Effective Herbs And Herbal Supplements
A loss of appetite can be due to many causes and it commonly occurs when you don’t feel hungry. There may be a loss of desire to eat and nausea at the time of eating. Digestion is the breakdown of food into smaller components which get absorbed into the bloodstream. The digested food gets broken and occurs in the gastrointestinal tract which gets broken into smaller molecules. In mammals, the process of digestion involves the intake of food through the mouth which is chewed between teeth and this is known as mastication. This food gets to travel down the pipe and reaches the stomach when gastric juices start to break the protein. The liver and Pancreas play an important role in digestion and after passing through small intestines the food moves into the large intestine which absorbs the remaining water and nutrients. When the process of digestion is impaired it leads to Dyspepsia, abdominal pain and loss of appetite. To Overcome this Planet Ayurveda formulated an Appetizer Care Pack which is helpful in this.
S. No. | Products | Quantity |
1 | Chitrakadi Vati | 1 Bottle (120 Tablets) |
2 | Livo Plan Syrup | 3 Bottles (200ml Each) |
3 | Lavan Bhaskar Churna | 2 Bottles (100gm Each) |
It is known as Anorexia which results in reduced appetite. Loss of Appetite is when you don’t feel hungry and have the desire to eat the food. Sometimes you may feel fatigued and will notice that the food doesn’t taste good when you try to eat. Appetite exists in all the higher forms and regulates the adequate intake of energy to maintain its metabolic needs. Appetite is regulated and the interplay between the digestive tract, adipose tissue and brain. When we lose the stored fat the body conserves the major energy and boosts the appetite which causes weight loss. The hypothalamus is part of the brain which regulates the human appetite. It affects the quality of life and the ability to do the various usual activities. If there is a loss of appetite then it can be related to weight loss and Malnutrition.
There may be a number of conditions which leads to decreased appetite. It can be due to various reasons such as-
- Bacteria and Virus – Loss of appetite can be due to various infections at any location-
- Upper respiratory infections
- Pneumonia
- Skin infections
- Meningitis
- Colitis
- Psychological Causes – There are various causes which lead to a decrease in appetite. Stress and depression are directly linked to decreased appetite. Anorexia Nervosa leads to malnutrition.
- Medical Conditions – Various medical conditions lead to a decrease in appetite-
- Chronic Liver disease
- Kidney Failure
- Hepatitis
- Hypothyroidism
- Heart Failure
- Physical Causes of Loss of Appetite – It includes-
- Pain
- Dehydration
- Tooth Pain
- Loss of reduction of taste
- Certain Medications for Loss of appetite
- Antibiotics
- Chemotherapy
- Opioids
- Digoxin
- Age – Loss of Appetite is more common in adults, it can be increased due to the use of medications.
- Digestive system
- Hormones
- Sense of taste and smell
- Ultrasound of abdomen
- Complete blood count
- Various tests for liver and kidney functions test
- CT Scan for the head, pelvis and abdomen region
- Eat small meals regularly throughout the day.
- Manages various illnesses and infections.
- Receive IV Nutrients which are liquid vitamins and minerals.
Ayurvedic Aspect
According to Ayurveda man is created on the basis of Panchmahabhoot (elements) which make nature. They are Prithvi (earth), Jala (Water), Teja (fire), Vayu (wind) and Akasha (Space). Air is represented within us in the form of Vata Doshas, The Fire is represented within in the form of Pitta and The Water is within in the form of Kapha. Fire (Agni) is the basic Essential part of Life. Broadly there are 2 types of Agni in the body and these are subclassified into 13 types- Macro-fire (Jatharagni) and Micro-fire (Subagni). The Bad habits of Ahara and Vihara and the suppression of Natural Urges, lead to Agnimandya and Ajirna.
