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Effective herbs and herbal remedies for the management of Endometriosis

S. No. Products Quantity
1 Boswellia Curcumin 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
2 Female Health Support 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
3 Aloe Vitals 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
4 Shatavari Capsules 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
5 Pradrantak Churna 2 Packs (100 Gram Each)


The scientific explanation for endometriosis is that there is outgrowth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus that results in pelvic discomfort and pain. In layman terms, endometrium is the name of the tissue that lines the female reproductive organ Uterus. There are conditions when there is a chronic outgrowth of this tissue and it spreads to areas outside its uterine boundaries and into other nearby structures and organs. This condition causes pain and discomfort. The ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic cavity are the areas where the outgrowths are usually diagnosed in. Although cases of endometriosis in the vagina, vulva, rectum, and bladder have also been reported. In rare and more complex cases, there can be lung, brain, and skin involvement too.


The common causes identified that result in endometriosis are:

  • Irregular menstrual periods for as long period of time
  • Abnormal menstrual duration for more than 7 days duration
  • Too short menstrual periods with a cycle of less than 27 days
  • Pelvic chronic infections resulting in damage o pelvic cells
  • Family history of mother or grandmother having endometriosis
  • Hormonal imbalances in some women may lead to the chronic condition
  • Genetic mutations
  • Sometimes endometrial tissues passes out through he lymphatic’s and reached the skin or the lungs



The ingredients used to prepare this herbal mixture are:


Shallakai is an Ayurvedic plant that contains anti-inflammatory terpenoids called boswellic acids. It is found throughout India and used for many herbal preparations. Shallaki extract is a powder extract of the gum of shallaki tree and has mixture of boswellic acids that is used in many inflammatory conditions like osteoarthritis, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spine, rheumatoid arthritis etc. shallaki is well known for its actions. It suppresses the growth of inflamed tissues as well as preventing the breakdown of the surrounding connective tissues. It is used in many other health issues like diabetes, asthma, skin diseases, ulcerative colitis, abdominal pain, fever, tumors, neuromuscular and cardiovascular disorders.


Turmeric, derived from the plant curcuma longa. It is a gold colored spice commonly used in many Indian curries. Curcumin (curcuminoids that are polyphenols) gives the yellow color to the turmeric that belongs to the gingiber family. Curcumin is responsible for yellow color that is used for food coloring also. Curcumin is best known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anticancer properties and used in various health problems. Since the time of Ayurveda, numerous therapeutic activities have been assigned to turmeric for a wide variety of conditions and diseases including those of pains, wounds, sprains, and acne, and skin, pulmonary and gastrointestinal systems. It has strong antioxidant that removes toxins from the body.

Dosage – 2 capsules twice daily after meals with warm water.

2. Female Health Support


  • It enhances the libido in females, promoting the release of sex related hormones and thereby increasing the female’s interest in her partner and thereby improving their sexual life.
  • The action of Shatavari herb is natural and it increases the sexual activity in a natural way.
  • It has no side effects or habit forming effects as it enhances the libido in a natural, herbal way.
  • Along with these it has wonderful effects on menopausal women. It helps reduce hot flushes and mood swings.
  • Its actions on the gastrointestinal tract help reduce heartburn, general debility, IBS and diarrhea.


  • Its bark is very beneficial to manage menstrual disturbances.
  • It can regulate the female menstrual cycle.
  • Relieves menstrual pain
  • Pre-menstrual tension can be relieved using Ashoka
  • Works very well on female hormonal system.


  • It has a big tree bark that acts as an astringent.
  • It is commonly used in leucorrhea that is the excessive discharge from the vagina.
  • Lodhra works well in case of excessive menstruation, painful menstruation and delayed menstruation.

Dosage – 2 capsules twice daily after meals with warm water.


  • Aloe has been used in several skin care products. It helps in rejuvenating the skin making it shiny and strong. It prevents wrinkles, clears blemishes and prevents aging marks.
  • Herbs and herbal formulations which contain Aloe barbadensis reduces skin inflammation effectively.
  • In hair care products aloe is used to repair for dull and dry hair. It forms an important part of several hair conditioners and shampoos.
  • Aloe extract is useful in managing hypertension and improves the condition of blood vessels.
  • It has abundant antioxidant properties and effectively eliminates toxins from the body.
  • Regular usage of Aloe juice decreases the incidence of acid reflux. Planet Ayurveda’s Kumari Saar is another product which is pure Juice of Aloe vera gel. It does not contain a single drop of water.
  • It has adaptogenic properties and enhances immune capacity of the body.
  • It helps to overcome high blood pressure and respiration problems.

Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily after meals with warm water.

4. Shatavari capsules

These capsules are prepared from the standardized extract of herb Shatavari (Asparagus recemosus). It is a quite famous herb in Ayurveda to treat the endometriosis. It is contains Isoflavones, Asparagamine, Polysaccharides, mucilage and rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron and folic acid. Being packed with all these minerals and vitamin it works like a wonder to manage various gynecological problems in females. It is quite effective to manage the menstrual irregularities in women like heavy blood flow and amenorrhea.

Dosage – 2 capsules twice daily after meals with warm water.

5. Pradrantak churna

  • Terminalia Arjuna (Arjuna): The herb on a whole is useful as a cardio protective and cardio tonic in angina and poor coronary circulation. It is useful as a diuretic in cirrhosis of liver. It helps to cause relief in hypertension.
  • Symplocus racemosa (Lodhra): Lodh Tree bark traditionally used as a uterine tonic. It helps to control bleeding and digestive disorders. It helps in marinating optimum health in women. It is beneficial in managing gynecological conditions.
  • Saraca indica (Ashok): It helps to relieve menstrual pains in women; it allows women to be feminine. It also helps to reduce PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome).
  • Ficus glomerata (Udumbur): The tender leaf buds of Udumbur are applied on the skin, in the form of paste, to improve the complexion; the leaves can be used in washing the wounds for better cleansing and healing.

Dosage – 1 teaspoonful, two times in a day with warm water after meals.

HOW CAN OUR Endometriosis Care Pack HELPS YOU?

Ayurveda is nature’s gift to abundant health problems. Its natural herbs help relieve us of our health and medical conditions in a natural and healthy way. These herbs bring with them the inherent powers of nature to improve the immune system and help recover the body of all its ailments. The Ayurvedic principle works on the inherent powers of the herbs that have the ability to bring the three vital energies back into harmony. The restoration of balance of energies leads to proper functioning of the body system and the improvement in the working of the female reproductive system too.

Our Endometriosis Care Pack is a complete solution to all the types of problems related to abnormal growth and hormonal imbalances in the uterus. It has the perfect mixture of the effective herbs described in Ayurveda as the best anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic herbs. Any Additional unwanted tissue growths are unnatural and herbal formulations of Ayurveda have it in their roots to curb this growth.

We at Planet Ayurveda offer you a wide range of herbal supplements that take care of your health and life. Our formulations are 100% herbal and prepared after passing through a series of effective and stringent tests that assure their quality. We put in our best efforts to bring to you the best of herbs in their purest form. Our products are prepared under completely hygienic environments and the pass quality check before they reach you.