2. Moringa (Moringa oleifera)

Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a very fast-growing tree which reaches a height of 10-12 metres, the fruits are three-sided which are brown in colour. Flowers on this tree begin to grow within six months. It is commonly known as Shigru or Drumstick, which is native to India and is found in Sub-Himalayan region


  • Moringa is rich in Antioxidants which are helpful in protecting the body from various infections and protecting it from free radicals.
  • The Leaves of Moringa contain Flavonoids and Phenolic acids which support Neuroprotective activities and maintain neurogenesis.
  • The Leaves of Moringa inhibit the proliferation of cells and stimulate Apoptosis.
  • Moringa contains Saponins which prevents the oxidation of lipids and enhances the ability to clear away the free radicals.
  • Moringa contains Glucosinolates which have neuroprotective activity and break into Isothiocyanates which are helpful in reducing neurodegenerative disease.

3. Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica)

Amla is known as Indian Gooseberry which is a deciduous tree commonly seen in Tropical and Southern Asia. This fruit is rich in Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and is usually spherical, green-yellow in colour. The branches are 10-20 cm long and the fruit is a rich source of fibre. Balances all the tridoshas from the body and cures various bleeding disorders in the body.


  • Amla has a Phyllantine constituent which is rich in antioxidants and thus has a cardioprotective activity.
  • Emblica is rich in Vitamin C which protects the neuron cells as it helps in protecting the myelin sheath and speeds the transmission of impulses.
  • Vitamin C protects from antioxidants which further damage Neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Amla has Rutin Constituent which is a natural pigment and is mainly associated with Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory activities.

4. Grapes (Vitis vinifera)

Grapes (Vitis vinifera) is a fruit which is growing in clusters found in the north temperate zones. The cultivation of grapes began 8000 years ago and can be crimson, black or green in colour. Anthocyanins are responsible for the purple colour of the grapes. The whole fruit or skin, leaves and seeds are usually used as the source of medicine.


  • Grapes are rich in antioxidants which protect the cells from oxidative stress which is linked to Heart disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Grapes have Melatonin, which is helpful in improving sleep.
  • Vitis contains Flavonoid which has neuroprotective effects on the brain and is helpful in neural dysfunction such as Cognitive and memory functions.
  • Contains Potassium which is helpful in balancing fluid in the body which is useful in lowering blood pressure.

Product Details

  • Product Form: Capsule form
  • Package Type: Bottled pack
  • Package Quantity: 60 Capsules


1-2 Capsules once or twice daily.

  • ADULTS – 1 to 2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals
  • CHILDREN – 1 Capsule per day with plain water after meals (under the supervision of an expert doctor)

These natural herbal supplements do not cause any side effects if they are used for a long period of time. It is absolutely safe and can be used according to your choice.

What Are At Complex?

AT Complex Capsules uses a 100% pure extract formulation which is made up of pure herbs such as Amla, Grapes and many more. The herbs which are used for the preparation of these capsules are collected from the safest and cleanest environment. These manufactured products do not cause any side effects to the patient as there is mixing of no chemicals, additives or preservatives. Hence the Ayurvedic capsules are a complete natural product.

How Can I Use At Complex Capsules?

  • AT Complex Capsules is easy to use capsules which are easily available in the pure veggie form and is easy to consume with water.
  • This natural supplement causes no side effects on the body and regular usage of this supplement is completely safe and will not cause any side effects.


AT Complex Capsules cause no side effects after consumption of this herbal supplement. But Pregnant and Lactating Women must take care before consuming these products and it must be under the Strict Supervision of Ayurvedic Experts. So, it will be better to consult with Experts before consuming any Products.

How Long At Complex Takes Time To Show Results?

AT Complex Capsules are complete, pure herbal supplements which will not cause any side effects. The results may vary from patient to patient and the results may get delayed due to various reasons or factors such as their Medical history and various metabolic disorders which play an important role in this problem.

The herbal supplement by Planet Ayurveda is natural, which shows the results and to get the best benefits of these products one must take these products regularly.

How Long The Bottle Of At Complex Last?

There are sixty herbal capsules in each bottle of AT Complex Capsules. This bottle lasts for fifteen to thirty days, depending on the doctor’s recommended dosage. You can take these capsules on a regular basis for optimal benefits.

Advantages Of Using At Complex Capsules By Planet Ayurveda

Apart from the numerous health advantages of this product, there exist additional aspects that render it superior to various other medications on the market for similar ailments.

Various Advantages Are As Follows

  • Hard gelatin and chemicals are not used in the production of the capsules.
  • The product has the best pricing and is of excellent quality.
  • The product is entirely natural and pure.
  • The product has no animal ingredients.
  • There are no negative consequences from the product.


The polyherbal AT Complex Capsules comprise standardised extracts of Amla (Emblica Officinalis) and Moringa (Moringa oleifera). Because AT Complex Capsules are high in antioxidants, they help prevent and lower the risk of a number of illnesses, including heart disease and some cancer types. The highest-quality herbs, picked from the purest surroundings and grown in the best soil at the right temperatures, are used in these capsules. We discussed the various benefits of using these capsules from planet ayurveda which will not cause any side effects.


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