Agni plays an essential role in the physiological functioning of the body. Acharya Charaka mentioned about 13 types of Agni which are Jatharagni- 1, Bhutagni-5 and Dhatu Agni- 7
Types of Agni and their functions and site of Action
- Jatharagni – Agni present in stomach and duodenum
- Bhutagni – 5 Basic elements
- Dhatwagni – 7 Agni and each is in the seven Dhatus (tissues)
Mandagni (dysfunctioning) of the Agni is one of the most important causes of the disease. The Agni is Paramsukshma and it transforms the food substances which can be easily assimilated by the body. AgniMandya in which the food is not properly digested due to the low power of jatharagni which results in low cellular immunity and there will formation of Ama which cannot be utilised as nutrition in the body. The cells cannot take up the nutrition and identify the nutrition as toxins and it fails to flush the toxins and waste product of digestion. This is known as Dhatugata Ama (cellular toxins). The improperly digested food is due to weak digestive fire and is improperly processed. This improper nutritive juice leads to improperly processed food which is known as Ama.
This Ama leads to multiple blocks which lead to a deficit of nutrients and get stuck to the channels which do not transport the material and fail to transport the essential nutrients for the formation of tissues and further leading to Vyadhi (disease).
Causes Of Agnimandya
- Excessive drinking of the fluids
- Eating junk food
- Drinking caffeinated drinks
- Taking incompatible foods
- Stress and Anger
In Ayurveda, Agnimandya occurs due to Nidana Sevana which causes DoshaPrakopa. This Prakupitadoshas vitiates the Dushyand and their Sammurchana which leads to the formation of various diseases. Due to the decrease in the level of Agni, there is the formation of Apachitahara Rasa which leads to Srotorodha and Amanirmiti.
Samprapti Ghataka
- Dosha – Tridoshas
- Dushya – Agni and Rasadhatu
- Srotas – Annavaha Srotas
- Adhisthana – Amashaya and Pakwashaya
- Sroto Dushti – Sanga
- Agni – Jatharagni
- Ama – Jatharagni Mandya janya
- Swabhava – Ashukari and Chirakari
- Sadhyaasadhyata – Sadya and Yapya
Symptoms Of Agnimandya
- Loss of appetite and heaviness in stomach and head
- Indigestion
- Pain in abdomen
- Vomiting and diarrhoea
- Sour burps
- Bloating and heaviness in the abdomen
Herbs Useful For Agnimandya
- CHITRAK – Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) is a powerful digestive and carminative herb which is helpful in indigestion and increases the appetite. It has anti-ageing properties so useful in improving the strength of digestion. Helpful in balancing Vata and Kapha doshas and helpful in boosting the immune system. Lower the level of cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties.
- MARICHA – (Black Pepper) Maricha (Piper nigrum) It is helpful in improving the function of the digestive system and balances the Vata and Kapha doshas. It has many medicinal properties such as it is anti-inflammatory and antipyretic in nature. Helpful in reducing stress and removing excess mucus from the body.
- KALMEGH – Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) is helpful in the treatment of liver diseases and in lack of appetite. Helpful in expelling out the vitiated Pitta. The liver secretes certain bile which purifies the blood and is helpful in the digestive process.
- DHANIYA – Dhaniya (Coriander sativum) is helpful in treating various ailments and has antioxidant properties and anthelmintic properties. Helpful in curing indigestion and treats various mouth ulcers. Maintains the stimulation of endocrine and lowers the pain.
Appetizer Care Pack
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP- Certified ayurvedic clinic which formulates various remedies to prevent multiple health issues and relieve the disease of the diseased person. All the formulations are free from any kind of additives, color and resins. These herbal remedies are 100% pure and formulated under the strict guidance of M.D Ayurvedic practitioners and cause no side effects. For the purpose of low appetite Planet Ayurveda provides an Appetiser Care Pack which is helpful in this which we will discuss further in the article in detail.
Products Description
1. Chitrakadi Vati
Chitrakadi Vati are herbal tablet formulations which are made by planet Ayurveda using various ingredients which are helpful in maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Various Ingredients of Chitrakadi Vati
- Chitrak – Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) is considered Rasayan. It is helpful in balancing Vata and Kapha doshas. Chitrak is useful in increasing appetite and stimulating the digestive system.
- Five Salts – Five Salt is helpful in imparting moistness to the body and increases digestion strength. Helpful in increasing the Pitta and Kapha doshas. Improves the taste of food and enhances the capacity of taste.
- Ginger – Ginger (Zingiber officinale) balances the Kapha doshas which are useful in maintaining digestive health. Is the best appetizer and improves the taste. Has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves abdominal colic pain.
- Black Pepper – Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) is helpful in removing toxins and entering into the deep minute body channels. Helpful in improving taste and relieves Anorexia. Increases digestion strength and has to scrape property which induces a cleansing effect.
- Pippali – Pippali (Long Pepper) is helpful in indigestion and is an anti-ageing spice. Balances Kapha and Vata doshas and improves the strength of digestion and causes purgation.
- Long Pepper Root – Long Pepper Root (Long Longum) is helpful in indigestion and in bloating. Is helpful in improving taste and relieves anorexia. Improves digestion strength and relieves Ama doshas. Relieves Gas and fullness of abdomen.
- Hingu – Hingu (Ferula asafoetida) is helpful in improving appetite and digestion. Pacify the Vata and Kapha doshas and stimulate the digestive fire and use it as an appetizer. Reduces the inflammation of the blood vessels.
- Chavya – Chavya (Piper chaba) is useful in treating indigestion and abdominal colic. It acts as an appetizer and balances Kapha and Vata doshas. Improves the strength of digestion and relieves bloating.
- Ajmoda – Ajmoda (Trachyspermum roxburghianum) is helpful in improving digestion strength. Improves the impaired digestive system and loss of appetite. Act as a cardiac tonic and strengthen the heart muscles.
Dosage – 1 tablet thrice daily with lukewarm water.
2. Livo Plan Syrup
Livo Plan Syrup are herbal syrup formulations which are made by planet Ayurveda using various ingredients and helpful in the detoxification of the liver.
Various Ingredients of Livo Plan Syrup
- Bhringraj – Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) rejuvenates memory and hair. Balances Vata and Kapha doshas. It is helpful in stimulating the digestive fire and is used as an appetizer. Act as a Rasayan and rejuvenates the body.
- Kalmegh – Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) is helpful in preventing damage to liver cells and enhancing the immune system and is helpful in the management of anorexia and in loss of appetite.
- Shyonak – Shoyonak (Oroxylum indicum) has anti-allergic properties and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Its leaves are helpful in increasing the appetite and useful in improving the taste.
- Rohitaka – Rohitaka (Tecomella undulata) is helpful in liver and spleen disorders. It undergoes a pungent taste after digestion so helpful in anorexia and thus increases appetite.
- Bhumi Amla – Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) is helpful in reducing Kapha and Pitta doshas. Act as an Appetizer and is antispasmodic in nature. Improves the taste and is beneficial for anorexia.
- Trayamana – Trayamana (Gentiana kurroo) is helpful in the treatment of wounds and in liver disorders. Is considered a blood purifier and treats indigestion and relieves abdominal pain.
- Patol – Patol (Trichosanthes dioica) is helpful in balancing Kapha and Pitta doshas and relieves excessive thirst. Improves the taste of the mouth and appetite. Helpful in managing digestion and relaxing skeletal muscle.
- Ghrit Kumari – Ghrit Kumari (Aloe barbadensis) has anti-inflammatory properties. Alkalizes the body and balances the production of acid thus treating constipation.
- Pitpapda – Pitpapda (Fumaria indica) has anti-allergic properties, is helpful in relieving burning sensations and is useful in anorexia.
- Sharpunkha – Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea) is helpful in the treatment of liver cirrhosis and splenomegaly. Balances Vata and Kapha doshas. Is helpful in resolving digestive disorders and provides relief from indigestion and heartburn.
- Dugdhapheni – Dugdhapheni (Taraxacum officinale) promotes healthy digestion and reduces the level of cholesterol. Helpful in treating jaundice and hepatitis.
- Kasni – Kasni (Cichorium intybus) has various nutritive properties and is helpful in managing constipation. Beneficial in the management of liver disorders and has antioxidant properties. Improves the metabolism by improving the digestive fire.
- Sugar Syrup – This is helpful in treating digestive disorders and promotes the proper digestion of starch and carbohydrates.
Dosage – 2 Teaspoons twice daily after meals.
3. Lavan Bhaskar Churna
Lavan Bhaskar Churna is a Polyherbal churna which is helpful in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It contains various ingredients which are made from pure herbs and are helpful in proper digestion.
Various Ingredients of Lavan Bhaskar Churna
- Pippali – Pippali (Piper longum) is helpful in heartburn and acidity. It is helpful in improving digestion strength and relieves Ama. Works as a Rejuvenative and has anti-ageing properties.
- PippaliMool – PippaliMool (Piper longum) is helpful in relieving inflammation and useful in improving appetite and relieving Flatulence. Maintains healthy metabolism and healthy digestion.
- Dhaniya – Dhaniya (Coriandrum sativum) is helpful in reducing inflammation and has a diuretic property which increases the frequency of urination. Useful in proper digestion and prevents diarrhoea.
- Syah Jeera – Syah Jeera (Carum carvi) is good for digestion as it has carminative properties. Beneficial for the respiratory system and improves the cardiovascular system and controls blood sugar levels.
- Saindhav Lavan (Himalayan Rock Salt) – Saindhav Lavan is effective in the treatment of Respiratory problems and in sinuses. Aids digestion and thus improves digestion strength and improves taste.
- Vida Lavana (Salt) – Vida Lavana is slightly alkaline in nature and is minute in nature which enters into the minute channels and is useful in improving digestion strength and in abdominal colic pain.
- Tejpatra – Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala) is helpful in treating dysmenorrhea and inflammation of the uterus. Improves the strength of the cardiac muscles and is light to digest.
- Talispatra – Talispatra (Abies webbiana) Is Helpful in balancing Vata and Kapha doshas. It is helpful in increasing appetite and removing toxins from the body.
- Nagkeshar – Nagkeshar (Mesua ferrea) is helpful in the process of indigestion and helpful in reducing the Ama due to its appetiser and digestive properties.
- Sovarchal Lavan (Salt) – Sovarchal Lavan is light to digest and useful in abdominal colic and relieves constipation. Treats chronic indigestion.
- Marich – Marich (Piper nigrum) is helpful in improving taste and anorexia. Increases digestion strength and decreases the production of sputum.
- Shwet Jeera – Shwet Jeera (Cuminum cyminum) Jeerna means indigestion so it is useful in digestive tract disorders and treats indigestion. Enhances appetite and improves immunity.
- Shunthi – Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) is helpful in constipation and useful in gastric ailments. Primarily useful in the treatment of digestive disorders and indigestion.
- Twak – Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanica) is helpful in balancing Vata and Kapha doshas. Removes acne and blackheads, aids digestion and lessens the inflammation which is caused due to indigestion.
- Badi Elaichi – Badi Elaichi (Amomum subulatum) removes the excess mucus and has inflammatory properties, improves appetite and controls the symptoms of asthma.
- Anardana – Anardana (Punica granatum) is a good natural cleanser and maintains a healthy immunity which is easily digested and absorbed by the body.
- Samudra Lavan – Samudra Lavan (Sea Salt) increases the digestion strength and improves the taste of food. Useful in relieving abdominal colic and does not cause a burning sensation in the stomach.
- Amalvetas – Amalvetas (Garcinia pedunculata) are helpful in improving digestion and have rich antioxidant properties. Relieves Ama doshas and improves the strength of digestion.
Dosage – ½ Teaspoon twice daily after meals.
A loss of appetite can be due to many causes and it commonly occurs when you don’t feel hungry. Digestion is the breakdown of food into smaller components which get absorbed into the bloodstream. It is known as Anorexia which results in reduced appetite. It affects the quality of life and the ability to do the various usual activities. If there is a loss of appetite then it can be related to weight loss and Malnutrition. The Bad habits of Ahara and Vihara and the suppression of Natural Urges, lead to Agnimandya and Ajirna. Mandagni (dysfunctioning) of the Agni is one of the most important causes of the disease. For this Planet, Ayurveda formulated an Appetizer Care Pack which will be helpful in this without causing any side effects.
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